Files needed for the LXQt Wayland Session
Wing Menu is an alternative menu plugin for lxqt-panel
luebking / phototonic
Forked from oferkv/phototonicImage viewer and organizer
Per window keyboard layout (language) for Hyprland wayland compositor
Inhibit wayland idle when computer is playing sound
qtilities / colorpick
Forked from agateau/colorpickColor picker and contrast checker
LXQt implementation in Wayland compositors
qtilities / wshot
Forked from onokatio/wayland-screenshotWayland screenshot tool using Qarma
SIMULATAN / hyprmag
Forked from hyprwm/hyprpickerA wlroots-compatible Wayland screen magnifier, based on hyprpicker
Full configured LXQt Wayland session using labwc with some limitations
stefonarch / lxqt-wlogout
Forked from ArtsyMacaw/wlogoutA wayland based logout menu for LXQt
qtilities / picom-conf
Forked from lxqt/compton-confGUI configuration tool for Picom X composite manager
A fork of KDE Breeze decoration with additional options
Per window keyboard layout (language) for Hyprland wayland compositor
Hyprshot is an utility to easily take screenshots in Hyprland using your mouse.
A wlroots-compatible Wayland color picker that does not suck.
artizirk / wdisplays
Forked from MichaelAquilina/wdisplaysMirror of cyclopsian/wdisplays