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Free Software


Free access

Mixed: Discounts & Free

Free software


  • Open source software is denoted with a ⭐.
  • Tools that can be used online are denoted with a ☁️.

List of free and open-source software packages. A few note-worthy options in the context of this degree are presented below.

2D animation

3D animation

3D prototyping

  • MakeHuman - "Makehuman is a free and open source 3D computer graphics software middleware designed for the prototyping of photo realistic humanoids." (from Wikipedia)


  • Clamav (Windows, Linux, MacOS, BSD, Solaris) - "ClamAV® is an open source antivirus engine for detecting trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats." (from Clamav)




  • 💲 REAPER (60 days free trial, US$60 for personal license) (Windows, MacOS, Linux*) - "REAPER is a complete digital audio production application for computers, offering a full multitrack audio and MIDI recording, editing, processing, mixing and mastering toolset." (* experimental)

Recording & Editing


  • IFTTT - "If This Then That, also known as IFTTT is a free web-based service to create chains of simple conditional statements, called applets." (from Wikipedia)

Burning CDs/DVDs

Code snippets savers

  • ☁️ Gist (from GitHub) - "Instantly share code, notes, and snippets."
  • ☁️ Ideone - "Ideone is an online compiler and debugging tool which allows you to compile source code and execute it online in more than 60 programming languages."

Data compression - sending bunch of files and reducing their size

Data converter

  • ☁️ Mr. Data Converter - "I will convert your Excel data into one of several web-friendly formats, including HTML, JSON and XML."

Data storage & syncronization

  • ☁️ Dropbox (Windows, MacOS, Linux) - 2GB Free. "Dropbox is a file hosting service operated by the American company Dropbox, Inc., headquartered in San Francisco, California, that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud, and client software." (from Wikipedia
  • ☁️ Google Drive (Windows, MacOS, officially) - 15GB Free. "Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. [...] Google Drive allows users to store files on their servers, synchronize files across devices, and share files." (from Wikipedia)
  • ☁️ pCloud (Windows, MacOS, Linux) - 10GB Free. "pCloud is the secure cloud storage, where you can store, share and work on all your files. You can access them on any device, anywhere you go!"

Desktop publishing

  • Scribus (Windows, MacOS, Linux) - One of the premier Open Source desktop applications.

Ebook readers

Format checker & validator

  • ☁️ JSONLint - "JSONLint is a validator and reformatter for JSON, a lightweight data-interchange format. Copy and paste, directly type, or input a URL in the editor above and let JSONLint tidy and validate your messy JSON code."


  • ☁️ net2ftp - "net2ftp is a web based FTP client. It is mainly aimed at managing websites using a browser."

Graphics software

IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

  • Comparison of integrated development environments
  • Eclipse - C, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and more. (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
  • IntelliJ IDEA - AngularJS, CoffeeScript, CS, HTML, JavaScript, LESS, Node JS, PHP, Python, Ruby, Sass, TypeScript and more. (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
  • Netbeans - C, C++, C++11, Fortan, HTML 5, Java, PHP and more. (Works with Java)
  • PyCharm - Python. (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
  • Visual Studio Code - C, C#, CSS, D, F#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Lua, Markdown, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, SQL, Swift, TypeScript and more. (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
  • Visual Studio Community - C#, Visual Basic, F#, C++, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and more. (Windows, MacOS)

Image processing

  • GIMP – Free equivalent to Photoshop
  • Inkscape – Vector graphics editor
  • Krita – Digital painting and sketching application


Online editors

  • ☁️ Overleaf - "The easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor."


  • Vimtex - "A modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files."

TeX editors

  • Kile (Windows, MacOS, Linux) - "Kile is a TeX/LaTeX editor to edit TeX/LaTeX source code. It runs on Unix-like systems including Mac OS X and Linux, as well as Microsoft Windows via the KDE on Windows initiative, with the Qt and KDE libraries installed."
  • LyX (Windows, MacOS, Linux) - "LyX is an open source document processor based on the LaTeX typesetting system." (from Wikipedia)
  • Texmaker (Windows, MacOS, Linux) - "Texmaker is a cross-platform open-source LaTeX editor with an integrated PDF viewer." (from Wikipedia)
  • TeXstudio - "TeXstudio is a cross-platform open-source LaTeX editor. Its features include an interactive spelling checker, code folding, and syntax highlighting." (from Wikipedia)

Learning environment

  • ☁️ GoConqr - "GoConqr is a personal learning environment that allows students & teachers to create, discover and share learning resources. Goconqr includes study tools to create Mind Maps, Flashcards, Notes and Quizzes."

