Explore the Emby Server API
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version:
- Package version:
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://emby.media/community/index.php?/forum/47-developer-api
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
Then import the package:
import embyapi
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import embyapi
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import embyapi
from embyapi.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: apikeyauth
configuration = embyapi.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['api_key'] = 'Bearer'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = embyapi.ActivityLogServiceApi(embyapi.ApiClient(configuration))
start_index = 56 # int | Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. (optional)
limit = 56 # int | Optional. The maximum number of records to return (optional)
min_date = 'min_date_example' # str | Optional. The minimum date. Format = ISO (optional)
# Gets activity log entries
api_response = api_instance.get_system_activitylog_entries(start_index=start_index, limit=limit, min_date=min_date)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ActivityLogServiceApi->get_system_activitylog_entries: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to https://home.ourflix.de:32865/emby
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActivityLogServiceApi | get_system_activitylog_entries | GET /System/ActivityLog/Entries | Gets activity log entries |
ArtistsServiceApi | get_artists | GET /Artists | Gets all artists from a given item, folder, or the entire library |
ArtistsServiceApi | get_artists_albumartists | GET /Artists/AlbumArtists | Gets all album artists from a given item, folder, or the entire library |
ArtistsServiceApi | get_artists_by_name | GET /Artists/{Name} | Gets an artist, by name |
AudioServiceApi | get_audio_by_id_by_container | GET /Audio/{Id}/stream.{Container} | Gets an audio stream |
AudioServiceApi | get_audio_by_id_stream | GET /Audio/{Id}/stream | Gets an audio stream |
AudioServiceApi | head_audio_by_id_by_container | HEAD /Audio/{Id}/stream.{Container} | Gets an audio stream |
AudioServiceApi | head_audio_by_id_stream | HEAD /Audio/{Id}/stream | Gets an audio stream |
BifServiceApi | get_items_by_id_thumbnailset | GET /Items/{Id}/ThumbnailSet | |
BifServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_index_bif | GET /Videos/{Id}/index.bif | |
BrandingServiceApi | get_branding_configuration | GET /Branding/Configuration | Gets branding configuration |
BrandingServiceApi | get_branding_css | GET /Branding/Css | Gets custom css |
BrandingServiceApi | get_branding_css_css | GET /Branding/Css.css | Gets custom css |
ChannelServiceApi | get_channels | GET /Channels | Gets available channels |
ChannelServiceApi | get_channels_by_id_items | GET /Channels/{Id}/Items | Gets channel items |
ChannelServiceApi | get_channels_items_latest | GET /Channels/Items/Latest | Gets channel items |
CollectionServiceApi | delete_collections_by_id_items | DELETE /Collections/{Id}/Items | Removes items from a collection |
CollectionServiceApi | post_collections | POST /Collections | Creates a new collection |
CollectionServiceApi | post_collections_by_id_items | POST /Collections/{Id}/Items | Adds items to a collection |
ConfigurationServiceApi | get_system_configuration | GET /System/Configuration | Gets application configuration |
ConfigurationServiceApi | get_system_configuration_by_key | GET /System/Configuration/{Key} | Gets a named configuration |
ConfigurationServiceApi | post_system_configuration | POST /System/Configuration | Updates application configuration |
ConfigurationServiceApi | post_system_configuration_by_key | POST /System/Configuration/{Key} | Updates named configuration |
ConnectServiceApi | delete_users_by_id_connect_link | DELETE /Users/{Id}/Connect/Link | Removes a Connect link for a user |
ConnectServiceApi | get_connect_exchange | GET /Connect/Exchange | Gets the corresponding local user from a connect user id |
ConnectServiceApi | get_connect_pending | GET /Connect/Pending | Creates a Connect link for a user |
ConnectServiceApi | post_users_by_id_connect_link | POST /Users/{Id}/Connect/Link | Creates a Connect link for a user |
DashboardServiceApi | get_web_configurationpage | GET /web/ConfigurationPage | |
DashboardServiceApi | get_web_configurationpages | GET /web/ConfigurationPages | |
DeviceServiceApi | delete_devices | DELETE /Devices | Deletes a device |
DeviceServiceApi | get_devices | GET /Devices | Gets all devices |
DeviceServiceApi | get_devices_camerauploads | GET /Devices/CameraUploads | Gets camera upload history for a device |
DeviceServiceApi | get_devices_info | GET /Devices/Info | Gets info for a device |
DeviceServiceApi | get_devices_options | GET /Devices/Options | Gets options for a device |
DeviceServiceApi | post_devices_camerauploads | POST /Devices/CameraUploads | Uploads content |
DeviceServiceApi | post_devices_options | POST /Devices/Options | Updates device options |
DisplayPreferencesServiceApi | get_displaypreferences_by_id | GET /DisplayPreferences/{Id} | Gets a user's display preferences for an item |
DisplayPreferencesServiceApi | post_displaypreferences_by_displaypreferencesid | POST /DisplayPreferences/{DisplayPreferencesId} | Updates a user's display preferences for an item |
DlnaServerServiceApi | get_dlna_by_uuid_connectionmanager_connectionmanager | GET /Dlna/{UuId}/connectionmanager/connectionmanager | Gets dlna connection manager xml |
DlnaServerServiceApi | get_dlna_by_uuid_connectionmanager_connectionmanager_xml | GET /Dlna/{UuId}/connectionmanager/connectionmanager.xml | Gets dlna connection manager xml |
DlnaServerServiceApi | get_dlna_by_uuid_contentdirectory_contentdirectory | GET /Dlna/{UuId}/contentdirectory/contentdirectory | Gets dlna content directory xml |
DlnaServerServiceApi | get_dlna_by_uuid_contentdirectory_contentdirectory_xml | GET /Dlna/{UuId}/contentdirectory/contentdirectory.xml | Gets dlna content directory xml |
DlnaServerServiceApi | get_dlna_by_uuid_description | GET /Dlna/{UuId}/description | Gets dlna server info |
DlnaServerServiceApi | get_dlna_by_uuid_description_xml | GET /Dlna/{UuId}/description.xml | Gets dlna server info |
DlnaServerServiceApi | get_dlna_by_uuid_icons_by_filename | GET /Dlna/{UuId}/icons/{Filename} | Gets a server icon |
DlnaServerServiceApi | get_dlna_icons_by_filename | GET /Dlna/icons/{Filename} | Gets a server icon |
DlnaServerServiceApi | post_dlna_by_uuid_connectionmanager_control | POST /Dlna/{UuId}/connectionmanager/control | Processes a control request |
DlnaServerServiceApi | post_dlna_by_uuid_contentdirectory_control | POST /Dlna/{UuId}/contentdirectory/control | Processes a control request |
DlnaServiceApi | delete_dlna_profiles_by_id | DELETE /Dlna/Profiles/{Id} | Deletes a profile |
DlnaServiceApi | get_dlna_profileinfos | GET /Dlna/ProfileInfos | Gets a list of profiles |
DlnaServiceApi | get_dlna_profiles_by_id | GET /Dlna/Profiles/{Id} | Gets a single profile |
DlnaServiceApi | get_dlna_profiles_default | GET /Dlna/Profiles/Default | Gets the default profile |
DlnaServiceApi | post_dlna_profiles | POST /Dlna/Profiles | Creates a profile |
DlnaServiceApi | post_dlna_profiles_by_id | POST /Dlna/Profiles/{Id} | Updates a profile |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | get_audio_by_id_hls1_by_playlistid_by_segmentid_by_segmentcontainer | GET /Audio/{Id}/hls1/{PlaylistId}/{SegmentId}.{SegmentContainer} | |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | get_audio_by_id_main_m3u8 | GET /Audio/{Id}/main.m3u8 | Gets an audio stream using HTTP live streaming. |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | get_audio_by_id_master_m3u8 | GET /Audio/{Id}/master.m3u8 | Gets an audio stream using HTTP live streaming. |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_hls1_by_playlistid_by_segmentid_by_segmentcontainer | GET /Videos/{Id}/hls1/{PlaylistId}/{SegmentId}.{SegmentContainer} | |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_main_m3u8 | GET /Videos/{Id}/main.m3u8 | Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming. |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_master_m3u8 | GET /Videos/{Id}/master.m3u8 | Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming. |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_subtitles_m3u8 | GET /Videos/{Id}/subtitles.m3u8 | Gets an HLS subtitle playlist. |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | head_audio_by_id_hls1_by_playlistid_by_segmentid_by_segmentcontainer | HEAD /Audio/{Id}/hls1/{PlaylistId}/{SegmentId}.{SegmentContainer} | |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | head_audio_by_id_master_m3u8 | HEAD /Audio/{Id}/master.m3u8 | Gets an audio stream using HTTP live streaming. |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | head_videos_by_id_hls1_by_playlistid_by_segmentid_by_segmentcontainer | HEAD /Videos/{Id}/hls1/{PlaylistId}/{SegmentId}.{SegmentContainer} | |
DynamicHlsServiceApi | head_videos_by_id_master_m3u8 | HEAD /Videos/{Id}/master.m3u8 | Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming. |
EncodingInfoServiceApi | get_encoding_codecconfiguration_defaults | GET /Encoding/CodecConfiguration/Defaults | Gets default codec configurations |
EncodingInfoServiceApi | get_encoding_codecinformation_video | GET /Encoding/CodecInformation/Video | Gets details about available video encoders and decoders |
EnvironmentServiceApi | get_environment_defaultdirectorybrowser | GET /Environment/DefaultDirectoryBrowser | Gets the parent path of a given path |
EnvironmentServiceApi | get_environment_directorycontents | GET /Environment/DirectoryContents | Gets the contents of a given directory in the file system |
EnvironmentServiceApi | get_environment_drives | GET /Environment/Drives | Gets available drives from the server's file system |
EnvironmentServiceApi | get_environment_networkdevices | GET /Environment/NetworkDevices | Gets a list of devices on the network |
EnvironmentServiceApi | get_environment_networkshares | GET /Environment/NetworkShares | Gets shares from a network device |
EnvironmentServiceApi | get_environment_parentpath | GET /Environment/ParentPath | Gets the parent path of a given path |
EnvironmentServiceApi | post_environment_validatepath | POST /Environment/ValidatePath | Gets the contents of a given directory in the file system |
FilterServiceApi | get_items_filters | GET /Items/Filters | Gets branding configuration |
FilterServiceApi | get_items_filters2 | GET /Items/Filters2 | Gets branding configuration |
GameGenresServiceApi | get_gamegenres | GET /GameGenres | Gets all Game genres from a given item, folder, or the entire library |
GameGenresServiceApi | get_gamegenres_by_name | GET /GameGenres/{Name} | Gets a Game genre, by name |
GamesServiceApi | get_games_systemsummaries | GET /Games/SystemSummaries | Finds games similar to a given game. |
GenresServiceApi | get_genres | GET /Genres | Gets all genres from a given item, folder, or the entire library |
GenresServiceApi | get_genres_by_name | GET /Genres/{Name} | Gets a genre, by name |
HlsSegmentServiceApi | delete_videos_activeencodings | DELETE /Videos/ActiveEncodings | |
HlsSegmentServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_hls_by_playlistid_by_segmentid_by_segmentcontainer | GET /Videos/{Id}/hls/{PlaylistId}/{SegmentId}.{SegmentContainer} | |
ImageByNameServiceApi | get_images_general | GET /Images/General | Gets all general images by name |
ImageByNameServiceApi | get_images_general_by_name_by_type | GET /Images/General/{Name}/{Type} | Gets a general image by name |
ImageByNameServiceApi | get_images_mediainfo | GET /Images/MediaInfo | Gets all media info image by name |
ImageByNameServiceApi | get_images_mediainfo_by_theme_by_name | GET /Images/MediaInfo/{Theme}/{Name} | Gets a media info image by name |
ImageByNameServiceApi | get_images_ratings | GET /Images/Ratings | Gets all rating images by name |
ImageByNameServiceApi | get_images_ratings_by_theme_by_name | GET /Images/Ratings/{Theme}/{Name} | Gets a rating image by name |
ImageServiceApi | delete_items_by_id_images_by_type | DELETE /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | delete_items_by_id_images_by_type_by_index | DELETE /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | delete_users_by_id_images_by_type | DELETE /Users/{Id}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | delete_users_by_id_images_by_type_by_index | DELETE /Users/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_artists_by_name_images_by_type | GET /Artists/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_artists_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | GET /Artists/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_gamegenres_by_name_images_by_type | GET /GameGenres/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_gamegenres_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | GET /GameGenres/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_genres_by_name_images_by_type | GET /Genres/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_genres_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | GET /Genres/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_items_by_id_images | GET /Items/{Id}/Images | Gets information about an item's images |
ImageServiceApi | get_items_by_id_images_by_type | GET /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_items_by_id_images_by_type_by_index | GET /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_items_by_id_images_by_type_by_index_by_tag_by_format_by_maxwidth_by_maxheight_by_percentplayed_by_unplayedcount | GET /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index}/{Tag}/{Format}/{MaxWidth}/{MaxHeight}/{PercentPlayed}/{UnplayedCount} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_musicgenres_by_name_images_by_type | GET /MusicGenres/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_musicgenres_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | GET /MusicGenres/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_persons_by_name_images_by_type | GET /Persons/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_persons_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | GET /Persons/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_studios_by_name_images_by_type | GET /Studios/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_studios_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | GET /Studios/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_users_by_id_images_by_type | GET /Users/{Id}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | get_users_by_id_images_by_type_by_index | GET /Users/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_artists_by_name_images_by_type | HEAD /Artists/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_artists_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | HEAD /Artists/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_gamegenres_by_name_images_by_type | HEAD /GameGenres/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_gamegenres_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | HEAD /GameGenres/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_genres_by_name_images_by_type | HEAD /Genres/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_genres_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | HEAD /Genres/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_items_by_id_images_by_type | HEAD /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_items_by_id_images_by_type_by_index | HEAD /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_items_by_id_images_by_type_by_index_by_tag_by_format_by_maxwidth_by_maxheight_by_percentplayed_by_unplayedcount | HEAD /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index}/{Tag}/{Format}/{MaxWidth}/{MaxHeight}/{PercentPlayed}/{UnplayedCount} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_musicgenres_by_name_images_by_type | HEAD /MusicGenres/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_musicgenres_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | HEAD /MusicGenres/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_persons_by_name_images_by_type | HEAD /Persons/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_persons_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | HEAD /Persons/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_studios_by_name_images_by_type | HEAD /Studios/{Name}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_studios_by_name_images_by_type_by_index | HEAD /Studios/{Name}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_users_by_id_images_by_type | HEAD /Users/{Id}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | head_users_by_id_images_by_type_by_index | HEAD /Users/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | post_items_by_id_images_by_type | POST /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | post_items_by_id_images_by_type_by_index | POST /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
ImageServiceApi | post_items_by_id_images_by_type_by_index_index | POST /Items/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index}/Index | Updates the index for an item image |
ImageServiceApi | post_users_by_id_images_by_type | POST /Users/{Id}/Images/{Type} | |
ImageServiceApi | post_users_by_id_images_by_type_by_index | POST /Users/{Id}/Images/{Type}/{Index} | |
InstantMixServiceApi | get_albums_by_id_instantmix | GET /Albums/{Id}/InstantMix | Creates an instant playlist based on a given album |
InstantMixServiceApi | get_artists_instantmix | GET /Artists/InstantMix | Creates an instant playlist based on a given artist |
InstantMixServiceApi | get_items_by_id_instantmix | GET /Items/{Id}/InstantMix | Creates an instant playlist based on a given item |
InstantMixServiceApi | get_musicgenres_by_name_instantmix | GET /MusicGenres/{Name}/InstantMix | Creates an instant playlist based on a music genre |
InstantMixServiceApi | get_musicgenres_instantmix | GET /MusicGenres/InstantMix | Creates an instant playlist based on a music genre |
InstantMixServiceApi | get_playlists_by_id_instantmix | GET /Playlists/{Id}/InstantMix | Creates an instant playlist based on a given playlist |
InstantMixServiceApi | get_songs_by_id_instantmix | GET /Songs/{Id}/InstantMix | Creates an instant playlist based on a given song |
ItemLookupServiceApi | get_items_by_id_externalidinfos | GET /Items/{Id}/ExternalIdInfos | Gets external id infos for an item |
ItemLookupServiceApi | get_items_remotesearch_image | GET /Items/RemoteSearch/Image | Gets a remote image |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_apply_by_id | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Apply/{Id} | Applies search criteria to an item and refreshes metadata |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_book | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Book | |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_boxset | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/BoxSet | |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_game | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Game | |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_movie | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Movie | |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_musicalbum | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/MusicAlbum | |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_musicartist | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/MusicArtist | |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_musicvideo | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/MusicVideo | |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_person | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Person | |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_series | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Series | |
ItemLookupServiceApi | post_items_remotesearch_trailer | POST /Items/RemoteSearch/Trailer | |
ItemRefreshServiceApi | post_items_by_id_refresh | POST /Items/{Id}/Refresh | Refreshes metadata for an item |
ItemUpdateServiceApi | get_items_by_itemid_metadataeditor | GET /Items/{ItemId}/MetadataEditor | Gets metadata editor info for an item |
ItemUpdateServiceApi | post_items_by_itemid | POST /Items/{ItemId} | Updates an item |
ItemsServiceApi | get_items | GET /Items | Gets items based on a query. |
ItemsServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_items | GET /Users/{UserId}/Items | Gets items based on a query. |
ItemsServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_items_resume | GET /Users/{UserId}/Items/Resume | Gets items based on a query. |
LibraryServiceApi | delete_items | DELETE /Items | Deletes an item from the library and file system |
LibraryServiceApi | delete_items_by_id | DELETE /Items/{Id} | Deletes an item from the library and file system |
LibraryServiceApi | get_albums_by_id_similar | GET /Albums/{Id}/Similar | Finds albums similar to a given album. |
LibraryServiceApi | get_artists_by_id_similar | GET /Artists/{Id}/Similar | Finds albums similar to a given album. |
LibraryServiceApi | get_games_by_id_similar | GET /Games/{Id}/Similar | Finds games similar to a given game. |
LibraryServiceApi | get_items_by_id_ancestors | GET /Items/{Id}/Ancestors | Gets all parents of an item |
LibraryServiceApi | get_items_by_id_criticreviews | GET /Items/{Id}/CriticReviews | Gets critic reviews for an item |
LibraryServiceApi | get_items_by_id_deleteinfo | GET /Items/{Id}/DeleteInfo | Gets delete info for an item |
LibraryServiceApi | get_items_by_id_download | GET /Items/{Id}/Download | Downloads item media |
LibraryServiceApi | get_items_by_id_file | GET /Items/{Id}/File | Gets the original file of an item |
LibraryServiceApi | get_items_by_id_similar | GET /Items/{Id}/Similar | Gets similar items |
LibraryServiceApi | get_items_by_id_thememedia | GET /Items/{Id}/ThemeMedia | Gets theme videos and songs for an item |
LibraryServiceApi | get_items_by_id_themesongs | GET /Items/{Id}/ThemeSongs | Gets theme songs for an item |
LibraryServiceApi | get_items_by_id_themevideos | GET /Items/{Id}/ThemeVideos | Gets theme videos for an item |
LibraryServiceApi | get_items_counts | GET /Items/Counts | |
LibraryServiceApi | get_libraries_availableoptions | GET /Libraries/AvailableOptions | |
LibraryServiceApi | get_library_mediafolders | GET /Library/MediaFolders | Gets all user media folders. |
LibraryServiceApi | get_library_physicalpaths | GET /Library/PhysicalPaths | Gets a list of physical paths from virtual folders |
LibraryServiceApi | get_library_selectablemediafolders | GET /Library/SelectableMediaFolders | Gets all user media folders. |
LibraryServiceApi | get_movies_by_id_similar | GET /Movies/{Id}/Similar | Finds movies and trailers similar to a given movie. |
LibraryServiceApi | get_shows_by_id_similar | GET /Shows/{Id}/Similar | Finds tv shows similar to a given one. |
LibraryServiceApi | get_trailers_by_id_similar | GET /Trailers/{Id}/Similar | Finds movies and trailers similar to a given trailer. |
LibraryServiceApi | post_library_media_updated | POST /Library/Media/Updated | Reports that new movies have been added by an external source |
LibraryServiceApi | post_library_movies_added | POST /Library/Movies/Added | Deprecated. Use /Library/Media/Updated |
LibraryServiceApi | post_library_movies_updated | POST /Library/Movies/Updated | Deprecated. Use /Library/Media/Updated |
LibraryServiceApi | post_library_refresh | POST /Library/Refresh | Starts a library scan |
LibraryServiceApi | post_library_series_added | POST /Library/Series/Added | Deprecated. Use /Library/Media/Updated |
LibraryServiceApi | post_library_series_updated | POST /Library/Series/Updated | Deprecated. Use /Library/Media/Updated |
LibraryStructureServiceApi | delete_library_virtualfolders | DELETE /Library/VirtualFolders | |
LibraryStructureServiceApi | delete_library_virtualfolders_paths | DELETE /Library/VirtualFolders/Paths | |
LibraryStructureServiceApi | get_library_virtualfolders | GET /Library/VirtualFolders | |
LibraryStructureServiceApi | post_library_virtualfolders | POST /Library/VirtualFolders | |
LibraryStructureServiceApi | post_library_virtualfolders_libraryoptions | POST /Library/VirtualFolders/LibraryOptions | |
LibraryStructureServiceApi | post_library_virtualfolders_name | POST /Library/VirtualFolders/Name | |
LibraryStructureServiceApi | post_library_virtualfolders_paths | POST /Library/VirtualFolders/Paths | |
LibraryStructureServiceApi | post_library_virtualfolders_paths_update | POST /Library/VirtualFolders/Paths/Update | |
LiveTvServiceApi | delete_livetv_channelmappingoptions | DELETE /LiveTv/ChannelMappingOptions | |
LiveTvServiceApi | delete_livetv_channelmappings | DELETE /LiveTv/ChannelMappings | |
LiveTvServiceApi | delete_livetv_listingproviders | DELETE /LiveTv/ListingProviders | Deletes a listing provider |
LiveTvServiceApi | delete_livetv_recordings_by_id | DELETE /LiveTv/Recordings/{Id} | Deletes a live tv recording |
LiveTvServiceApi | delete_livetv_seriestimers_by_id | DELETE /LiveTv/SeriesTimers/{Id} | Cancels a live tv series timer |
LiveTvServiceApi | delete_livetv_timers_by_id | DELETE /LiveTv/Timers/{Id} | Cancels a live tv timer |
LiveTvServiceApi | delete_livetv_tunerhosts | DELETE /LiveTv/TunerHosts | Deletes a tuner host |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_channelmappingoptions | GET /LiveTv/ChannelMappingOptions | |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_channelmappings | GET /LiveTv/ChannelMappings | |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_channels | GET /LiveTv/Channels | Gets available live tv channels. |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_channels_by_id | GET /LiveTv/Channels/{Id} | Gets a live tv channel |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_guideinfo | GET /LiveTv/GuideInfo | Gets guide info |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_info | GET /LiveTv/Info | Gets available live tv services. |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_listingproviders | GET /LiveTv/ListingProviders | Gets current listing providers |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_listingproviders_available | GET /LiveTv/ListingProviders/Available | Gets listing provider |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_listingproviders_default | GET /LiveTv/ListingProviders/Default | |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_listingproviders_lineups | GET /LiveTv/ListingProviders/Lineups | Gets available lineups |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_listingproviders_schedulesdirect_countries | GET /LiveTv/ListingProviders/SchedulesDirect/Countries | Gets available lineups |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_liverecordings_by_id_stream | GET /LiveTv/LiveRecordings/{Id}/stream | Gets a live tv channel |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_livestreamfiles_by_id_by_container | GET /LiveTv/LiveStreamFiles/{Id}/stream.{Container} | Gets a live tv channel |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_programs | GET /LiveTv/Programs | Gets available live tv epgs.. |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_programs_recommended | GET /LiveTv/Programs/Recommended | Gets available live tv epgs.. |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_recordings | GET /LiveTv/Recordings | Gets live tv recordings |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_recordings_by_id | GET /LiveTv/Recordings/{Id} | Gets a live tv recording |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_recordings_folders | GET /LiveTv/Recordings/Folders | Gets recording folders |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_recordings_groups | GET /LiveTv/Recordings/Groups | Gets live tv recording groups |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_recordings_groups_by_id | GET /LiveTv/Recordings/Groups/{Id} | Gets a recording group |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_recordings_series | GET /LiveTv/Recordings/Series | Gets live tv recordings |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_seriestimers | GET /LiveTv/SeriesTimers | Gets live tv series timers |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_seriestimers_by_id | GET /LiveTv/SeriesTimers/{Id} | Gets a live tv series timer |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_timers | GET /LiveTv/Timers | Gets live tv timers |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_timers_by_id | GET /LiveTv/Timers/{Id} | Gets a live tv timer |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_timers_defaults | GET /LiveTv/Timers/Defaults | Gets default values for a new timer |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_tunerhosts | GET /LiveTv/TunerHosts | Gets tuner hosts |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_tunerhosts_types | GET /LiveTv/TunerHosts/Types | |
LiveTvServiceApi | get_livetv_tuners_discvover | GET /LiveTv/Tuners/Discvover | |
LiveTvServiceApi | head_livetv_channelmappingoptions | HEAD /LiveTv/ChannelMappingOptions | |
LiveTvServiceApi | head_livetv_channelmappings | HEAD /LiveTv/ChannelMappings | |
LiveTvServiceApi | options_livetv_channelmappingoptions | OPTIONS /LiveTv/ChannelMappingOptions | |
LiveTvServiceApi | options_livetv_channelmappings | OPTIONS /LiveTv/ChannelMappings | |
LiveTvServiceApi | patch_livetv_channelmappingoptions | PATCH /LiveTv/ChannelMappingOptions | |
LiveTvServiceApi | patch_livetv_channelmappings | PATCH /LiveTv/ChannelMappings | |
LiveTvServiceApi | post_livetv_channelmappingoptions | POST /LiveTv/ChannelMappingOptions | |
LiveTvServiceApi | post_livetv_channelmappings | POST /LiveTv/ChannelMappings | |
LiveTvServiceApi | post_livetv_listingproviders | POST /LiveTv/ListingProviders | Adds a listing provider |
LiveTvServiceApi | post_livetv_programs | POST /LiveTv/Programs | Gets available live tv epgs.. |
LiveTvServiceApi | post_livetv_seriestimers | POST /LiveTv/SeriesTimers | Creates a live tv series timer |
LiveTvServiceApi | post_livetv_seriestimers_by_id | POST /LiveTv/SeriesTimers/{Id} | Updates a live tv series timer |
LiveTvServiceApi | post_livetv_timers | POST /LiveTv/Timers | Creates a live tv timer |
LiveTvServiceApi | post_livetv_timers_by_id | POST /LiveTv/Timers/{Id} | Updates a live tv timer |
LiveTvServiceApi | post_livetv_tunerhosts | POST /LiveTv/TunerHosts | Adds a tuner host |
LiveTvServiceApi | post_livetv_tuners_by_id_reset | POST /LiveTv/Tuners/{Id}/Reset | Resets a tv tuner |
LiveTvServiceApi | put_livetv_channelmappingoptions | PUT /LiveTv/ChannelMappingOptions | |
LiveTvServiceApi | put_livetv_channelmappings | PUT /LiveTv/ChannelMappings | |
LocalizationServiceApi | get_localization_countries | GET /Localization/Countries | Gets known countries |
LocalizationServiceApi | get_localization_cultures | GET /Localization/Cultures | Gets known cultures |
LocalizationServiceApi | get_localization_options | GET /Localization/Options | Gets localization options |
LocalizationServiceApi | get_localization_parentalratings | GET /Localization/ParentalRatings | Gets known parental ratings |
MediaInfoServiceApi | get_items_by_id_playbackinfo | GET /Items/{Id}/PlaybackInfo | Gets live playback media info for an item |
MediaInfoServiceApi | get_playback_bitratetest | GET /Playback/BitrateTest | |
MediaInfoServiceApi | post_items_by_id_playbackinfo | POST /Items/{Id}/PlaybackInfo | Gets live playback media info for an item |
MediaInfoServiceApi | post_livestreams_close | POST /LiveStreams/Close | Closes a media source |
MediaInfoServiceApi | post_livestreams_mediainfo | POST /LiveStreams/MediaInfo | Closes a media source |
MediaInfoServiceApi | post_livestreams_open | POST /LiveStreams/Open | Opens a media source |
MoviesServiceApi | get_movies_recommendations | GET /Movies/Recommendations | Gets movie recommendations |
MusicGenresServiceApi | get_musicgenres | GET /MusicGenres | Gets all music genres from a given item, folder, or the entire library |
MusicGenresServiceApi | get_musicgenres_by_name | GET /MusicGenres/{Name} | Gets a music genre, by name |
NewsServiceApi | get_news_product | GET /News/Product | Gets the latest product news. |
NotificationsServiceApi | get_notifications_by_userid | GET /Notifications/{UserId} | Gets notifications |
NotificationsServiceApi | get_notifications_by_userid_summary | GET /Notifications/{UserId}/Summary | Gets a notification summary for a user |
NotificationsServiceApi | get_notifications_services | GET /Notifications/Services | Gets notification types |
NotificationsServiceApi | get_notifications_types | GET /Notifications/Types | Gets notification types |
NotificationsServiceApi | post_notifications_admin | POST /Notifications/Admin | Sends a notification to all admin users |
NotificationsServiceApi | post_notifications_by_userid_read | POST /Notifications/{UserId}/Read | Marks notifications as read |
NotificationsServiceApi | post_notifications_by_userid_unread | POST /Notifications/{UserId}/Unread | Marks notifications as unread |
OfficialRatingServiceApi | get_officialratings | GET /OfficialRatings | Gets items based on a query. |
OpenApiServiceApi | get_openapi | GET /openapi | Gets the OpenAPI 3 specifications |
OpenApiServiceApi | get_openapi_json | GET /openapi.json | Gets OpenAPI 3 specifications |
OpenApiServiceApi | get_swagger | GET /swagger | Gets the swagger specifications |
OpenApiServiceApi | get_swagger_json | GET /swagger.json | Gets the swagger specifications |
PackageServiceApi | delete_packages_installing_by_id | DELETE /Packages/Installing/{Id} | Cancels a package installation |
PackageServiceApi | get_packages | GET /Packages | Gets available packages |
PackageServiceApi | get_packages_by_name | GET /Packages/{Name} | Gets a package, by name or assembly guid |
PackageServiceApi | get_packages_updates | GET /Packages/Updates | Gets available package updates for currently installed packages |
PackageServiceApi | post_packages_installed_by_name | POST /Packages/Installed/{Name} | Installs a package |
PersonsServiceApi | get_persons | GET /Persons | Gets all persons from a given item, folder, or the entire library |
PersonsServiceApi | get_persons_by_name | GET /Persons/{Name} | Gets a person, by name |
PlaylistServiceApi | delete_playlists_by_id_items | DELETE /Playlists/{Id}/Items | Removes items from a playlist |
PlaylistServiceApi | get_playlists_by_id_items | GET /Playlists/{Id}/Items | Gets the original items of a playlist |
PlaylistServiceApi | post_playlists | POST /Playlists | Creates a new playlist |
PlaylistServiceApi | post_playlists_by_id_items | POST /Playlists/{Id}/Items | Adds items to a playlist |
PlaylistServiceApi | post_playlists_by_id_items_by_itemid_move_by_newindex | POST /Playlists/{Id}/Items/{ItemId}/Move/{NewIndex} | Moves a playlist item |
PlaystateServiceApi | delete_users_by_userid_playeditems_by_id | DELETE /Users/{UserId}/PlayedItems/{Id} | Marks an item as unplayed |
PlaystateServiceApi | delete_users_by_userid_playingitems_by_id | DELETE /Users/{UserId}/PlayingItems/{Id} | Reports that a user has stopped playing an item |
PlaystateServiceApi | post_sessions_playing | POST /Sessions/Playing | Reports playback has started within a session |
PlaystateServiceApi | post_sessions_playing_ping | POST /Sessions/Playing/Ping | Pings a playback session |
PlaystateServiceApi | post_sessions_playing_progress | POST /Sessions/Playing/Progress | Reports playback progress within a session |
PlaystateServiceApi | post_sessions_playing_stopped | POST /Sessions/Playing/Stopped | Reports playback has stopped within a session |
PlaystateServiceApi | post_users_by_userid_playeditems_by_id | POST /Users/{UserId}/PlayedItems/{Id} | Marks an item as played |
PlaystateServiceApi | post_users_by_userid_playingitems_by_id | POST /Users/{UserId}/PlayingItems/{Id} | Reports that a user has begun playing an item |
PlaystateServiceApi | post_users_by_userid_playingitems_by_id_progress | POST /Users/{UserId}/PlayingItems/{Id}/Progress | Reports a user's playback progress |
PluginServiceApi | delete_plugins_by_id | DELETE /Plugins/{Id} | Uninstalls a plugin |
PluginServiceApi | get_plugins | GET /Plugins | Gets a list of currently installed plugins |
PluginServiceApi | get_plugins_by_id_configuration | GET /Plugins/{Id}/Configuration | Gets a plugin's configuration |
PluginServiceApi | get_plugins_by_id_thumb | GET /Plugins/{Id}/Thumb | Gets a plugin thumb image |
PluginServiceApi | post_plugins_by_id_configuration | POST /Plugins/{Id}/Configuration | Updates a plugin's configuration |
RemoteImageServiceApi | get_images_remote | GET /Images/Remote | Gets a remote image |
