- Added support for IPV6, HopByHop, ICMPv6 and ARP
- Added WEB interface via web socket
- Changed structure for packaging Protocols by level of hierarchy
- Added filter per IP protocol version
- Added reading per file
Comnado filter:
sniffer.py --filter [ipv4, ipv6]
This command tells the program which packets to fetch. If no filter the captured packets will be IPv4.
Command server:
sniffer.py --server
This command initializes the local server, thus allowing the view in the browser captured packet information. This information is displayed in real time and displays all available information from the filtered packet. To access the preview page, if you type in the address bar of the localhost browser: 8081.
Command file:
sniffer.py --file filename
This command loads the ".pcap" file. The path of the file should be is in the same directory as the sniffer.py file.