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stouset committed May 7, 2018
1 parent 9942546 commit 09b1b17
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Showing 20 changed files with 747 additions and 46 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
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language: rust

- stable
- beta
- nightly

- cargo build
- cargo test
- 'if [[ "${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION}" = "nightly" ]]; then cargo install --force clippy; fi'
- 'if [[ "${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION}" = "nightly" ]]; then cargo clippy; fi'

cache: cargo

- rust: nightly
fast_finish: true
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Serious about security

Square recognizes the important contributions the security research community
can make. We therefore encourage reporting security issues with the code
contained in this repository.

If you believe you have discovered a security vulnerability, please follow the
guidelines at <>.
225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions
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[![Build Status](](

`sudo_pair` is a [plugin for sudo][sudo_plugin_man] that requires another
human to approve and monitor privileged sudo sessions.

<p align="center">
<img width="982" alt="a demonstrated sudo_pair session" src="">

## About

`sudo` is used by engineers daily to run commands as privileged users.
But on some sensitive systems, you really want to ensure that no
individual can act entirely autonomously. At Square, this includes
applications that manage our internal access-control systems, store
accounting ledgers, or even move around real money. This plugin allows
us to ensure that no user can act entirely on their own authority within
these systems.

This plugin and its components are still in prerelease, as we want to
get feedback from the open-source community before officially releasing

## Installation

### WARNING: Misconfiguring sudo can lock you out of your machine. Test this in a throwaway environment.

For now, `sudo_pair` must be compiled from source. It is a standard
Rust project, and the following should suffice to build it on any recent
version of Rust:

git clone
cd sudo_pair
cargo build --release

Once built, the plugin itself will need to be installed in a place where
`sudo` can find it. Generally this is under `/usr/libexec/sudo` (on
macOS hosts it's `/usr/local/libexec/sudo`). An appropriate approval
script must be installed into the `PATH`. A directory must be created
for `sudo_pair` to manage the sockets it uses for communication between
plugin and client. And finally, `sudo` must be configured to load and
use the plugin.

# WARNING: these files may not be set up in a way that is suitable
# for your system. Proceed only on a throwaway host.

# install the plugin shared library
install -o root -g root -m 0644 ./target/release/libsudopair.dylib /usr/libexec/sudo

# create a socket directory
install -o root -g root -m 0644 -d /var/run/sudo_pair

# install the approval script; as currently configured, it denies access
# to users approving their own sudo session and may lock you out
install -o root -g root -m 0755 ./sample/bin/sudo_approve /usr/bin/sudo_approve

# your `/etc/sudo.conf` may already have entries necessary for sudo to
# function correctly; if this is the case, the two files will need to be
# merged
install -o root -g root -m 0644 ./sample/etc/sudo.conf /etc/sudo.conf

## Configuration

The plugin can be provided several options to modify its behavior. These
options are provided to the plugin by adding them to the end of the
`Plugin` line in `/etc/sudo.conf`.


Plugin sudo_pair socket_dir=/var/tmp/sudo_pair gids_exempted=42,109

The full list of options are as follows:

* `binary_path` (default: `/usr/bin/sudo_approve`)

This is the location of the approval binary. The approval command itself needs to run under the privileges of the destination user or group, and this is done so using sudo, so it must be exempted from requiring its own pair approval.

* `user_prompt_path` (default: `/etc/sudo_pair.prompt.user`)

This is the location of the prompt template to display to the user invoking sudo; if no template is found at this location, an extremely minimal default will be printed. See the [Prompts][#prompts] section for more details.

* `pair_prompt_path` (default: `/etc/sudo_pair.prompt.pair`)

This is the location of the prompt template to display to the user being asked to approve the sudo session; if no template is found at this location, an extremely minimal default will be printed. See the [Prompts][#prompts] section for more details.

* `socket_dir` (default: `/var/run/sudo_pair`)

This is the path where this plugin will store sockets for sessions that are pending approval. This directory must be owned by root and only writable by root, or the plugin will abort.

* `gids_enforced` (default: `0`)

This is a comma-separated list of gids that sudo_pair will gate access to. If a user is `sudo`ing to a user that is a member of one of these groups, they will be required to have a pair approve their session.

* `gids_exempted` (default: none)

This is a comma-separated list of gids whose users will be exempted from the requirements of sudo_pair. Note that this is not the opposite of the `gids_enforced` flag. Whereas `gids_enforced` gates access *to* groups, `gids_exempted` exempts users sudoing *from* groups. For instance, this setting can be used to ensure that oncall sysadmins can respond to outages without needing to find a pair.