RemoteImageServiceApi | get_items_by_id_remoteimages | GET /Items/{Id}/RemoteImages | Gets available remote images for an item |
RemoteImageServiceApi | get_items_by_id_remoteimages_providers | GET /Items/{Id}/RemoteImages/Providers | Gets available remote image providers for an item |
RemoteImageServiceApi | post_items_by_id_remoteimages_download | POST /Items/{Id}/RemoteImages/Download | Downloads a remote image for an item |
ReportsServiceApi | get_reports_activities | GET /Reports/Activities | Gets activities entries |
ReportsServiceApi | get_reports_headers | GET /Reports/Headers | Gets reports headers based on library items |
ReportsServiceApi | get_reports_items | GET /Reports/Items | Gets reports based on library items |
ReportsServiceApi | get_reports_items_download | GET /Reports/Items/Download | Downloads report |
ScheduledTaskServiceApi | delete_scheduledtasks_running_by_id | DELETE /ScheduledTasks/Running/{Id} | Stops a scheduled task |
ScheduledTaskServiceApi | get_scheduledtasks | GET /ScheduledTasks | Gets scheduled tasks |
ScheduledTaskServiceApi | get_scheduledtasks_by_id | GET /ScheduledTasks/{Id} | Gets a scheduled task, by Id |
ScheduledTaskServiceApi | post_scheduledtasks_by_id_triggers | POST /ScheduledTasks/{Id}/Triggers | Updates the triggers for a scheduled task |
ScheduledTaskServiceApi | post_scheduledtasks_running_by_id | POST /ScheduledTasks/Running/{Id} | Starts a scheduled task |
SearchServiceApi | get_search_hints | GET /Search/Hints | Gets search hints based on a search term |
ServerApiEndpointsApi | post_notification_smtp_test_by_userid | POST /Notification/SMTP/Test/{UserID} | Tests SMTP |
SessionsServiceApi | delete_auth_keys_by_key | DELETE /Auth/Keys/{Key} | |
SessionsServiceApi | delete_sessions_by_id_users_by_userid | DELETE /Sessions/{Id}/Users/{UserId} | Removes an additional user from a session |
SessionsServiceApi | get_auth_keys | GET /Auth/Keys | |
SessionsServiceApi | get_auth_providers | GET /Auth/Providers | |
SessionsServiceApi | get_sessions | GET /Sessions | Gets a list of sessions |
SessionsServiceApi | post_auth_keys | POST /Auth/Keys | |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_by_id_command | POST /Sessions/{Id}/Command | Issues a system command to a client |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_by_id_command_by_command | POST /Sessions/{Id}/Command/{Command} | Issues a system command to a client |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_by_id_message | POST /Sessions/{Id}/Message | Issues a command to a client to display a message to the user |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_by_id_playing | POST /Sessions/{Id}/Playing | Instructs a session to play an item |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_by_id_playing_by_command | POST /Sessions/{Id}/Playing/{Command} | Issues a playstate command to a client |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_by_id_system_by_command | POST /Sessions/{Id}/System/{Command} | Issues a system command to a client |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_by_id_users_by_userid | POST /Sessions/{Id}/Users/{UserId} | Adds an additional user to a session |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_by_id_viewing | POST /Sessions/{Id}/Viewing | Instructs a session to browse to an item or view |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_capabilities | POST /Sessions/Capabilities | Updates capabilities for a device |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_capabilities_full | POST /Sessions/Capabilities/Full | Updates capabilities for a device |
SessionsServiceApi | post_sessions_logout | POST /Sessions/Logout | Reports that a session has ended |
StudiosServiceApi | get_studios | GET /Studios | Gets all studios from a given item, folder, or the entire library |
StudiosServiceApi | get_studios_by_name | GET /Studios/{Name} | Gets a studio, by name |
SubtitleServiceApi | delete_videos_by_id_subtitles_by_index | DELETE /Videos/{Id}/Subtitles/{Index} | Deletes an external subtitle file |
SubtitleServiceApi | get_items_by_id_remotesearch_subtitles_by_language | GET /Items/{Id}/RemoteSearch/Subtitles/{Language} | |
SubtitleServiceApi | get_providers_subtitles_subtitles_by_id | GET /Providers/Subtitles/Subtitles/{Id} | |
SubtitleServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_by_mediasourceid_subtitles_by_index_by_format | GET /Videos/{Id}/{MediaSourceId}/Subtitles/{Index}/Stream.{Format} | Gets subtitles in a specified format. |
SubtitleServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_by_mediasourceid_subtitles_by_index_by_startpositionticks_by_format | GET /Videos/{Id}/{MediaSourceId}/Subtitles/{Index}/{StartPositionTicks}/Stream.{Format} | Gets subtitles in a specified format. |
SubtitleServiceApi | post_items_by_id_remotesearch_subtitles_by_subtitleid | POST /Items/{Id}/RemoteSearch/Subtitles/{SubtitleId} | |
SuggestionsServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_suggestions | GET /Users/{UserId}/Suggestions | Gets items based on a query. |
SyncServiceApi | delete_sync_by_targetid_items | DELETE /Sync/{TargetId}/Items | Cancels items from a sync target |
SyncServiceApi | delete_sync_jobitems_by_id | DELETE /Sync/JobItems/{Id} | Cancels a sync job item |
SyncServiceApi | delete_sync_jobs_by_id | DELETE /Sync/Jobs/{Id} | Cancels a sync job. |
SyncServiceApi | get_sync_items_ready | GET /Sync/Items/Ready | Gets ready to download sync items. |
SyncServiceApi | get_sync_jobitems | GET /Sync/JobItems | Gets sync job items. |
SyncServiceApi | get_sync_jobitems_by_id_additionalfiles | GET /Sync/JobItems/{Id}/AdditionalFiles | Gets a sync job item file |
SyncServiceApi | get_sync_jobitems_by_id_file | GET /Sync/JobItems/{Id}/File | Gets a sync job item file |
SyncServiceApi | get_sync_jobs | GET /Sync/Jobs | Gets sync jobs. |
SyncServiceApi | get_sync_jobs_by_id | GET /Sync/Jobs/{Id} | Gets a sync job. |
SyncServiceApi | get_sync_options | GET /Sync/Options | Gets a list of available sync targets. |
SyncServiceApi | get_sync_targets | GET /Sync/Targets | Gets a list of available sync targets. |
SyncServiceApi | post_sync_by_itemid_status | POST /Sync/{ItemId}/Status | Gets sync status for an item. |
SyncServiceApi | post_sync_data | POST /Sync/Data | Syncs data between device and server |
SyncServiceApi | post_sync_items_cancel | POST /Sync/Items/Cancel | Cancels items from a sync target |
SyncServiceApi | post_sync_jobitems_by_id_enable | POST /Sync/JobItems/{Id}/Enable | Enables a cancelled or queued sync job item |
SyncServiceApi | post_sync_jobitems_by_id_markforremoval | POST /Sync/JobItems/{Id}/MarkForRemoval | Marks a job item for removal |
SyncServiceApi | post_sync_jobitems_by_id_transferred | POST /Sync/JobItems/{Id}/Transferred | Reports that a sync job item has successfully been transferred. |
SyncServiceApi | post_sync_jobitems_by_id_unmarkforremoval | POST /Sync/JobItems/{Id}/UnmarkForRemoval | Unmarks a job item for removal |
SyncServiceApi | post_sync_jobs | POST /Sync/Jobs | Gets sync jobs. |
SyncServiceApi | post_sync_jobs_by_id | POST /Sync/Jobs/{Id} | Updates a sync job. |
SyncServiceApi | post_sync_offlineactions | POST /Sync/OfflineActions | Reports an action that occurred while offline. |
SystemServiceApi | get_system_endpoint | GET /System/Endpoint | Gets information about the request endpoint |
