A possible implementation of Eduroam Monitoring Database
Please consult the official webpage regarding specifications and other documentation.
- PHP5
- SQLite3
- PHP5 SQLite PDO module
- mod_rewrite compatible web server
Download the latest tar|zip package from http://github.com/stas/eduroam-db Extract the contents in a directory accessible from a web browser.
Got to app/config.php and edit the basic settings for web address and database location. According to the path you set in the config.php populate the database like this:
$ sqlite3 path/to/database.db < db/schema.sql
After it got to the web location of the installation and register.
To enable the xml files, you will need to add some rewrite rules. Check the sample-htaccess.txt for examples.
- Stas SUSHKOV ([email protected])
You can also clone the project with Git by running:
$ git clone git://github.com/stas/eduroam-db