stan test for interview
old Node Test Automation Framework
We'll be using 'Cat As a Service' as the SUT
and local web app for UI
We'll explore a concept framework in Python, Java and in JavaScript
I will follow some of Fonzi's(mentor) objectives
- Apply Architecture Principles to the test Automation Framework
- Implement a UI Automation Framework *view
- Implement an API Automation Framework *using cats as a service, and stanHapiRouter
- Implement Feature Flagging to Tests to match the release cadence for the product platform. (This will be in documentation form)
- Analyze test failures and determine root causes ( will fake performance bottlenecks and page failures)
- Integrate the tests into a CI/CD pipeline in GitHub
- Implement a Performance measuring automation framework with Lighthouse and Playwright. And measure page speeds and trends against the historical data.
mock API
example resource
First we cover the basic API functionality (happy path).
Screencaptures are displayed to show that the API is behaving with basic CRUD operations
For demonstration purposes we are using the assertion library provided with Postman/Newman
The test plan for basic functionality - happy path and some negative tests are also attached
Links to Screencaptures for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
here we are using GET and parsing out a dummy JWT, we are also assigning the jwt to variable so we can use in the subsequent test
// Verify that the status code is 200
pm.test("Response status code is 200", function () {;
// Let's put a try/catch and a loop for error handling
jwt = pm.response.json().jwt;
// Verify the length of the JWT
pm.test("The length of the JWT must be greater than zero", function () {
const jwt = pm.response.json().jwt;
pm.expect(jwt.length), "JWT should not be empty");
// verify the header of the JWT
pm.test("the JWT must have the correct header", function () {
// assign the jwt to authToken to collections var
pm.collectionVariables.set("authToken", jwt);
collectionJWT = pm.collectionVariables.get(pm.response.json().jwt);
//assign the jwt to the global var
let AuthToken = pm.globals.set("authToken", pm.response.json().jwt);
// Verify that the response header is of Content-Type applicaiton/json
pm.test("Response Content-Type header is 'application/json'", function () {
// Verify that the JWT should not be empty --Negative Test
pm.test("Jwt should not be empty", function () {
const responseData = pm.response.json();
// Verify that the JWT is a valid format
pm.test("Jwt has a valid format", function () {
const responseData = pm.response.json();
Assertions are provided using POSTMAN and Reporting via Newman
pm.test("Content-Type is present", function () {"Content-Type");
pm.test("Status code is 201", function () {;
pm.test("Body matches string", function () {
pm.test("Response time is less than 200ms", function () {
console.log("this is the authTokn " + pm.responseData)
Observe(above) that we are passing the parsed authToken from the prior GET request to the subsequent POST request
Test passing
newman run Interview-test.postman_collection.json -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-export
We can also pass environment vars to our newman tests via the CLI - which would lend itself to CI/CD
npm install -g newman-reporter-htmlextra
Write-Host "============================="
Write-Host "Password: " $Env:PASSWORD
Write-Host "UserName: " $Env:USERNAME
Write-Host "TestEnv: " $Env:TESTENV
Write-Host "authEndPoint:" $Env:AUTH
Write-Host "============================="
If ($Env:AUTH -eq 'Functional_Test_Environment') {
'This is functional Test Env'
Write-Host "this is the working dir "
Write-Host $pwd
cd SmokeTest\
((Get-Content -Path Test-01.json) -replace 'TESTENV',$Env:TESTENV -replace 'authEndPoint',$Env:AUTH) | Set-Content -Path Test-01.json
newman run Test-01.json --env-var "tenantID=$Env:TENANT_ID" -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-export
If ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
$SmokeTest = 1
Write-Host "SmokeTest failed -this could be critical fail and we may not proceed to the next series of tests - but for the interview demo - continue"
} Else {
Write-Host "running next series of Tests"
cd ..
cd framework\apitests\stan-test-api\
- Who
- What
- Where
- When
- Why
- How
Test Framework What is already automated ? What can be automated ? e.g. can be quickly integrated into CI/CD - e.g. automated smoke test? health checks, fast feedback loop
What is the MVP? Does the MVP need to be broken down into epics or stories?