Note that root is *always* exempt.

## Prompts

This plugin allows you to configure the prompts that are displayed to
both users being asked to find a pair and users being asked to approve
another user's `sudo` session. If prompts aren't
[configured](#configuration) (or can't be found on the filesystem),
extremely minimal ones are provided as a default.

The contents of the prompt files are raw bytes that should be printed to
the user's terminal. This allows fun things like terminal processing of
ANSI escape codes for coloration, resizing terminals, and setting window
titles, all of which are (ab)used in the sample prompts provided.

These prompts also [implement](src/ a simple `%`-escaped
templating language. Any known directive preceded by a `%` character is
replaced by an expansion, and anything else is treated as a literal
(e.g., `%%` is a literal `%`, and `%a` is a literal `a`).

Available expansions:

* `%b`: the name of the appoval _b_inary
* `%B`: the full path to the approval _B_inary
* `%C`: the full _C_ommand `sudo` was invoked as (recreated as best-effort)
* `%d`: the cw_d_ of the command being run under `sudo`
* `%h`: the _h_ostname of the machine `sudo` is being executed on
* `%H`: the _H_eight of the invoking user's terminal, in rows
* `%g`: the real _g_id of the user invoking `sudo`
* `%p`: the _p_id of this `sudo` process
* `%u`: the real _u_id of the user invoking `sudo`
* `%U`: the _U_sername of the user running `sudo`
* `%W`: the _W_idth of the invoking user's terminal, in columns

## Approval Scripts

The [provided approval script](sample/bin/sudo_approve) is just a small
(but complete) example. As much functionality as possible has been moved
into the plugin, with one (important, temporary) exception: currently,
the script must verify that the user approving a `sudo` session is not
the user who is requesting the session.

Other than that, the only thing required of the "protocol" is to:

* connect to a socket (as either the user or group being `sudo`ed to)
* wire up the socket's input and output to the user's STDIN and STDOUT
* send a `y` to approve, or anything else to decline
* close the socket to terminate the session

As it turns out, you can pretty much just do this with `socat`:

socat STDIO /path/to/socket

The script incldued with this project isn't much more than this. It
performs a few extra niceties (implicitly `sudo`s if necessary, turns
off terminal echo, disables Ctrl-C, and kills the session on Ctrl-D),
but not much more. Ctrl-C was disabled so a user who's forgotten that
this is terminal is being used to monitor another user's session doesn't
instinctively kill it with Ctrl-C.

## Security Model

This plugin allows users to `sudo -u ${user}` to become a user or
`sudo -g ${group}` to gain an additional group.

When a user does this, a socket is created that is owned and only
writable by `${user}` (or `${group}`). To approve, that `${user}` (or
someone in the `${group}`) must connect to this socket. The provided
approval script checks if the invoking user has write access to the
socket. If not, it also does a `sudo -u ${user}` (or `sudo -g ${group}`)
and reruns itself (this is exempt from any pairing requirements).

As a result, the only people who can approve a `sudo` session to a user
or group must *also* be able to `sudo` as that user or group.

Due to limitations of the POSIX filesystem permission model, a user may
sudo to a new user (and gain its groups) or sudo to a new group
(preserving their current user), but not both simultaneously.

## Project Layout

This project is composed of three Rust crates:

* [`sudo_plugin-sys`](sudo_plugin-sys): raw Rust FFI bindings to the [`sudo_plugin(8)`](sudo_plugin_man) interface
* [`sudo_plugin`](sudo_plugin): a set of Rust structs and macros to simplify writing plugins
* [`sudo_pair`](sudo_pair): the implementation of this plugin

## Dependencies

Given the security-sensitive nature of this project, it is an explicit
goal to have a minimal set of dependencies. Currently, those are:

* [rust-lang/libc](libc)
* [rust-lang-nursery/rust-bindgen](bindgen)
* [rust-lang-nursery/error-chain](error-chain)

## Contributions

Contributions are welcome! This project should hopefully be small
(~500loc for the plugin itself, ~1kloc for the wrappers around writing
plugins) and well-documented enough for others to participate without

Pick a [TODO](sudo_pair/src/ and get started!

## License

`sudo_pair` is distributed under the terms of both the Apache License
(Version 2.0).


