Snippet manager in LiveCode. Drop into plugins folder to use as plugin.
MIT license
- Added textencoding to store unicode (eg icons) for fields Name, Snippet, Notes and Author in the sqlite database.
- Copy snippet by double-clicking entry in snippet list
- Minor tweaks to adaptive resizing of objects
- Tags are recognised in the entire text of the Notes field instead of only line 1, althogh that remains coloured and prefixed with 'Tagline:'. Any single word in the Notes field that tarts with a '#' will be recognised as a tag and a pill graphic created.
- Optimised code for repositioning tag graphics on stack resize.
- Further optimisatoin of colorisation code (initalisation called only once)
- Fixed issue with saving the snippet code
- Minor code refactoring
- changed to a master-detail layout
- tags are now read from the first line of the 'notes' field which is colourised - any word prefixed with a '#' is treated as a tag and dynamically generates a pill box graphic on top of the snippet code for illustration.
- All layout is adaptable for desktop - stacked versions for mobile to come
- SQL code debugged
- Syntax colourisation code debugged
- If SQLite database file is missing (for example if only the stack is copied to plugins), a SQLite file is created, the snippets table inserted and any data already in the datagrid populates the new SQLite file.
- mobile layout
- Integration with gist
- Possible integration with LiveCloud