- Google Maps Places
- Firebase
- EventBrite
- DarkSky
- Google Maps
- Skycons library
The goal of this app is to provide users with weather information for events they may be interested in attending. Users can search for events using a variety of search terms, and see the results both on a map and as a list. When they click on a result in the list, the app shows the weather forecast for the event (if the event is more than 7 days in the future, historical average data is presented). The app also shows a list of types of events that have recently been searched for.
- Show a list of most common search results rather than recent searches
- For multi day events, show weather for all those days
- If dates are used in the search, force user to choose an end date that is the same as or after the start date
- Google Places autocomplete in the location search box show as dropdown rather than as a div
© Stefan Apreutesei, Yin Lee, Ethan Mo, Catherine Pham February 11, 2019