- fix: fixed fnames in cptac vignette and moved away from
to rely onMsDataHub
- New Bioconductor devel release 3.21
- Added more flexibility in the msqrobLM function for models with missing variables
- Fixed full rank check for models without ridge in certain cases
- New Bioconductor stable release 3.20
- Implemented msqrobAggregate() method for SummarizedExperiment objects.
- New Bioconductor devel release 3.20
- New Bioconductor stable release 3.19
- Fixed issue related to levels of a ridge variable
- Fixed issue when fitting only one random effect
- Fixed issues related to reference class changes in the models
- Fixed issue related to colData assay levels
- Refactored internal code
- Fixed issues related to residual degrees of freedom of overparameterized models.
- Fixed issue relating to coldata variables as factors.
- Removed the full lmer model that was accidently left in the statmodel object.
- Added the option to use mixed models without ridge regression
- Added the option to use rowdata variables in the mixed models
- Fix weighted variance covariance matrix and QR decomposition in the msqrobLmer function
- Fix filtering steps in vignette: now using
- Update authors in Description file
- Fix standard errors on the model parameter estimates by msqrobLmer when using doQR = TRUE
- Minor update vignette. Replace eval=FALSE in one R chunk so that the code is evaluated.
- Resolved notes on signalers
- Resolved examples with lines wider than 100 characters
- Avoiding sapply and 1:...
- Added a
file to track changes to the package. - Changed dependency from R (>= 4.0) to R (>= 4.1)
- Updated citation file
- Submission to Bioc