is a general purpose data-driven model fitting framework for Julia.
It provides the basic tools to build, inspect and efficiently fit complex models against empirical data.
The typical use case for DataFitting
is as follows: you observe a physical phenomenon with one (or more) instrument(s) and wish to fit those data against a (possibly very complex) theoretical model, in order to extract the characterizing quantities represented by the model parameters. DataFitting
provides the following benefits:
- it handles data of any dimensionality;
- the fitting model is evaluated on a user provided (Cartesian or Linear) domain;
- the fitting model is built up by individual components, either provided by the companion package
or implemented by the user. All components are combined to evaluate the final model with a standard Julia mathematical expression. Component composition is also supported; - all components results are cached, so that repeated evaluations with the same parameter values do not involve further calculations. This is very important to speed up the fitting process when many components are involved;
- User provided components can pre-compute quantities based on the model domain, and store them in a private structure;
- Model parameters can be fixed to a specific value, limited in a interval, or be dynamically calculated using a mathematical expression involving the other parameters. Fit of logarithmic values is also supported;
- multiple data sets can be fitted simultaneously;
- it allows to use different minimizers, and compare their results and performances (currently two minimizers are supported: LsqFit and CMPFit);
- it provides several facilities for interactive fitting and results displaying.
See below for a simple example and the examples
directory for more complex ones.
] add DataFitting
Assume the model to be compared with empirical data has 5 parameters and the following analytical formula:
f(x, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) = @. (p1 + p2 * x + p3 * x^2 + p4 * sin(p5 * x)) * cos(x)
To simulate a measurement process we'll evaluate the model on a domain and add some random noise to a model realization:
# Actual model parameters:
params = [1, 1.e-3, 1.e-6, 4, 5]
# Domain for model evaluation
x = 1.:50:10000
# Evaluated model
y = f(x, params...);
# Random noise
using Random
rng = MersenneTwister(0);
noise = randn(rng, length(x));
In order to use the DataFitting
framework we must create a Domain
and a Measures
objects to encapsulate the model domain and empirical data:
using DataFitting
dom = Domain(x)
data = Measures(y .+ noise, 1.)
The second argument to the Measures
function is the (1 sigma Gaussian) uncertainty associated to each data sample. It can either be an array with the same shape as the first argument or a scalar. In the latter case all data samples are assumed to have the same uncertainty.
Also, we must create a Model
object containing a reference to the analytical formula, and prepare it for evaluation on the domain dom
model1 = Model(:comp1 => FuncWrap(f, params...))
prepare!(model1, dom, :comp1)
The comp1
symbol is the name we chose to identify the component in the model. Any other valid symbol could have been used.
The parameter initial values are those given in the component constructors. Such values can be changed as follows:
model1[:comp1].p[1].val = 1
model1[:comp1].p[2].val = 1.e-3
Finally, we are ready to fit the model against empirical data:
result1 = fit!(model1, data)
Note that the fit!
function modifies the model1
objects as follows:
- it updates the model parameter with the best fit ones;
- it updates the internal cache of component evaluations with those resulting from best fit parameters;
- it updates the evaluation counter for each component (see below);
The procedure outlined above may seem cumbersome at first, however it is key to define very complex models and to improve performances, as shown below.
A model is typically made up of many components, joined toghether with a standard mathematical expression. The previous example can easily be re-implemented by splitting the analytical formula in 3 parts:
f1(x, p1, p2, p3) = @. p1 + p2 * x + p3 * x^2
f2(x, p4, p5) = @. p4 * sin(p5 * x)
f3(x) = cos.(x)
model2 = Model(:comp1 => FuncWrap(f1, params[1], params[2], params[3]),
:comp2 => FuncWrap(f2, params[4], params[5]),
:comp3 => FuncWrap(f3))
prepare!(model2, dom, :((comp1 + comp2) * comp3))
result2 = fit!(model2, data)
Now we used 3 components (named comp1
, comp2
and comp3
) and combined them with the mathematical expression in the last argument of the call to prepare!
. Any valid mathematical expression is allowed.
Note that we obtained exactly the same result as before, but we gained a factor ~2 in execution time. Such perfromance improvement is due to the fact that the component evaluations are internally cached, and are re-evaluated only if necessary, i.e. when one of the parameter value is modified by the minimzer algorithm. In this particular case the comp3
component, having no free parameter, is evaluated only once.