SystemServiceApi | get_system_info | GET /System/Info | Gets information about the server |
SystemServiceApi | get_system_info_public | GET /System/Info/Public | Gets public information about the server |
SystemServiceApi | get_system_logs | GET /System/Logs | Gets a list of available server log files |
SystemServiceApi | get_system_logs_log | GET /System/Logs/Log | Gets a log file |
SystemServiceApi | get_system_ping | GET /System/Ping | |
SystemServiceApi | get_system_wakeonlaninfo | GET /System/WakeOnLanInfo | Gets wake on lan information |
SystemServiceApi | post_system_ping | POST /System/Ping | |
SystemServiceApi | post_system_restart | POST /System/Restart | Restarts the application, if needed |
SystemServiceApi | post_system_shutdown | POST /System/Shutdown | Shuts down the application |
TagServiceApi | get_artists_prefixes | GET /Artists/Prefixes | Gets items based on a query. |
TagServiceApi | get_audiocodecs | GET /AudioCodecs | Gets items based on a query. |
TagServiceApi | get_containers | GET /Containers | Gets items based on a query. |
TagServiceApi | get_items_prefixes | GET /Items/Prefixes | Gets items based on a query. |
TagServiceApi | get_subtitlecodecs | GET /SubtitleCodecs | Gets items based on a query. |
TagServiceApi | get_tags | GET /Tags | Gets items based on a query. |
TagServiceApi | get_videocodecs | GET /VideoCodecs | Gets items based on a query. |
TagServiceApi | get_years | GET /Years | Gets items based on a query. |
TrailersServiceApi | get_trailers | GET /Trailers | Finds movies and trailers similar to a given trailer. |
TvShowsServiceApi | get_shows_by_id_episodes | GET /Shows/{Id}/Episodes | Gets episodes for a tv season |
TvShowsServiceApi | get_shows_by_id_seasons | GET /Shows/{Id}/Seasons | Gets seasons for a tv series |
TvShowsServiceApi | get_shows_nextup | GET /Shows/NextUp | Gets a list of next up episodes |
TvShowsServiceApi | get_shows_upcoming | GET /Shows/Upcoming | Gets a list of upcoming episodes |
UniversalAudioServiceApi | get_audio_by_id_by_container | GET /Audio/{Id}/universal.{Container} | Gets an audio stream |
UniversalAudioServiceApi | get_audio_by_id_universal | GET /Audio/{Id}/universal | Gets an audio stream |
UniversalAudioServiceApi | head_audio_by_id_by_container | HEAD /Audio/{Id}/universal.{Container} | Gets an audio stream |
UniversalAudioServiceApi | head_audio_by_id_universal | HEAD /Audio/{Id}/universal | Gets an audio stream |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_by_breakdowntype_breakdownreport | GET /user_usage_stats/{BreakdownType}/BreakdownReport | Gets a breakdown of a usage metric |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_by_userid_by_date_getitems | GET /user_usage_stats/{UserID}/{Date}/GetItems | Gets activity for {USER} for {Date} formatted as yyyy-MM-dd |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_durationhistogramreport | GET /user_usage_stats/DurationHistogramReport | Gets duration histogram |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_hourlyreport | GET /user_usage_stats/HourlyReport | Gets a report of the available activity per hour |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_load_backup | GET /user_usage_stats/load_backup | Loads a backup from a file |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_moviesreport | GET /user_usage_stats/MoviesReport | Gets Movies counts |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_playactivity | GET /user_usage_stats/PlayActivity | Gets play activity for number of days |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_process_list | GET /user_usage_stats/process_list | Gets a list of process Info |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_resource_usage | GET /user_usage_stats/resource_usage | Gets Resource Usage Info |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_save_backup | GET /user_usage_stats/save_backup | Saves a backup of the playback report data to the backup path |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_session_list | GET /user_usage_stats/session_list | Gets Session Info |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_tvshowsreport | GET /user_usage_stats/TvShowsReport | Gets TV Shows counts |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_type_filter_list | GET /user_usage_stats/type_filter_list | Gets types filter list items |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_user_activity | GET /user_usage_stats/user_activity | Gets a report of the available activity per hour |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_user_list | GET /user_usage_stats/user_list | Get users |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_user_manage_by_action_by_id | GET /user_usage_stats/user_manage/{Action}/{Id} | Get users |
UserActivityAPIApi | get_user_usage_stats_userplaylist | GET /user_usage_stats/UserPlaylist | Gets a report of all played items for a user in a date period |
UserActivityAPIApi | post_user_usage_stats_import_backup | POST /user_usage_stats/import_backup | Post a backup for importing |
UserActivityAPIApi | post_user_usage_stats_submit_custom_query | POST /user_usage_stats/submit_custom_query | Submit an SQL query |
UserLibraryServiceApi | delete_users_by_userid_favoriteitems_by_id | DELETE /Users/{UserId}/FavoriteItems/{Id} | Unmarks an item as a favorite |
UserLibraryServiceApi | delete_users_by_userid_items_by_id_rating | DELETE /Users/{UserId}/Items/{Id}/Rating | Deletes a user's saved personal rating for an item |
UserLibraryServiceApi | get_livetv_programs_by_id | GET /LiveTv/Programs/{Id} | Gets a live tv program |
UserLibraryServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_items_by_id | GET /Users/{UserId}/Items/{Id} | Gets an item from a user's library |
UserLibraryServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_items_by_id_intros | GET /Users/{UserId}/Items/{Id}/Intros | Gets intros to play before the main media item plays |
UserLibraryServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_items_by_id_localtrailers | GET /Users/{UserId}/Items/{Id}/LocalTrailers | Gets local trailers for an item |
UserLibraryServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_items_by_id_specialfeatures | GET /Users/{UserId}/Items/{Id}/SpecialFeatures | Gets special features for an item |
UserLibraryServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_items_latest | GET /Users/{UserId}/Items/Latest | Gets latest media |
UserLibraryServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_items_root | GET /Users/{UserId}/Items/Root | Gets the root folder from a user's library |
UserLibraryServiceApi | post_users_by_userid_favoriteitems_by_id | POST /Users/{UserId}/FavoriteItems/{Id} | Marks an item as a favorite |
UserLibraryServiceApi | post_users_by_userid_items_by_id_rating | POST /Users/{UserId}/Items/{Id}/Rating | Updates a user's rating for an item |
UserServiceApi | delete_users_by_id | DELETE /Users/{Id} | Deletes a user |
UserServiceApi | get_users | GET /Users | Gets a list of users |
UserServiceApi | get_users_by_id | GET /Users/{Id} | Gets a user by Id |
UserServiceApi | get_users_public | GET /Users/Public | Gets a list of publicly visible users for display on a login screen. |
UserServiceApi | post_users_authenticatebyname | POST /Users/AuthenticateByName | Authenticates a user |
UserServiceApi | post_users_by_id | POST /Users/{Id} | Updates a user |
