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Tags: srini-anala1/My-Wallet-V3-iOS



Toggle v2.4.6(7)'s commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
 - **confirmpaymentview**

    - remove comment
    - hide top view for 4S/iPad screen sizes
    - resize table view when done editing
    - change spacing

  - **contacts**
    - change color and alpha of contact label
    - show note on send screen
    - change RPR receiving alert text
    - use sizeToFit only when circle image present
    - allow truncation of note
    - save note correctly and change input accessory view
    - optimistically fulfill send request earlier
    - optimistically fulfill payment request for send and receive
    - enable dynamic height for description cells
    - clear amounts after creating payment request
    - add subject line and change invitation text
    - refactor methods updating tx feed
    - increase alpha for immutable fields
    - move contact request actions to protocol
    - add delay to received contact transactions
    - change action text for cancel/decline alerts
    - update receiving party tx feed when payment request fulfilled

  - **descriptioncell**
    - change left inset based on screen size

  - **descriptionview**
    - use screen width

  - **request**
    - show amount view after dismissing description text view

  - **scripts**
    - move navigator declaration to final JS source to avoid error when creating wallet

  - **tabviewcontroller**
    - use correct button state

  - **transaction-detail**
    - use correct margin for plus size screens
    - use correct margin
    - fix unrecognized selector crash
    - add constraint for description label width

  - **confirmpaymentview**
    - change #define and set superclass property
    - toggle table view scrolling based on height
    - add border
    - limit table view height

  - **contacts**
    - alight description label to top
    - match description label padding
    - move description container up from bottom
    - use description view on request screen
    - create description view super class and use in contact request view
    - add text view to confirm payment view
    - use /invite endpoint
    - move footer view frame changes to view superclass
    - clean up table view height adjustment function
    - use self-sizing description cell in contact request view
    - optimistically handle received payment request

  - **descriptionview**
    - change table view height when editing and default to smallest table view height

  - **request**
    - create request using note from description view
    - change description heights for larger screens

  - **summaryview**
    - begin handling edge cases for text view behavior

<sub><sup>*Generated with [git-changelog]( If you have any problems or suggestions, create an issue.* :) **Thanks** </sub></sup>


Toggle v2.4.6(6)'s commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
See release notes


Toggle v2.4.6(5)'s commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
 - **contacts**

    - select payment correctly when receiving payment notification in-app
    - call reload instead of getHistory after sending PRR
    - add delay after sending payment request response
    - distinguish between waiting for payment states
    - remove unused variable
    - get history when sending payment request response
    - show error with name if error occurs while accepting invitation
    - fix completed send cell text

  - **js**
    - fix UUID error and override with NSUUID
    - use iOS API code

  - **request**
    - reset contact fields when reloading

  - **transactions**
    - do not show header if no transactions or requests
    - show section header even if only single section

  - **contacts**
    - add helper text to invitation
    - register for notifications with preferred device language

  - **js**
    - override UUID without sed

  - **submodules**
    - use v3.32.4-new-mdid for My-Wallet-V3

<sub><sup>*Generated with [git-changelog]( If you have any problems or suggestions, create an issue.* :) **Thanks** </sub></sup>


Toggle v2.4.6(3)'s commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Contacts pre-release

Vi having issues saving - changelog may be too large


Toggle v2.4.5(10)'s commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
 - **buy**

    - show buy notification card only if buy enabled

<sub><sup>*Generated with [git-changelog]( If you have any problems or suggestions, create an issue.* :) **Thanks** </sub></sup>


Toggle v2.4.5(8)'s commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
 - **swift**

    - remove unneeded force unwraps
    - clean up Swift syntax
    - remove unneeded IBOutlet and refactor Swift code

  - Merge pull request #29 from achtenhagen/swift-refactor

  - **project**
    - raise minimum deployment target to iOS 9

<sub><sup>*Generated with [git-changelog]( If you have any problems or suggestions, create an issue.* :) **Thanks** </sub></sup>


Toggle v2.4.5(6)'s commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
 - **buy**

    - inform users that Buy is not supported for iOS 8

  - **js**
    - change index for transfer all/swipe to receive and fix setTimeout/setInterval

  - **send**
    - set App Store review prompt date after requesting review with SKStoreReviewController

  - **transactions**
    - reduce height of cards for 4s/iPad screens to allow room for refreshing feed
    - show no transactions view correctly after backgrounding app
    - change background color of pull to refresh bounce area based on card presence
    - separate header view from table view

  - **about**
    - change image

<sub><sup>*Generated with [git-changelog]( If you have any problems or suggestions, create an issue.* :) **Thanks** </sub></sup>


Toggle v2.4.5(4)'s commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
 - **buy**

    - allow fetching exchange accounts with second password

  - **js**
    - add transform-object-assign plugin to prevent error on iOS 8

  - **transaction-detail**
    - change server URL for background context

<sub><sup>*Generated with [git-changelog]( If you have any problems or suggestions, create an issue.* :) **Thanks** </sub></sup>


Toggle v2.4.5(2)'s commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.

