Example usage of MapStruct and Kotlin with JDK-8 Bytecode. This is achieved by using the Kotlin Annotation Processing Tool (KAPT).
In this example we want to map between a Person (Model) and a PersonDto (DTO).
data class Person(var firstName: String?, var lastName: String?, var phoneNumber: String?, var birthdate: LocalDate?) {
// Necessary for MapStruct
constructor() : this(null, null, null, null)
data class PersonDto(var firstName: String?, var lastName: String?, var phone: String?, var birthdate: LocalDate?) {
// Necessary for MapStruct
constructor() : this(null, null, null, null)
The MapStruct converter:
interface PersonConverter {
@Mapping(source = "phoneNumber", target = "phone")
fun convertToDto(person: Person) : PersonDto
fun convertToModel(personDto: PersonDto) : Person
val converter = Mappers.getMapper(PersonConverter::class.java) // or PersonConverterImpl()
val person = Person("Samuel", "Jackson", "0123 334466", LocalDate.of(1948, 12, 21))
val personDto = converter.convertToDto(person)
val personModel = converter.convertToModel(personDto)
As of Kotlin 1.1, repeated annotations are not supported (see KT-12794). You have to wrap the Mapping-Annotation in a Mappings-Annotation.
Mapping(source = "majorVersion", target = "major"),
Mapping(source = "minorVersion", target = "minor"),
Mapping(source = "patchVersion", target = "patch"),
Mapping(source = "normalVersion", target = "normal"),
Mapping(source = "preReleaseVersion", target = "preRelease")
fun convertToDto(version: Version): VersionDto
Using kapt: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/kapt.html
MapStruct: http://mapstruct.org/
Kotlin: https://kotlinlang.org/
Add mapstruct
to your dependencies
Add an execution to the kotlin-maven-plugin with the kapt goal and mapstruct as annotation processor: