Laptop is a set of scripts to get your laptop set up as a development machine. Forked from thoughtbot and modified to match our needs.
First, install GCC for OS X. (requires OS X 10.6 or higher)
Then, run this one-liner:
bash < <(curl -s
- SSH public keys (for authenticating with services like Github and Heroku)
- Homebrew (for managing operating system libraries)
- Postgres (for storing relational data)
- Memcached (for caching data and objects in memory)
- MongoDB (for storing document-oriented data)
- Redis (for storing key-value data)
- ImageMagick (for cropping and resizing images)
- RVM (for managing versions of the Ruby programming language)
- Ruby 1.9.3 stable (for writing general-purpose code)
- Bundler gem (for managing Ruby libraries)
- Rails gem (for writing web applications)
- Heroku gem (for interacting with the Heroku API)
- Postgres gem (for making Ruby talk to SQL databases)
It should take about 30 minutes for everything to install, depending on your machine.