Framework needs to be exstensible and light weight
Automated tests should run parallel to save time
Tests should be self-contained and fail gracefully
Test can be run turnkey (on demand) or through an automated build trigger
**check to see if there is Open API specification or (this may or may not be the source of truth)
Cover all CRUD operations for Happy Path
Validate all status codes are correct
Test against HTTP, HTTPS
Validate API endpoints with resources
Validate Query String parameters e.g. pagination
Validate response bodies are returned properly as expected
Cover Negative Testing
Use malformed headers including auth headers
SQL injection
use malformed payloads or invalid payloads
Use DDOS type of attack
Validate error codes are correct
Sample Test Case
As an admin I would like multi tenanant access to my application. Each Tenant should have access to their own data
Why are we performance testing :
• Availability
• Response Time
• Throughput
• Errors
• Utilization
• Latency
What are we testing :
Speed and responsiveness
- What metrics are we collecting?
- Performance Test Coverage matrix -Use monitoring and observability tools
- Test should have individual reports, environment configuration
- Define baseline
- ramp up throughput/concurent users
- Simulate production environment *watch for AWS costs
image credit :
Name | Open Source | Scripting Interface | Workload Distribution- Scalability | SUT Resource monitoring |
BeesWithMachineGuns | Yes | User scripts invoked through Bash | Configured by user, homogenous( scalable for cloud architecture )Linux |
none |
Apache JMeter | Yes | GUI/Recording – scripts using external JARs | Programmable by user, heterogeneous(any OS) Scalable through configuration | none |
Multi-Mechanize | Yes | Python scripting, Reporting is extensible through Python libraries, | Programmable by user heterogeneous, Scalable through configuration | none | | Yes | Python scripting, Reporting is extensible through Python libraries, browser based GUI | Programmed by user heterogeneous | none |
Load Runner | No | GUI to edit actions by using predefined templates, script editing | Programmable by user both homogenous and heterogamous(single OS, Windows) | System monitors and diagnostics modules |
WebLoad | No | Javascript, Visual GUI | Automated, GUI, heterogeneous | Memory CPU, throughput |
MS Visual Studio | No | GUI available to edit actions, and extensible | Programmable by user both homogenous and heterogamous(single OS, Windows) | Performance counters collected on SUT |
AppPerfect Load Tester | No | GUI to edit actions, and | Automated, heterogeneous(many OS types) | Integrated monitoring of target machine’s system resources |
Rational Performance Tester | No | Scripting(Rational Library based) | Programmable by user, heterogeneous (many OS types) | Capture communication for HTTP, SQL |
OpenLoad | No | Web based importing data from Excel tables | Programmable by user, heterogeneous | none |
SoapUI | Yes | Groovy scripting | Programmable by user, heterogeneous(any OS) Scalable through configuration | none |
Silk Performer | No | Workload editor/ importing Junit | Automated(based on an agent health system), heterogenous | none |
Artillery IO *js | Yes | Javascript - Could be run via CLI | Configured by user, homogenous( scalable for cloud architecture )Linux or Windows |
HTTP Socket.IO WebSockets Exstensible API |
K6 | Yes | goja programming language, which is an implementation of ES2015(ES6) JavaScript on pure Golang | Scalable for cloud architectures (developer centric) | Extensible |
*The performance of the test system is enhanced through scalability over multiple test nodes.
The performance test framework should be modular and scalable
Automation scripts should scale
basic hapi router - No validation or error handling outside of process start TO DO: create a fully functioning router with a relational db or flat file storage for demo
TO DO: persistent data
dumb pipelines
// to run : $ nohup node stan-hapi-router.js &
// to kill get the process ID : $ ps aux | grep stan-hapi-router.js
//$ pkill -f stan-hapi-router.js
const { server } = require('@hapi/hapi');
const routerUp = async () => {
const stanHapiServer = server({
port: 3000,
host: 'localhost'
await stanHapiServer.start();
console.log('Server running on %s',;
method: 'GET',
path: '/hello/{name?}',
handler: (request, h) => {
const name = + ' you are awesome!';
return `Sup ${name}!`;
method: 'POST',
path: '/signup',
handler: (request, h) => {
const payload = request.payload;
return `Welcome ${payload.username}!`;
method: 'PUT',
path: '/update',
handler: (request, h) => {
const payload = request.payload;
return `ok modified ${payload.username}!`;
method: 'DELETE',
path: '/signup',
handler: (request, h) => {
const payload = request.payload;
return `Goodbye! ${payload.username}!`;
process.on('Unhandled Error', (err) => {
Sample Filmstrip of UI performance
Go into detail what these waterfall markings are
Possible bottlenecks
Correlate the filmstrip recording with the diagram below