To check how many time each component and the model are evaluated simply type the name of the Model
object in the REPL or call the show
method, i.e.: show(model2)
, and look at the Counter
column. To reset the counters type:
allows to fit multiple data sets simultaneously.
Suppose you observe the same phenomenon with two different instruments and wish to use both data sets to constrain the model parameters. Here we will simulate a second data sets by adding random noise to the previously calculated model, and creating a second Measures
noise = randn(rng, length(x));
data2 = Measures(1.3 * (y + noise), 1.3)
Note that we multiplied all data by a factor 1.3, to simulate a different calibration between the instruments. To take into account such calibration we push a further component into the model, named calib
push!(model2, :calib, SimpleParam(1))
and prepare the model to evaluate a second expression:
prepare!(model2, dom, :(calib * ((comp1 + comp2) * comp3)))
Note that a call to prepare!
modifies the Model
object by adding a new (possibly different) expression to be evaluated. If needed, also the Domain
object used for the second expression may be different from the first one. The latter posssibility allows, for instance, to fit multiple data sets each observed with different instruments.
Now we can fit both data sets as follows:
result2 = fit!(model2, [data, data2])
The results of the fitting are available as a FitResult
structure, as returned by the fit!
fuction. The structure dump for the result2
in the example above is as follows:
fitter: DataFitting.Minimizer DataFitting.Minimizer()
param: DataFitting.HashVector{DataFitting.FitParameter}
keys: Array{Symbol}((6,))
1: Symbol comp1__p1
2: Symbol comp1__p2
3: Symbol comp1__p3
4: Symbol comp2__p1
5: Symbol comp2__p2
6: Symbol calib__val
values: Array{DataFitting.FitParameter}((6,))
1: DataFitting.FitParameter
val: Float64 1.0034771773408524
unc: Float64 0.0029174421450895533
2: DataFitting.FitParameter
val: Float64 0.0010022369285940917
unc: Float64 1.3473265492873467e-6
3: DataFitting.FitParameter
val: Float64 9.996494571427457e-7
unc: Float64 1.3148179368867407e-10
4: DataFitting.FitParameter
val: Float64 4.005022216534921
unc: Float64 0.0013760967902191378
5: DataFitting.FitParameter
val: Float64 4.999999879104177
unc: Float64 5.998373321161513e-8
6: DataFitting.FitParameter
val: Float64 1.299996982192236
unc: Float64 4.979637254678212e-5
ndata: Int64 399962
dof: Int64 399956
cost: Float64 400117.9725389123
status: Symbol Optimal
elapsed: Float64 1.736617397
From this structure the user can retrieve the parameter best fit values and uncertainties, the number of data samples, the number of degrees of freedom, the total chi-squared (cost
) and the fitting elapsed time in seconds.
In particular, the best fit value and uncertanty for p1
can be retrieved as follows:
Note that the parameter is identified by using both the component name and parameter name, separated by a double underscore __
To plot the results use the following arrays:
- Abscissa:
. For multi dimensional domains you can usedom[2]
, etc.; - Ordinate:
- expression 1, i.e.
(comp1 + comp2) * comp3
; - expression 2, i.e.
calib * ((comp1 + comp2) * comp3)
; comp1
- expression 1, i.e.
In the following example I will use the Gnuplot.jl package, but the user can choose any other package:
using Gnuplot
@gp "set key left" :-
@gp :- dom[1] data2.measure "w p tit 'Data'" :-
@gp :- dom[1] model2(:comp1) "w l tit 'comp1'" :-
@gp :- dom[1] model2(:comp2) "w l tit 'comp2'" :-
@gp :- dom[1] model2() "w lines tit 'Model' lw 3"
To evaluate the model with a different parameter value you can pass one (or more) Pair{Symbol,Number}
to model2()
@gp :- dom[1] model2(:comp2__p1=>0.) "w lines tit 'p4=0' lw 3"
and SimpleParam
are the only built-in components of the DataFitting
package. Further components are available in the DataFittingBasics.jl
The FuncWrap
is simply a wrapper to a user defined function of the form f(x, [y], [z], [further dimensions...], p1, p2, [further parameters...])
. The x
, y
, z
arguments will be Vector{Float64}
with the same number of elements, while p1
, p2
, etc. will be scalar floats. The function must return a Vector{Float64}
(regardless of thenumber of dimensions) with the same number of elements as x
. This components works with domains of any dimensionality.
The constructor is defined as follows:
FuncWrap(func::Function, args...)
where args...
is a list of numbers.
The parameters are:
: vector of parameters for the user defined function.
The SimpleParam
represent a scalar component in the model, whose value is given by the val
parameter. This components works with domains of any dimensionality.
The constructor is defined as follows:
The parameters are:
: the scalar value.
The DataFitting
framework provides an effective way to check a component performance by means of the test_component
For instance, you may wonder if the FuncWrap
component used in the previous example as a wrapper to the f
function introduces any performance penalty. With test_component
you may simply compare the wrapper performance with that of a simple loop, i.e.:
test_component(dom, FuncWrap(f, params...), 1000)
@time for i in 1:1000
dummy = f(x, params...)
As you can see there is no significant difference in looping 1000 times on model evaluations or using a simple loop on f
The DataFitting
package uses the LsqFit minimizer by default, but it allows to use the CMPFit as well. The latter typically provides better performances with respect to the former, but since CMPFit
is a wrapper to a C library it is not a pure-Julia solution. The better performances are due to a different minimization strategy, not to C vs. Julia differences.
To use the CMPFit
minimzer (after having installed the package):
using CMPFit
result2 = fit!(model2, [data, data2], minimizer=CMPFit.Minimizer())
IMPORTANT NOTE: by default the
DataFitting` package defines structure only for 1D and 2D fitting. To handle higher dimensional cases you should generate the appropriate code with, e.g.:
DataFitting.@code_ndim 3
-dimensional Domain
objects comes in two flavours: linear and cartesian ones:
- Linear domain: contains a
-dimensional tuple of coordinates, one for each data sample. It is analogous toVector{NTuple{N, Number}}
; - Cartesian domain: contains
arrays of coordinates, one for each dimension. Optionally contains a 1D list of index to select a subset of all possible combinations of coordinates. It is analogous toVector{Vector{Number}}
, whose length of outer vector isN
Linear domains are created using the Domain
function, providing as many arguments as the number of dimensions. Each argument can either be an integer (specifying how many samples are defined along each axis), or a vector of float
s. The length of all dimensions must be exactly the same. Examples:
# 1D
dom = Domain(5)
dom = Domain(1.:5)
dom = Domain([1,2,3,4,5.])
# 2D
dom = Domain(5, 5)
dom = Domain(1.:5, [1,2,3,4,5.])
Note that the length of all the above domains is 5.
Cartesian domains are created using the CartesianDomain
function, providing as many arguments as the number of dimensions. There is no 1-dimensional cartesian domain, hence CartesianDomain
requires at least two arguments. Each argument can either be an integer (specifying how many samples are defined along each axis), or a vector of float
s. The length of dimensions may be different. Examples:
# 2D
dom = CartesianDomain(5, 6)
dom = CartesianDomain(1.:5, [1,2,3,4,5,6.])
The length of all the above domains is 30, i.e. it is equal to the product of the lengths of all dimensions.
Typically, the model can be evaluated over the cartesian product of all dimensions. However, there can be specific locations of the domain for which there is not empirical data to compare with, making the model evaluation useless. In these cases it is possible to select a subset of the cartesian domain using a 1D linear index, e.g.:
dom = CartesianDomain(1.:5, [1,2,3,4,5,6.], index=collect(0:4) .* 6 .+ 1)
The length of such domain is 5, equal to the length of the vector passed as index
A cartesian domain can always be transformed into a linear domain, while the inverse is usually not possible. To check how a "flattened" version of a cartesian domain looks like you can use the DataFitting.flatten
function, i.e.:
dom = CartesianDomain(1.:5, [1,2,3,4,5,6.], index=collect(0:4) .* 6 .+ 1)
lin = DataFitting.flatten(dom)
Actually, all models are always evaluated on "flattened", i.e. linear, domains.
To get the vector of coordinates for dimensions 1, 2, etc. of the dom
object use the dom[1]
, dom[2]
, etc. syntax. For linear domains all such vectors have the same length, for cartesian domains the lengths may differ.
