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j’bang - Having fun with Java scripting

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Ever tried out Java 10+ support for running .java files directly in your shell but felt it was a bit too cumbersome ?

Then try jbang which gives you:

  • Dependency declarations using //DEPS <gav> for automatic dependency resolution

  • Dependency resolution caching

  • Launch with debug enabled for instant debugging from your favorite IDE

  • Generate gradle file with dependencies for easy editing in your favorite IDE (jbang --edit

  • (PLANNED) Lookup dependencies with a short-hand name, i.e. // DEPS log4j:1.2+,picocli for quick getting started.

To use it simply install jbang and run jbang


To use jbang you as a minimum need to have Java 11+ available.

To install both java and jbang we recommend sdkman

curl -s "" | bash (1)
source ~/.bash_profile (2)

sdk install java (3)

Once Java is installed and ready, you install jbang with

sdk install jbang

To test your installation run:

jbang --help

This should print out usage information.

To update run:

sdk update jbang


On OSX you can install jbang with Homebrew using maxandersen/tap.

brew install maxandersen/tap/jbang

To upgrade to latest version:

brew upgrade maxandersen/tap/jbang

Manual install

Unzip the latest binary release, put the jbang-<version>/bin folder in to your $PATH and you are set.

Script input

A script is just a single .java file with a classic static main method or a .jsh file which will be passed to jshell.

Below is an (almost) minimal example you can save in

//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $? (1)

class helloworld { (2)

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if(args.length==0) {
            System.out.println("Hello World!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Hello " + args[0]);
  1. By using this // style instead of shebang #! you trick bash, zsh etc. to run this as a script while still being valid java code.

  2. A classname, can be anything when using jbang but to be valid java for most IDE’s you’ll want to name it the same as the source file.

Now to run this you can call it via jbang:


or mark it executable and just run it directly:

chmod +x
./helloworld jbang!

You can use http(s):/ and file:/ url’s for input too:


Using .jsh for jshell

There are experimental support to run .jsh via jshell. The advantage of jshell is that you do not need to have a class or static main method, downside is that at least for now you have no way to read the command line arguments.

Getting started

To get started you can run jbang --init and a simple java class with a static main is generated.

Declare dependencies

If you want to write real scripts you will want to use some java libraries. To specify dependencies you use gradle-style locators. Below are examples for log4j.

Using //DEPS

//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $?

//DEPS log4j:log4j:1.2.17 (1)

import static java.lang.System.out;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;

import java.util.Arrays;

class classpath_example {

	static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(classpath_example.class);

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		BasicConfigurator.configure(); (2)"Welcome to jbang");

		Arrays.asList(args).forEach(arg -> logger.warn("arg: " + arg));"Hello from Java!");
  1. //DEPS has to be start of line and can be one or more space separated dependencies.

  2. Minimal logging setup - required by log4j.

Now when you run this the first time with no existing dependencies installed you should get an output like this:

$ ./
[jbang] Resolving dependencies...
[jbang]     Resolving log4j:log4j:1.2.17...Done
[jbang] Dependencies resolved
0 [main] INFO classpath_example  - Welcome to jbang
1 [main] INFO classpath_example  - Hello from Java!

Using @Grab

There is also support for using Groovy lang style @Grab syntax.

//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $?

import static java.lang.System.out;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;

import java.util.Arrays;

import groovy.lang.Grab; // (1)
import groovy.lang.Grapes;

@Grapes({ // (2)
		@Grab(group="org.codehaus.groovy", module="groovy", version="2.5.8"), // (3)
		@Grab(module = "log4j", group = "log4j", version = "1.2.17")
class classpath_example {

	static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(classpath_example.class);

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Arrays.asList(args).forEach(arg -> out.println(arg));
  1. Import needed to make the compiler be okey with @Grab annotation.

  2. In Groovy you normally put @Grab on import statements. That is not allowed in Java thus when having multiple imports you need to put them in a @Grapes annotation first.

  3. jbang will grab any @Grab annotation and assume it is declaring dependencies.


When running .java scripts with jbang you can pass the --debug-flag and the script will enable debug, suspend the execution and wait until you connect a debugger to port 4004.

jbang --debug
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 4004

You can change the debug port by passing in a number to the debug argument, i.e. --debug=4321.

Be sure to put a breakpoint in your IDE/debugger before you connect to make the debugger actually stop when you need it.

Bash/Zsh auto-completion

If you are using bash or zsh in your terminal you can get auto-completion by running the following:

source <(jbang --completion)


  1. Why the name j’bang?

    I was reading up on how to use the new shebang (#!) feature support in Java 10 and came up with the idea of port kscript to Java and needed a name. From there came j’bang which is a "bad" spelling of how shebang is pronounced in french.

  2. Why use of gradle resource locators rather than ?

    kscript used it and its nice as it is a one-liner and easily parsable.

  3. Why would I use Java to write scripts ? Java sucks for that…​ Use gradle, kotlin, scala, etc. instead!

    Well, does it really suck ? With Java 8 streams, static imports and greatly improved standard java libraries it is very close to how kscript and grape looks like. With the following advantages:

    • works with plain Java without installing additional compiler/build tools

    • all IDE’s support editing .java files very well, content assist etc.

    • great debugging

      And to be honest I built jbang just to see if I could and get my Java skills refreshed for the newer features in the language. Use it at your own risk :)

  4. Why not use normal shebang(\#!) in the header ?

    You can use normal shebang (\#!/usr/bin/env jbang) and Java 10+ will actually work with it from the command line. Not recommended though as many tools and especially IDE’s will start complaining about syntax errors as they don’t ignore the first line in this case.

    By using the // form it is treated as both a bash/shell file AND a valid java file and thus works everywhere a java file will work.

    Its worth noting that Go uses a similar approach which is also where I learned it from.


jbang was heavily inspired by how kscript by Holger Brand works.


Use Java for shell scripting







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  • Java 69.4%
  • Shell 29.9%
  • Ruby 0.7%