Binary file added demo.gif
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions sample/bin/sudo_approve
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2018 Square Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.

set -o errexit # quit on first error
set -o pipefail # quit on failures in pipes
set -o nounset # quit on unset variables

[[ ${TRACE:-} ]] && set -o xtrace # output subcommands if TRACE is set

declare -r SUDO_SOCKET_PATH="/var/run/sudo_pair"

pair() {
declare -r socket="${1}"

# restore TTY settings on exit
# shellcheck disable=SC2064
trap "stty $(stty -g)" EXIT

# disable line-buffering and local echo, so the pairer doesn't
# get confused that their typing in the shell isn't doing
# anything
stty cbreak -echo

# send SIGINT on Ctrl-D
stty intr "^D"


# prompt the user to approve
socat STDIO unix-connect:"${socket}"

usage() {
echo "Usage: $(basename -- "$0") uid pid"
exit 1

main() {
declare -r socket_path="${1}"
declare -ri uid="${2}"
declare -ri pid="${3}"

# if we're running this under `sudo`, we want to know the original
# user's `uid` from `SUDO_UID`; if not, it's jsut their normal `uid`
declare -i ruid
ruid="${SUDO_UID:-$(id -u)}"
declare -r ruid

declare -r socket="${socket_path}/${uid}.${pid}.sock"

declare -i socket_uid socket_gid
socket_uid="$(stat -c '%u' "${socket}")"
socket_gid="$(stat -c '%g' "${socket}")"
declare -r socket_uid socket_gid

declare socket_user socket_group socket_mode
socket_user="$(getent passwd "${socket_uid}" | cut -d: -f1)"
socket_group="$(getent group "${socket_gid}" | cut -d: -f1)"
socket_mode="$(stat -c '%a' "${socket}")"
declare -r socket_user socket_group socket_mode

# if the user approving the command is the same as the user who
# invoked `sudo` in the first place, abort
# another option would be to allow the session, but log it in a way
# that it immediately pages oncall security engineers; such an
# approach is useful in production systems in that it allows for a
# in-case-of-fire-break-glass workaround so engineers can respond to
# a outage in the middle of the night
# this responsibility will be moved into the plugin itself when time
# allots
if [[ "${uid}" -eq "${ruid}" ]]; then
echo "Users may not approve their own sudo session"
exit 1

# if we can write: pair
# if user-owner can write: sudo to them and try again
# if group-owner can write: sudo to them and try again
# if none, die
if [ -w "${socket}" ]; then
pair "${socket}"
elif [[ $(( 8#${socket_mode} & 8#200 )) -ne 0 ]]; then
sudo -u "${socket_user}" "${0}" "${uid}" "${pid}"
elif [[ $(( 8#${socket_mode} & 8#020 )) -ne 0 ]]; then
sudo -g "${socket_group}" "${0}" "${uid}" "${pid}"
echo "The socket for this sudo session is neither user- nor group-writable."
exit 2

case "$#" in
2) main "${SUDO_SOCKET_PATH}" "$1" "$2" ;;
*) usage ;;
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions sample/etc/sudo.conf
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# `sudo_pair` is the name of the plugin's entry point inside of the
# shared object and should not be changed.
# `` is the name of the plugin's shared library, relative
# to sudo's plugin directory (typically `/usr/libexec/sudo` or
# `/usr/local/libexec/sudo`).
# Following these two required entries is the list of plugin-specific
# options. These options are documented in the project README.
Plugin sudo_pair
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions sample/etc/sudo.prompt.pair
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]0;squdo: <%U@%h:%d $ > %C[8;%H;%WtYou have been asked to approve and monitor the following squdo session:

<%U@%h:%d $ > %C

Once approved, this terminal will mirror all output from the active squdo session until its completion.

Closing this terminal, losing your network connection to this host, or explicitly ending the session by typing <Ctrl-D> will cause the command being run under elevated privileges to terminate immediately.

Approve? y/n [n]:
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions sample/etc/sudo.prompt.user
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Due to security and compliance requirements, this `squdo` session will require approval and monitoring from another engineer. When finished, this session will be archived permanently for later retrieval and analysis.

To continue, another engineer must run:

ssh -t '%h' 'sh -l -c "%b %u %p"'

If a suitable engineer is not available and you have an immediate and urgent need to run this command (e.g., a payments outage or other serious system issue), you may run the above command to approve your own session. Note that doing so will immediately page an oncall security engineer, so this capability should only be used in the event of an emergency.

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