- Create initial project files
- Add html template to the client folder
- Create mongo models (Team, Player, SyncRecord)
- Create required controllers
- Add method to accept date + steps and update accordingly
- Google Auth and extract daily steps
- API integration testing
- Implement frontend according to the design
- Create Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml
- Deploy into a AWS vm
- User testing
GET /api/v1/leaderboard/topteams
GET /api/v1/leaderboard/topteams/{teamId}
GET /api/v1/leaderboard/topplayers
GET /api/v1/leaderboard/topplayers/{playerId}
GET /api/v1/leaderboard/topmaleplayers
GET /api/v1/leaderboard/topfemaleplayers
POST /api/v1/sync
- Replaces steps data, recalculates team/solo scores
"stepCounts": [
"date": "2018-10-12",
"steps": 7500
"date": "2018-12-12",
"steps": 8500
POST /api/v1/syncmanual
- Update/Add single data point, recalculates team/solo scores
"date": "2018-10-12",
"steps": 7500
GET /api/v1/playersync
- Retrive scores/steps for a specific player
//Sample output
"total_steps": [
"_id": "5d31f96c936e5360eaa83c94",
"steps": 5500,
"points": 25,
"date": "2018-11-12T00:00:00.000Z"
"_id": "5d31ec3d41f5763bf038d9ae",
"date": "2018-10-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"steps": 5500,
"points": 25
"steps": 11000,
"points": 50
Fork and clone https://github.com/99xt/walk2win.git
Install dependencies
$ cd client
$ npm i
$ cd ../server
$ npm i
- Setup mongo connection string and the server port from
- Add your contest rules into
Follow steps mentioned here to request an OAuth 2.0 client ID and API key.
Add the keys to the relevant
file in locationclient/src/environments
. You can select either prod or dev.
export const environment = {
production: true,
baseApi: '<add_base_api_here>',
client_id: '<add_client_id_here>',
apiKey: '<add_apiKey_here>'
Install mongodb and then import sample data
$ cd server
// Enter some rows into data/data.csv
$ npm run initdb
Start the REST API
$ cd server
$ npm run dev
Start the Angular app
$ cd client
$ ng serve -o
Submit a pull request with the new feature
Login to your vm or machine via ssh
$ ssh -i <key-file>.pem <username>@<domain>
Remove existing directory and get a clone from deployment repository
$ sudo rm -rf <repo-name>
$ git clone <repo-url>
Create containers
$ cd <repo-name>
$ sudo docker-compose up --build -d
if you are using external mongodb service directly execute intialize.sh
from the host. Otherwise(If you are using dockerized mongo instance), Log in to the container and execute initialize.sh
$ sudo docker exec -it --user=root <container_id> /bin/bash -d
$ cd data
$ ./initialize.sh
Distributed under the MIT License
Made with contributors-img.