KnightStable is a chess website where users can look at previous games, openings, recent news as well as play against others
note: This site's url changes every ~24-48hrs and this website is NOT meant to be used on a small device such as a phone. For more info, check the Notes section
- Bug where it creates ghost games. Found: 3/22/23. This bug sometimes pairs you in a game with no opponent
Run the following command
git clone
**Make sure you are in knightstable folder
pip install -r requirements.txt
in the staticHelpers directory to create the databases:
**The openings and games databases will be empty at this stage and unfortunately, the games database cannot be filled, however if you want the opening database, simply run
in staticHelpers
Create an ngrok account at this link and go to their dashboard to follow instructions on how to set up an authtoken
After setting up your authtoken, to run the website, open the knightstable terminal and run the following commands:
flask run
It should be running in port 5000, so now you can open cmd as an administrator and run ngrok http 5000
and the link to your website will be in the ngrok terminal. You do not have to use the randomly generated link by ngrok, you can use a domain name, but for that you will need to buy ngrok premiun which is quite expensive.
**You will have to do this step each time you reset your server.
- Learn from higher level plays, or have a look at how lower level play is
- Whether it be the famous Sicillian, or obsecure Flick Knife Attack, we have it
- Maybe you can go to one
- And climb the rating ladder
- Python
- Sqlite3 (Development Database)
- PostgreSQL (Production Database)
- JavaScript
- Flask
- SocketIO
- Pyscopg2
- BeautifulSoup4
- Selenium
- Chart.js
- chessboard.js
- chess.js
- Bootstrap5
- Jinja2
Due to the lack of visits, from both me and others, the product is not publicly accessible as it is not worth the cost to keep it running. Instead, the development version of this is ran on my local system since the traffic will not be high.
This app is using Ngrok to run and forward an SSH tunnel to my localhost.
The url is different every day or so because ngrok's free plan does not allow for a domain name. That being said, because there is no limit on the session duration, I will try to keep it on as much as possible but it will have to restart with a new url every other day or so.
The production version repository of this project is at this link
Jake Pisanwarakul
Swayam Sahoo
Email: [email protected]