Welcome to Timepulse, your ultimate destination for conquering the world of time series data with unprecedented ease and efficiency.
- Installation Magic
- Journey into the Time Dimension
- Spellbinding Features
- Contribute to the Time Nexus
- License
- Credits: Makers of Timepulse
To summon the might of Timepulse into your realm, a simple pip command shall suffice:
pip install timepulse
Witness the seamless integration of temporal mastery into your coding sanctum!
Embark on an odyssey through time as you harness the Timepulse magic. Transform raw time series data into insights that transcend the ordinary. Your code, now a symphony of temporal brilliance!
from timepulse.models.nn import MultivariateDenseWrapper
from timepulse.utils.models import run_model
y_pred, result_metrics = run_model(model_instance, X_train.values, y_train, X_val.values, y_val, verbose=0)
[ 8287547.5 10593171. 12349981. 13229407. 10743349. 8585146.
7701900. 6690604.5 6193717.5 5999759. 5651086.5 5573535.5
9689985. 12014953. 14384974. 14222123. ],
{'mae': 452268.53, 'mse': 452862200000.0, 'rmse': 672950.4, 'mape': 4.8490524, 'smape': 10.239903, 'mase': 0.31943747, 'r2_score': 0.94421965}
- Temporal Alchemy: Shape time series data effortlessly.
- Predictive Sorcery: Unlock the future with powerful modeling.
- Intuitive Elixir: Simplify complexities with an enchantingly user-friendly interface.
Timepulse was conjured into existence by the brilliant minds at Squaredev. Their dedication to temporal excellence knows no bounds.
Embark on a journey with Timepulse – where time meets brilliance, and magic unfolds! ✨🕰️🚀