Mathematical tools

Office suite

Password manager

  • Beginner friendly
    • Dashlane (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Chromebook)
    • KeePassXC (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
    • LastPass (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Chromebook)
  • More advanced
    • gopass (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
    • pass (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS)

PDF editors

PDF viewers

Presentation sharing

  • SlideShare - "Share what you know and love through presentations, infographics, documents and more."


Managing documents

  • ☁️ Google Docs - Web-based app designed to store, create, and edit spreadsheets and documents online.

Note taking

  • ☁️ Evernote - "Evernote is a mobile app designed for note taking, organizing, task lists, and archiving." (from Wikipedia)

Tasks and project management

  • ☁️ Asana - Asana is the work management platform teams use to stay focused on the goals, projects, and daily tasks that grow business.
  • ☁️ ClickUp - The productivity platform. Create. Plan. Organize. Everything.
  • ☁️ Google Keep - Keep offers a variety of tools for taking notes, including text, lists, images, and audio.
  • ☁️ meistertask - The most intuitive project and task management tool on the web.
  • ☁️ Pearltrees - "Pearltrees refers to itself as "a place for your interests". Functionally the product is a visual and collaborative curation tool that allows users to organize, explore and share any URL they find online as well as to upload personal photos, files and notes." (from Wikipedia
  • ☁️ Pocket - "Pocket, previously known as Read It Later, is an application and web service for managing a reading list of articles from the Internet." (from Wikipedia)
  • ☁️ TickTick - Capture ideas, organize to-dos, and make the most of your life.
  • ☁️ Todoist - Todoist lets you keep track of everything in one place, so you can get it all done and enjoy more peace of mind along the way.
  • ☁️ Trello - Trello's boards, lists, and cards enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible, and rewarding way.
  • ☁️ Wunderlist - "Whether you’re planning a holiday, sharing a shopping list with a partner or managing multiple work projects, Wunderlist is here to help you tick off all your personal and professional to-dos."

Writing assistants

  • ☁️ Grammarly - From grammar and spelling to style and tone, Grammarly helps you eliminate errors and find the perfect words to express yourself.
  • UMLet - UMLet is a UML tool aimed at providing a fast way of creating UML diagrams. UML elements are modified using text input instead of pop-up dialogs.
  • ⭐ ☁️ UMLetino - UMLetino 14.3 is a free online UML tool for fast UML diagrams. It runs in your browser, and does not require any installs.

Programming tools


Data science
  • Anaconda distribution (Windows, MacOS, Linux) - The World's Most Popular Python Data Science Distribution

RSS/Atom readers/aggregators - Keeping on top of news

Screen recorders

Beginner friendly

More advanced

System utilities

  • Redshift (Linux) - Adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings.
  • f.lux (Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android) - It makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.

Text editors

Beginner friendly

Touch typing

  • - Learn to type for free without looking at your keyboard.

UX/UI design

  • ☁️ Figma - "A better way to design. Design, prototype, and gather feedback all in one place." (free for individuals, with limitations)

Version control system

  • Free version control software
  • Git - "Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. It is designed for coordinating work among programmers, but it can be used to track changes in any set of files." (from Wikipedia)
  • Perforce (Helix Core) - "[...] software used for application development, including version control software, web-based repository management, developer collaboration, application lifecycle management and Agile planning software." (from Wikipedia)

Video communication

  • - "Easy video meetings for your business."
  • Facebook Live - "A fun, powerful way to connect with your followers and create new ones along the way."
  • Google Hangouts - "Google Hangouts is a communication platform developed by Google which includes messaging, video chat, and VOIP features." (from Wikipedia
  • Skype - "[...] specializes in providing video chat and voice calls between computers, tablets, mobile devices, the Xbox One console, and smartwatches via the Internet. Skype also provides instant messaging services. Users may transmit text, video, audio and images. Skype allows video conference calls." (from Wikipedia)
  • Slack calls - "With Slack Calls, you can make a voice or video call with any member of your workspace."
  • Zoom - "[...] remote conferencing services using cloud computing. Zoom offers communications software that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration." (from Wikipedia)

Video conversion

Video edition

Video player

Virtualization (running other operating system without installation)

Web browsers

Especially useful for web development

Website annotation

  • Bounce - "A little app from ZURB that lets people add feedback to any interface and toss that back and forth with other people."

Website testing

  • CodePen - "CodePen is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. It functions as an online code editor and open-source learning environment, where developers can create code snippets, creatively named "pens", and test them." (from Wikipedia)
  • JSFiddle - "JSFiddle is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created and collaborational HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets, known as 'fiddles'. It allows for simulated AJAX calls." (from Wikipedia)