UserServiceApi | post_users_by_id_authenticate | POST /Users/{Id}/Authenticate | Authenticates a user |
UserServiceApi | post_users_by_id_configuration | POST /Users/{Id}/Configuration | Updates a user configuration |
UserServiceApi | post_users_by_id_easypassword | POST /Users/{Id}/EasyPassword | Updates a user's easy password |
UserServiceApi | post_users_by_id_password | POST /Users/{Id}/Password | Updates a user's password |
UserServiceApi | post_users_by_id_policy | POST /Users/{Id}/Policy | Updates a user policy |
UserServiceApi | post_users_forgotpassword | POST /Users/ForgotPassword | Initiates the forgot password process for a local user |
UserServiceApi | post_users_forgotpassword_pin | POST /Users/ForgotPassword/Pin | Redeems a forgot password pin |
UserServiceApi | post_users_new | POST /Users/New | Creates a user |
UserViewsServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_groupingoptions | GET /Users/{UserId}/GroupingOptions | |
UserViewsServiceApi | get_users_by_userid_views | GET /Users/{UserId}/Views | |
VideoHlsServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_live_m3u8 | GET /Videos/{Id}/live.m3u8 | |
VideoServiceApi | get_items_file | GET /Items/File | Gets the original file of an item |
VideoServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_by_container | GET /Videos/{Id}/stream.{Container} | Gets a video stream |
VideoServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_stream | GET /Videos/{Id}/stream | Gets a video stream |
VideoServiceApi | head_videos_by_id_by_container | HEAD /Videos/{Id}/stream.{Container} | Gets a video stream |
VideoServiceApi | head_videos_by_id_stream | HEAD /Videos/{Id}/stream | Gets a video stream |
VideosServiceApi | delete_videos_by_id_alternatesources | DELETE /Videos/{Id}/AlternateSources | Removes alternate video sources. |
VideosServiceApi | get_videos_by_id_additionalparts | GET /Videos/{Id}/AdditionalParts | Gets additional parts for a video. |
VideosServiceApi | post_videos_mergeversions | POST /Videos/MergeVersions | Merges videos into a single record |
- ActivityLogEntry
- AllThemeMediaResult
- AuthenticateUser
- AuthenticateUserByName
- AuthenticationAuthenticationResult
- BaseItemDto
- BaseItemPerson
- BrandingBrandingOptions
- ChapterInfo
- ClientCapabilities
- CollectionsCollectionCreationResult
- ConfigurationAccessSchedule
- ConfigurationCodecConfiguration
- ConfigurationImageOption
- ConfigurationLibraryOptions
- ConfigurationMediaPathInfo
- ConfigurationPathSubstitution
- ConfigurationServerConfiguration
- ConfigurationTypeOptions
- ConfigurationUserConfiguration
- ConnectConnectAuthenticationExchangeResult
- ConnectUserLinkResult
- CreateUserByName
- DefaultDirectoryBrowserInfo
- DevicesContentUploadHistory
- DevicesDeviceInfo
- DevicesDeviceOptions
- DevicesLocalFileInfo
- DisplayPreferences
- DlnaCodecProfile
- DlnaContainerProfile
- DlnaDeviceIdentification
- DlnaDeviceProfile
- DlnaDeviceProfileInfo
- DlnaDirectPlayProfile
- DlnaHttpHeaderInfo
- DlnaProfileCondition
- DlnaResponseProfile
- DlnaSubtitleProfile
- DlnaTranscodingProfile
- DlnaXmlAttribute
- EmbyNotificationsApiNotification
- EmbyNotificationsApiNotificationResult
- EmbyNotificationsApiNotificationsSummary
- EmbyReportsApiModelReportGroup
- EmbyReportsApiModelReportHeader
- EmbyReportsApiModelReportItem
- EmbyReportsApiModelReportResult
- EmbyReportsApiModelReportRow
- ExternalIdInfo
- ExternalUrl
- ForgotPassword
- ForgotPasswordPin
- GameSystemSummary
- GeneralCommand
- GlobalizationCountryInfo
- GlobalizationCultureDto
- GlobalizationLocalizatonOption
- IOFileSystemEntryInfo
- ImageByNameInfo
- ImageInfo
- ImageProviderInfo
- ItemCounts
- LibraryAddMediaPath
- LibraryAddVirtualFolder
- LibraryDeleteInfo
- LibraryLibraryOptionInfo
- LibraryLibraryOptionsResult
- LibraryLibraryTypeOptions
- LibraryMediaFolder
- LibraryMediaUpdateInfo
- LibraryPostUpdatedMedia
- LibraryRenameVirtualFolder
- LibrarySubFolder
- LibraryUpdateLibraryOptions
- LibraryUpdateMediaPath
- LiveTvGetPrograms
- LiveTvGuideInfo
- LiveTvListingProviderTypeInfo
- LiveTvListingsProviderInfo
- LiveTvLiveTvInfo
- LiveTvLiveTvServiceInfo
- LiveTvSeriesTimerInfoDto
- LiveTvSetChannelMapping
- LiveTvTimerInfoDto
- LiveTvTunerHostInfo
- LogFile
- MediaEncodingCodecsCommonTypesBitRate
- MediaEncodingCodecsCommonTypesLevelInformation
- MediaEncodingCodecsCommonTypesProfileInformation
- MediaEncodingCodecsCommonTypesProfileLevelInformation
- MediaEncodingCodecsCommonTypesResolution
- MediaEncodingCodecsCommonTypesResolutionWithRate
- MediaEncodingCodecsVideoCodecsVideoCodecBase
- MediaInfoLiveStreamRequest
- MediaInfoLiveStreamResponse
- MediaInfoPlaybackInfoRequest
- MediaInfoPlaybackInfoResponse
- MediaSourceInfo
- MediaStream
- MediaUrl
- MetadataEditorInfo
- NameIdPair
- NameLongIdPair
- NameValuePair
- NetEndPointInfo
- NewsNewsItem
- NotificationsNotificationTypeInfo
- ParentalRating
- PlayRequest
- PlaybackProgressInfo
- PlaybackReportingApiCustomQuery
- PlaybackStartInfo
- PlaybackStopInfo
- PlayerStateInfo
- PlaylistsPlaylistCreationResult
- PlaystateRequest
- PluginsPluginInfo
- ProvidersAlbumInfo
- ProvidersArtistInfo
- ProvidersBookInfo
- ProvidersBoxSetInfo
- ProvidersGameInfo
- ProvidersMovieInfo
- ProvidersMusicVideoInfo
- ProvidersPersonLookupInfo
- ProvidersRemoteSearchQueryProvidersAlbumInfo
- ProvidersRemoteSearchQueryProvidersArtistInfo
- ProvidersRemoteSearchQueryProvidersBookInfo
- ProvidersRemoteSearchQueryProvidersBoxSetInfo
- ProvidersRemoteSearchQueryProvidersGameInfo
- ProvidersRemoteSearchQueryProvidersMovieInfo
- ProvidersRemoteSearchQueryProvidersMusicVideoInfo
- ProvidersRemoteSearchQueryProvidersPersonLookupInfo
- ProvidersRemoteSearchQueryProvidersSeriesInfo
- ProvidersRemoteSearchQueryProvidersTrailerInfo
- ProvidersSeriesInfo
- ProvidersSongInfo
- ProvidersTrailerInfo
- PublicSystemInfo
- QueryFilters
- QueryFiltersLegacy
- QueryResultActivityLogEntry
- QueryResultBaseItemDto
- QueryResultDevicesDeviceInfo
- QueryResultLiveTvSeriesTimerInfoDto
- QueryResultLiveTvTimerInfoDto
- QueryResultNewsNewsItem
- QueryResultSyncModelSyncJobItem
- QueryResultSyncSyncJob
- QueryResultUserLibraryOfficialRatingItem
- QueryResultUserLibraryTagItem
- QueueItem
- RecommendationDto
- RemoteImageInfo
- RemoteImageResult
- RemoteSearchResult
- RemoteSubtitleInfo
- RokuMetadataApiThumbnailInfo
- RokuMetadataApiThumbnailSetInfo
- SearchSearchHint
- SearchSearchHintResult
- SessionSessionInfo
- SessionUserInfo
- SyncModelItemFileInfo
- SyncModelSyncDataRequest
- SyncModelSyncDataResponse
- SyncModelSyncDialogOptions
- SyncModelSyncJobCreationResult
- SyncModelSyncJobItem
- SyncModelSyncJobRequest
- SyncModelSyncProfileOption
- SyncModelSyncQualityOption
- SyncModelSyncedItem
- SyncModelSyncedItemProgress
- SyncSyncJob
- SyncSyncTarget
- SystemInfo
- TasksTaskInfo
- TasksTaskResult
- TasksTaskTriggerInfo
- ThemeMediaResult
- TranscodingInfo
- TupleDoubleDouble
- UpdateUserEasyPassword
- UpdateUserPassword
- UpdatesInstallationInfo
- UpdatesPackageInfo
- UpdatesPackageVersionInfo
- UserDto
- UserItemDataDto
- UserLibraryOfficialRatingItem
- UserLibraryTagItem
- UsersForgotPasswordResult
- UsersPinRedeemResult
- UsersUserAction
- UsersUserPolicy
- ValidatePath
- VirtualFolderInfo
- WakeOnLanInfo
- WebDashboardApiConfigurationPageInfo
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api_key
- Location: URL query string