As an example we will fit a 2D plane. The analytic function will accept two vectors for coordinates x and y, and 2 parameters.
f(x, y, p1, p2) = @. p1 * x + p2 * y
This function will be called during model evaluation, where only linear domains are involved, hence we are sure that both the x
and y
vectors will have the same lengths.
To create a multidimensional Measures
object we will populate a 2D array and use it as argument to the Measures
dom = CartesianDomain(30, 40)
d = fill(0., size(dom));
for i in 1:length(dom[1])
for j in 1:length(dom[2])
d[i,j] = f(dom[1][i], dom[2][j], 1.2, 2.4)
data = Measures(d + randn(rng, size(d)), 1.)
To fit the model proceed in the usual way:
model = Model(:comp1 => FuncWrap(f, 1, 2))
prepare!(model, dom, :comp1)
result = fit!(model, data)
provides several facilities for interactive use on the REPL:
- all the types (i.e.
) have a dedicatedshow
method to quickly and easily inspect their contents. Simply type the name of the object to run this method; - To get the list of currently defined components in a model simply type
; - To get a list of parameter for a component simply type
, e.g.model[:comp1]
. Remember that the component parameter can either be scalarParameter
. In the latter case the parameter name shown in the REPL has an integer index appended; - To get the list of model parameter in a result simply type
Each model parameter has a few settings that can be tweaked by the user before running the actual fit:
(float): guess initial value;.low
(float): lower limit for the value (default:-Inf
(float): upper limit for the value (default:+Inf
(bool): false for free parameters, true for fixed ones (default:false
(string): a mathematical expression to bind the parameter value to other parameters (default:""
Important note: the default minimizer (LsqFit) do not supports bounded parameters, while CMPFit supports them.
Considering the previous example we can limit the interval for p1
, and fix the value for p2
as follows:
model.comp[:comp1].p[1].val = 1 # guess initial value
model.comp[:comp1].p[1].low = 0.5 # lower limit
model.comp[:comp1].p[1].high = 1.5 # upper limit
model.comp[:comp1].p[2].val = 2.4
model.comp[:comp1].p[2].fixed = true
result = fit!(model, data, minimizer=CMPFit.Minimizer())
To remove the limits on p1
simply set their bounds to +/- Inf:
model.comp[:comp1].p[1].low = -Inf
model.comp[:comp1].p[1].high = +Inf
As another example we may constrain p2
to always be twice the value of p1
model.comp[:comp1].p[2].expr = "comp1__p1 + comp1__p2"
model.comp[:comp1].p[2].fixed = false
Important note: each time you change one (or more) parameter expression(s) you should call prepare!
passing just the model as argument. This is required to recompile the model:
result = fit!(model, data)
Note that in the example above we had to fix the p2
parameter otherwise the minizer will try to find a best fit for a parameter which has no influence on the final model, since its value will always be overwritten by the expression. The only situation where the parameter should be left free is when the expression involves the parameter itself, e.g.:
model.comp[:comp1].p2.expr = "comp1__p1 + comp1__p2"
model.comp[:comp1].p2.fixed = false
result = fit!(model, data)
A model component can be disabled altoghether and its evaluation fixed to a specific value by calling setcompvalue!
, e.g.:
setcompvalue!(model, :comp1, 10)
In further evaluation the comp1
component will always evaluate to 10. Note thet the component parameters are completely ignored in this case, so be sure to have at least one free parameter before running the fit.
To restore the normal component behaviour simply set its value to NaN
, i.e.:
setcompvalue!(model, :comp1, NaN)
The following components are available in the DataFitting.Components
- OffsetSlope (1D and 2D): an offset and slope component;
- Polynomial (only 1D): a n-th degree polynomial function (n > 1);
- Gaussian (1D and 2D): a Gaussian function;
- Lorentzian (1D and 2D): a Lorentzian function;
An offset and slope component for 1D and 2D domains. In 2D it represents a tilted plane.
The constructors are defined as follows:
- 1D:
DataFitting.Components.OffsetSlope(offset, x0, slope)
; - 2D:
DataFitting.Components.OffsetSlope(offset, x0, y0, slopeX, slopeY)
The parameters are:
- 1D:
: a global offset;x0::Parameter
: the X coordinate of the point where the component equalsoffset
. This parameter is fixed by default;slope::Parameter
: the slope of the linear function;
- 2D:
: a global offset;x0::Parameter
: the X coordinate of the point where the component equalsoffset
. This parameter is fixed by default;y0::Parameter
: the Y coordinate of the point where the component equalsoffset
. This parameter is fixed by default;slopeX::Parameter
(only 2D): the slope of the plane along the X direction;slopeY::Parameter
(only 2D): the slope of the plane along the Y direction;
A n-th degree polynomial function (n > 1) for 1D domains.
