A data-driven library for interacting with common TIFF image types.
Take advantage of the newer JDK features in 21/23 to build a data-oriented programming model for interacting with TIFF files.
Our expectation is that most clients will be working with a small number of concrete image types in their applications (usually 1), so this library provides:
- Generic tools to explore unknown image data through models that naturally reflect TIFFs organization
- Concrete, intuitive, image handles for production/regular use
TiffFile file = TiffFileReader.withMaker(BaselineImage.maker())
// the IFD for the first image in the TIFF file
Ifd ifd0 = file.ifd(0);
// static utility classes are provided for tag-value access, values types are handled via
// enhanced switch, unsigned entry values are returned up-cast (e.g. ushort -> int)
int xResolution = XResolution.getRequired(ifd0);
// the first image in the file, images can either be Baseline or Extension types
Image image0 = file.image(0);
// most image handles are lazy by default to prevent eager loading of raster data, allowing
// inspection of IFD entries before deciding to load
public Optional<RgbImage> asRgb(Image image) {
if (image instanceof Image.Lazy l) {
return asRgb(l);
return image instanceof RgbImage r ? Optional.of(r) : Optional.empty();
// BaselineImage subclasses provide richer Pixel types with more semantic information
RgbImage rgb0 = asRgb(image0).orElseThrow();
Pixel.Rgb rgb0_0 = rgb0.valueAt(0, 0);
int r = rgb0_0.unsignedR();
int g = rgb0_0.unsignedG();
int b = rgb0_0.unsignedB();
The strength of the TIFF specification is its extensibility, meaning there is a rich ecosystem of non-baseline image types and encoding methods that are widely used.
This library out-of-the-box supports a subset of these extensions including:
- Tiling (for all
subtypes defined in-repo) - LZW compression
- Differencing predictors
- More... see following sections
The baseline TIFF spec standardizes displaying and formatting for a "baseline" set of images, however TIFF image rasters (the array of pixels) can also be used to carry through "data" in the more traditional sense.
A good example is GeoTIFF where image data is often 32-bit floating-point elevation data. Built-in to the library are a
small number of DataImage
types for handling these more generic rasters.
TiffFile file = TiffFileReader.withMaker(DataImage.maker())
Image image0 = file.image(0);
// Access to these is identical to baseline images, in this case were looking for an image
// with 32-bit floating-point raster data with three samples/components per pixel
public Optional<Float3Image> asFloat(Image image) {
if (image instanceof Image.Lazy l) {
return asRgb(l);
return image instanceof Float3Image f ? Optional.of(f) : Optional.empty();
// DataImage subclasses provided well-typed access to image data (rather than using boxed
// objects like Number[])
Float3Image float0 = asFloat(image0);
Pixel.Float3 float0_0 = float0.valueAt(0, 0);
float f1 = float0_0.f1();
float f2 = float0_0.f2();
float f3 = float0_0.f3();
The GeoTIFF extension allows clients to embed a rich set of geospatial tags used to geo-reference image data within a TIFF file using a specialized tag called a GeoKey Directory (GKD).
Functionally this GKD is identical to encoding another Image File Directory (IFD) as a tag inside a TIFF IFD (we've gone meta). Access the GKD through normal tag syntax:
GeoKeyDirectory gkd = GeoKeyDirectory.getRequired(ifd);
// interact with the GKD like an IFD
int rasterType = RasterType.getRequired(gkd);
int modelType = ModelType.getRequired(gkd);
GeoKeys allow clients to geo-reference TIFF raster data, i.e. put pixels on a map.
Images are used to indicate land cover (e.g. Ice vs Open Water vs etc. in a Palette-Color image). Or may encode data such as elevations in the raster.
This library purposefully doesn't include a coordinate transform system so clients can pick one that suits their needs without dependency conflicts.
- This repo is published to maven central as
, see releases for versions - This implementation relied primarily on TIFF6 documentation here
- Example
images were taken from here and here - Implementations are regression tested against the NGA TIFF library
- Example GeoTIFF files published by USGS
- Modified Huffman compression for BiLevel images
- Write files?