A game of trust in an environment of no trust. Bring your own trust: BYOT.
- initialize: all players are randomly placed on the board with 3 lives and 0 APs.
- every epoch (24 hours) every player is given an AP.
- APs can be spent whenever you like in the following ways:
- Move to an adjacent square (1 AP)
- Shoot a tank within range (1 AP). Removes 1 heart.
- Buy a heart (1 AP)
- Upgrade your range (3 APs)
- Tanks can shoot or trade with any other tanks that are in range
- Initially, all tanks have range of 2.
- Player are dead whenever they are shot with 0 hearts.
- The player who lays the killing blow is takes all the APs
- players can send hearts or APs as gifts to anyone in range
- Dead players can be revived by someone who sends them a heart (they will have 1 heart and 0 AP)
- not sure how range impacts this (do they have to be in range of their death? probably)
- once a day a heart spawns randomly on the field, whoever goes to that square earns a heart
- dead players form a jury
- once per epoch, the jury decides which player to "curse" which prevents them from earning an AP that day
- sophisticated actors can put in all their actions before humans have time to react
- either allow this to become a mev game
- or put a timer in where there is only one global action allowed per 5 mins or something
- action points are supposed to be secret
- on-chain privacy stuff, could do a tornado style pool
The primary game mechanic is trust and deceit. This is an experiment to see how the infrastructure of trustless blockchains can help players coordinate in ways that are not possible in the real world.
When joining players are randomly placed on the board with 3 lives and 1 action point (AP). They must pay the entry fee if there is one (configurable).
Every epoch (30 min default, configurable) every player is given an AP.
APs can be spent at any time in the following ways:
- Move to an adjacent hexagon (1 AP)
- Shoot a tank within range (1 AP). Removes 1 heart.
- Upgrade your range (the cost of the upgrade is equal to the new perimeter of the range plus 10%)
Tanks can shoot or trade with (give APs or hearts) any other tanks that are in range
Initially, all tanks have range of 3 (configurable).
Player are dead whenever they have 0 hearts.
Dead players can be revived by someone who sends them a heart (they do not accumulate APs during the time they are dead)
once a day a heart spawns randomly on the field, whoever goes to that square earns a heart
Dead players form a "cursing jury" who can vote on who to curse (take ap) once per epoch
- Where do we launch?
- Run this on testne?
- Clean up the botkit
- build the merkle root
- decide board size
- frontend for the factory?
- centering the images in the tiles
- write some rules, put them somewhere on the frontend