🤖 robotic
CasADi is a symbolic framework for numeric optimization implementing automatic differentiation in forward and reverse modes on sparse matrix-valued computational graphs. It supports self-contained …
Arduino FOC for BLDC and Stepper motors - Arduino Based Field Oriented Control Algorithm Library
Crocoddyl is an optimal control library for robot control under contact sequence. Its solver is based on various efficient Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP)-like algorithms
Bipedal locomotion software for the humanoid robot platform iCub.
The Time Series Visualization Tool that you deserve.
Automatic architecture search and hyperparameter optimization for PyTorch
Fast and embedded solvers for nonlinear optimal control
Tiny Differentiable Simulator is a header-only C++ and CUDA physics library for reinforcement learning and robotics with zero dependencies.
Massively parallel rigidbody physics simulation on accelerator hardware.
The fuse stack provides a general architecture for performing sensor fusion live on a robot. Some possible applications include state estimation, localization, mapping, and calibration.
Pytorch-based framework for solving parametric constrained optimization problems, physics-informed system identification, and parametric model predictive control.
Fatrop is a nonlinear optimal control problem solver that aims to be fast, support a broad class of optimal control problems and achieve a high numerical robustness.
OpenTorque Actuator: A powerful, compliant actuator for legged robotics.
SpryDrive is an affordable actuator based on the quasi-direct drive (QDD) scheme. It is composed of a brushless outrunner motor, a low-cost metal gearbox, and a 3D-printed housing. Inspired by Gabr…
Visualize streams of multimodal data. Free, fast, easy to use, and simple to integrate. Built in Rust.