What are the trends in NYC bus delays?
As a commuter in NYC, I wanted to know understand how delayed buses were and where the bus delays were. This knowledge would help me decide whether to take the bus or use a different mode of transportation.
This first notebook focuses on Data Collection & Preprocessing, and second notebook focuses on Data Analysis and Vizualization.
The average delay was approximately 6 minutes. The longest bus delay was 301 minutes, which is slightly more than 5 hours. The earliest a bus had arrived was 275 minutes ahead of schedule, which is more than 4.5 hours early.
Average bus delays were 6 minutes or higher between 09:00 or 9am to 16:00 or 4pm. This pattern of delays aligns with "peak hour" traffic that we see on the road while driving. Given that the values have been averaged over an entire month across all bus routes, it might not strictly align to the "peak hour" traffic pattern observed on one day.
Buses B25, M1, M55, M60-SBS, M7, Q32 and Q56 were considered to be the most delayed as the average bus delay was over 10 minutes through month of June.
Only bus delay was considered in suggesting which buses to avoid. Considering duration of travel and other modes of transporation will give a more complete picture on which buses to avoid. This might require us to find additional data and create attributes that allow us to make comparisons across different modes of transportation.