The constructor is defined as follows:
; whereargs...
is a list of numbers.
The parameters are:
: vector of polynomial coefficients.
A normalized Gaussian component for 1D and 2D domains.
The constructors are defined as follows:
- 1D:
DataFitting.Components.Gaussian(norm, center, sigma)
; - 2D:
DataFitting.Components.Gaussian(norm, centerX, centerY, sigma)
); - 2D:
DataFitting.Components.Gaussian(norm, centerX, centerY, sigmaX, sigmaY, angle)
The parameters are:
: the area below the Gaussian function;center::Parameter
: the location of the center of the Gaussian;sigma::Parameter
: the width the Gaussian;
: the volume below the Gaussian function;centerX::Parameter
: the X coordinate of the center of the Gaussian;centerY::Parameter
: the Y coordinate of the center of the Gaussian;sigmaX::Parameter
: the width the Gaussian along the X direction (whenangle=0
: the width the Gaussian along the Y direction (whenangle=0
: the rotation angle of the whole Gaussian function.
A Lorentzian component for 1D and 2D domains.
The constructors are defined as follows:
- 1D:
DataFitting.Components.Lorentzian(norm, center, fwhm)
; - 2D:
DataFitting.Components.Lorentzian(norm, centerX, centerY, fwhmX, fwhmY)
The parameters are:
: the area below the Lorentzian function;center::Parameter
: the location of the center of the Lorentzian;fwhm::Parameter
: the full-width at half maximum of the Lorentzian;
: the volume below the Lorentzian function;centerX::Parameter
: the X coordinate of the center of the Lorentzian;centerY::Parameter
: the Y coordinate of the center of the Lorentzian;fwhmX::Parameter
: the full-width at half maximum of the Lorentzian along the X direction (whenangle=0
: the full-width at half maximum of the Lorentzian along the Y direction (whenangle=0
x = Domain(1:0.05:10)
model = Model(
:offset => 4,
:line1 => DataFitting.Components.Gaussian(1.1 , 4.4, 0.51),
:line2 => DataFitting.Components.Gaussian(0.52, 5.5, 1.2 ))
add_dom!(model, x)
add_expr!(model, :(offset + line1 + line2))
using Random
rng = MersenneTwister(0);
noise = maximum(model()) * 0.01
data = Measures(model() + noise * randn(rng, length(model())), noise);
ret1 = fit!(model, data)
To produce the plots I will use the Gnuplot.jl package, but the user can choose any other package:
using Gnuplot
@gp "set multi layout 2,1" :-
@gp domain(model) data.val data.unc "w yerr tit 'Data'" :-
@gp :- domain(model) model(:line1) .+ model(:offset) "w l tit 'offset + line1'" :-
@gp :- domain(model) model(:line2) .+ model(:offset) "w l tit 'offset + line2'" :-
@gp :- domain(model) model() "w lines tit 'Model' lw 3" :-
@gp :- 2 x[1] (data.val - model()) ./ data.unc fill(1., length(data)) "w yerr tit 'Residuals'"
dom = CartesianDomain(-5:0.1:5, -4:0.1:4)
model = Model()
add_comp!(model, :background=>DataFitting.Components.OffsetSlope(0, 0, 0., 2., 3.))
add_comp!(model, :psf =>DataFitting.Components.Gaussian(100., 0., 0., 1, 0.3, 15))
add_dom!(model, dom)
add_expr!(model, :(background + psf))
noise = maximum(model()) * 0.1
data = Measures(model() .+ 4 .+ noise .* randn(length(model())), noise);
ret1 = fit!(model, data)
To produce the plots I will use the Gnuplot.jl package, but the user can choose any other package:
using Gnuplot
# Plot the model...
@gsp dom[1] dom[2] reshape(model(), dom)
# ...and the residuals
@gsp dom[1] dom[2] reshape(data.val - model(), dom)
# Plot using pm3d style
@gsp "set pm3d" "set palette" dom[1] dom[2] reshape(model(), dom) "w dots"