⭕️ Qwind: A template to make your website using Qwik + Tailwind CSS.
Ubuntu Server on WD PRx100 tutorial with extras.
Demo app for Vue, Mapbox, Tailwind CSS
Flask API backend with JWT authentication and Mongoengine ORM.
Quick and simple security for Flask applications
Flask starter app with celery, bootstrap, and docker environment
RedCraig / overholt
Forked from mattupstate/overholtExample Flask application illustrating some of my common practices
Different Blueprints for carrying out socket events through celery
Staars / linux-stable
Forked from GhaithCraft/linux-stablelinux-stable mirror from
Insanely fast JPEG/ JPG thumbnail scaling with the minimum fuss and CPU overhead. It makes use of libjpeg features of being able to load an image by only decoding the DCT coefficients needed to rec…
Insanely fast JPEG/JPG thumbnail scaling with the minimum fuss and CPU overhead. It makes use of libjpeg features of being able to load an image by only decoding the DCT coefficients needed to reco…
openmediavault is the next generation network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. Thanks to the modular design of the framework it can be enhanced via plugins. openmediavault is …
A backport of fstrings to python<3.6
Kernel patches and Debian release for Western Digital My Book Live
Custom firmware for Western Digital My Passport Wireless Pro
Bash script for posting gists to
The snapd and snap tools enable systems to work with .snap files.
📦 Build code for NextcloudPi: Raspberry Pi, Odroid, Rock64, curl installer...
The missing CLI Client for Western Digital MyCloud NAS Systems.
Automated docker nginx proxy integrated with letsencrypt.
Automated docker nextcloud for nginx proxy (webproxy) integrated with LetsEncrypt
Compiled binaries for running docker on a WD EX4100 NAS
Community maintained packages for OpenWrt. Documentation for submitting pull requests is in
Slip stream the latest media drivers into an installable Ubuntu kernel package
Extensive Flask boilerplate using best practices with a focus on implementing an OAuth 2.0 client.