This project contains the xml files used for localizing the Umbraco backoffice.
If you want to help out in the efforts of translating the backoffice of Umbraco 4 to your local language then fork this repository and start translating.
The Default.xml file contains the default localization file used to display the backoffice in English. You can use this file when starting a new translation by creating a copy and naming it according to the ISO-639-1 definition of the language you are going to make the translation for.
Once you are done send us a pull request. We will merge your pull request once the translation has been approved by at least one other person who understands the language of your translation ;) Please note that you don't have to submit a complete translation. We will accept partial translations and merge them untill we have a complete translation of a given language. Complete translations will ultimately be added to the Core. Also, remember to update your fork regularly as we receive a lot of partials translations.
All contributors will be awarded the "Core Contributor"-badge on their profile.
The following keys has been removed:
key alias="exportDocumentTypeAsCode" -> Export to .NET
key alias="exportDocumentTypeAsCode-Full" -> Export to .NET
The following keys has been added to the 'templateEditor' area:
key alias="customFields" -> Custom Fields
key alias="standardFields" -> Standard Fields
The following key has been added to the 'content' area:
key alias="mediaLinks" -> Link to media item(s)
The following key has been added to the 'user' area:
key alias="passwordCurrent" -> Current password
key alias="passwordInvalid" -> Invalid current password
The following key has been added to the 'speechBubbles' area:
key alias="editUserTypeSaved" -> User type saved
The following key has been added to the 'moveOrCopy' area:
key alias="relateToOriginal" -> Relate copied items to original
The following key has been added to the 'general' area:
key alias="folder" -> The name for "Folder"
The following key has been updated in the 'assignDomain' area:
key alias="domainHelp" -> Helptext for assigning hostnames to a node
The following key has been added to the 'buttons' area:
key alias="showPageDisabled" -> Shown when preview is disabled because the content has no template
The following key has been added to the 'publish' area:
key alias="contentPublishedFailedByParent" -> Shown if a page can't be published because the parent isn't published
The following key has been added to the 'settings' area:
key alias="contentTypeEnabled" -> Shown on child document types: 'Master Content Type enabled'
The following key has been added to the 'settings' area:
key alias="contentTypeUses" -> Shown on child document types: 'This Content Type uses'
The following key has been added to the 'settings' area:
key alias="asAContentMasterType" -> Shown on child document types: 'as a Master Content Type. Tabs from Master Content Types are not shown and can only be edited on the Master Content Type itself'
The following key has been added to the 'user' area:
key alias="newPassword" -> Shown when changing your password, asks for new password
The following key has been added to the 'user' area:
key alias="confirmNewPassword" -> Shown when changing your password, asks to confirm the new password
The following key has been added to the 'assignDomain' area:
key alias="invalidDomain" -> Shown when trying to set a hostname that is not valid
The following key has been added to the 'speechBubbles' area:
key alias="contentUnpublished" -> Shown when content has been unpublished
The following key has been added to the 'actions' area:
key alias="unpublish" -> Shown when content has been unpublished
The following key has been added to the 'speechBubbles' area:
key alias="partialViewSavedHeader" -> Shown when partial view has been saved
The following key has been added to the 'speechBubbles' area:
key alias="partialViewSavedText" -> Shown when partial view has been saved
The following key has been added to the 'speechBubbles' area:
key alias="partialViewErrorHeader" -> Shown when partial view has been saved
The following key has been added to the 'speechBubbles' area:
key alias="partialViewErrorText" -> Shown when partial view has been saved