This is a hacker news clone using React with Server Side Rendering. Chart represents the vote count of news feeds.
Demo: hacker-news-clone
git clone
cd react-hacker-news
npm i
npm run dev
Express for server setup
Redux for Store Management
Babel for transpiling
Webpack for bundling
Nodemon as watcher
Native fetch API for ajax calls
Redux-thunk as middleware
Used API service
Localstorage for storing hide and upvote status
Prettier standard eslint rules
For plotting the chart, react-chartjs-2 has been used which is a wrapper around Chart.js library
Browser requests web page -> Browser requests JS File -> React App boots on client -> Client app requests data from API -> Users sees content
Browser requests web page -> Loads React App in Node env -> Client app requests data from API -> Render App -> Generate HTML -> Users sees content -> Client bundle is fetched and HTML boots into an App
- client.js is the entry point for client side rendered app
- rendered.js is the entry point for server side render app
- Client app user BrowserRouter while the server side app uses StaticRouter as route wrapper
npm test
- Triggers Auto-Build with Travis-CI (continuous integration) from master.
- Auto Deployment to Heroku on successful build.
- High Accessibility score
- High SEO score
- Zero Accessibility Error using WAVE tool (Chrome Extension)
- Performance
- Mobile style fixes
- Use CSS compiler like SCSS
- Add more unit tests
This project is licensed under the MIT License
If there are any ideas or optimizations to improve this template, feel free to submit a pull request including your documented changes.