Cloud Function to use the PubSub events on the cloud-builds
topic to update GitHub CI status.
This function is designed to work with GitHub repositories mirrored under Google Cloud Source Control named github-${config.repoOwner}-${ghRepoName}
If you set this through the Container Builder build trigger UI, this will be named automatically.
Generate a new token with the repo:status
OAuth scope.
Set the following on config
in index.js:
Deploy the cloud function to gcloud:
gcloud beta functions deploy setCIStatus --trigger-topic cloud-builds
CI Status context will be one of:
${projectId}/gcb: ${tags.join('/')}
${projectId}/gcb: ${id.substring(0,8)}
Use the tags
field in your build request to name your CI.
Otherwise, it falls back to the build-GUID.
CI Status description will either be:
- nothing
- a join of all images to be published:
- above all, the duration of the build:
3m 27s
- possibly with the last-running build step and error status:
3m 27s · test failure