Parse EXIF/TIFF metadata from JPEG and TIFF files. Exif/TIFF referes to the metadata added to jpeg images. It is encoded as part of the jpeg file.
There are multiple so-called "Image File Directories" or IFD that store information about the image.
- IFD0 generally stores the image, EXIF and GPS metadata
- IFD1 when available stores the information about a thumbnail image.
Read data from a binary jpeg file.
iex(1)> {:ok, tags} = ExifParser.parse_jpeg_file("/path/to/file.jpg")
ifd0: %{
date_time: "2008:07:31 10:05:49",
exif: %{color_space: 1, pixel_x_dimension: 100, pixel_y_dimension: 77},
orientation: 1,
resolution_unit: 2,
software: "GIMP 2.4.5",
x_resolution: 300.0,
y_resolution: 300.0
ifd1: %{
compression: 6,
jpeg_interchange_format: 282,
jpeg_interchange_format_length: 2022,
resolution_unit: 2,
x_resolution: 72.0,
y_resolution: 72.0
A specific tag data can be retrived by
iex(2)> tags.ifd0.date_time
"2008:07:31 10:05:49"
iex(3)> tags.ifd0.exif.color_space
Data can also be read from binary tiff files.
iex(2)> {:ok, tags} = ExifParser.parse_tiff_file("/home/sri/exif_tests/test1.tiff")
ifd0: %{
bits_per_sample: '\b\b\b\b',
compression: 5,
extra_samples: 1,
image_length: 38,
image_width: 174,
orientation: 1,
photometric_interpretation: 2,
planar_configuration: 1,
predictor: 2,
rows_per_strip: 38,
sample_format: [1, 1, 1, 1],
samples_per_pixel: 4,
strip_byte_counts: 6391,
strip_offsets: 8
def deps do
{:exif_parser, "~> 0.1.0"}