  - **addresses**
    - do not truncate label for default name length
    - use fixed balance button length
    - change label address field text color
    - use consistent font size for balance

  - **backup**
    - change second password alert action style from default to cancel

  - **buy**
    - load buy webview for users with no buy account

  - **debug**
    - use correct env for server URLs when using endpoints
    - set env to production when debug menu disabled

  - **fees**
    - prevent cutting off lower parts of letters in fee warning text

  - **js**
    - change network correctly
    - use latest v3 api for loading exchange data
    - correctly get labels count

  - **pin**
    - show version number on PIN entry controller

  - **project**
    - update certs only when installing

  - **receive**
    - increase width of labels to avoid truncating mBTC

  - **security**
    - pin certificate for all envs

  - **settings**
    - add INR currency and use symbols from ticker
    - show verify mobile alert after error only if on same screen
    - show verify mobile alert after error

  - **style**
    - use dark red color instead of UIColor redColor

  - **transaction-detail**
    - center header label
    - use equal heights for from labels
    - use consistent font sizes

  - **transfer-all**
    - use new payment constructor

  - **weblogin**
    - reset app delegate when leaving web login view

  - **buy**
    - show notification card when appropriate
    - change notification card image color
    - add image to buy available notification card
    - setup card notifying user about buy availability

  - **debug**
    - pin public keys for other environments

  - **fees**
    - reload fee amount label when changing currency
    - do not show warning if line below fee field has been moved back to default position
    - increase table view cell height for fee selection view
    - animate line below fee fields to create space for warning
    - increase size of fee section
    - reset text correctly when returning from background
    - hide fee warning if no text entered
    - show warning alert when selecting custom fee for the first time
    - remove customize fee button
    - move up subviews to allow space for fee warning
    - show final fee instead of sweep fee by default
    - show warning only when fee field populated and use light gray color for custom fee amount label
    - correctly update payment buttons and highlighted text fields
    - adjust font size for fee labels
    - fix criteria for disabling payment buttons
    - show regular and priority rate instead of absolute fee for custom satoshi per byte
    - remove overly restrictive UI changes after error
    - change localized string
    - increase width of fee amount label
    - add function to update total available minus fee when selecting fee without destination address
    - show send errors correctly
    - rename original balance variable and include balances from any address
    - highlight amount fields in red when funds are insufficient
    - remove custom fee boolean property and fix original amount variable
    - update fees when updating send balance
    - do not show sat/b when selecting fee
    - always show fee option
    - use enum for action after updating satoshi per byte
    - update fee per kb and final fee when fee field text changes
    - show fee warning label
    - get fees from JS and display in selection view
    - begin UI changes for new fee service
    - add type priority to enum and add strings
    - add enum for fee cell type
    - add fee selection view and table view cell template
    - add fee options button

  - **send**
    - use SKStoreReviewController when appropriate

  - **weblogin**
    - resize third instruction text view appropriately
    - disable highlighting and editing of instructions text views
    - increase label height and fix subviews for iPhone 4s/iPad size
    - change font and color
    - fix animations
    - move web login to Settings
    - generate correct pairing code format
    - setup initial web login view with qr

  - **js**
    - move pairing code parsing to my-wallet-v3

  - **send**
    - remove overspending code - no longer relevant
    - remove originalBalance variable

  - **settings**
    - change names for row consts

  - **js**
    - use my-wallet v3.32.4

  - **mywallet**
    - upgrade to latest my-wallet-v3

  - **scripts**
    - show commit instead of diff when building
    - add script to get certficates

  - Merge branch 'master' into jscore-new-features
  - Merge branch 'master' into jscore-new-features
  - Merge branch 'buy-release'
  - Merge branch 'master' into jscore-new-features

  - Merge pull request #25 from blockchain/web-login
  - Merge pull request #24 from fborges42/patch-7
  - Merge pull request #23 from fborges42/patch-6
  - Merge pull request #22 from fborges42/patch-5
  - Merge pull request #21 from blockchain/v3-latest

  - **localizations**
    - copy human translations
    - update human translations
    - copy machine translations
    - update machine translations

  - **submodules**
    - use v3.32.0 of My-Wallet-V3 and update install script
    - update My-Wallet-V3, fix payment creation and transaction detail note placeholder

<sub><sup>*Generated with [git-changelog]( If you have any problems or suggestions, create an issue.* :) **Thanks** </sub></sup>


Toggle v2.4.5(1)'s commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.

* Use new fee service
* Adjust font sizes for Addresses screen
* Pin public keys for other environments