Here are some ideas in my planning list:
- ⚗️ I’m currently working on a project about distributed-microserver
- 🧪 I’m currently learning a language which is golang
- 🧫 Ask me about: Nothing
- 🔬 How to reach me: github && email
- 🦠 Pronouns: sing, dance, R&B and playing basketball
- 🧠 Fun fact: The Engineer of National first-class CV
我的近期动态(一键三连 将自动刷新,最近更新时间:2025-02-23 08:16:41
缓存的那些事儿系列(1) 后端 | 微服务
大道至简之- elastic 后端 | Go
记一次爬虫使用日记(1)--- colly修炼手册 GitHub | 开源
go 孪生兄弟切片和数组 后端 | Go
defer 使用的一点点总结 后端 | Go
golang 开启opencv图形化编程 后端 | GitHub
不得不知道的map 后端 | Go
golang 泛型的“前世今生” 后端 | Go