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A data-driven library for interacting with common TIFF image types.


Take advantage of the newer JDK features in 21/23 to build a data-oriented programming model for interacting with TIFF files.

Our expectation is that most clients will be working with a small number of concrete image types in their applications (usually 1), so this library provides:

  1. Generic tools to explore unknown image data through models that naturally reflect TIFFs organization
  2. Concrete, intuitive, image handles for production/regular use
TiffFile file = TiffFileReader.withMaker(BaselineImage.maker())

// the IFD for the first image in the TIFF file
Ifd ifd0 = file.ifd(0);

// static utility classes are provided for tag-value access, values types are handled via 
// enhanced switch, unsigned entry values are returned up-cast (e.g. ushort -> int)
int xResolution = XResolution.getRequired(ifd0);

// the first image in the file, images can either be Baseline or Extension types
Image image0 = file.image(0);

// most image handles are lazy by default to prevent eager loading of raster data, allowing 
// inspection of IFD entries before deciding to load
public Optional<RgbImage> asRgb(Image image) {
    if (image instanceof Image.Lazy l) {
        return asRgb(l);
    return image instanceof RgbImage r ? Optional.of(r) : Optional.empty();

// BaselineImage subclasses provide richer Pixel types with more semantic information
RgbImage rgb0 = asRgb(image0).orElseThrow();

Pixel.Rgb rgb0_0 = rgb0.valueAt(0, 0);
int r = rgb0_0.unsignedR();
int g = rgb0_0.unsignedG();
int b = rgb0_0.unsignedB();


The strength of the TIFF specification is its extensibility, meaning there is a rich ecosystem of non-baseline image types and encoding methods that are widely used.

This library out-of-the-box supports a subset of these extensions including:

  1. Tiling (for all Image subtypes defined in-repo)
  2. LZW compression
  3. Differencing predictors
  4. More... see following sections

"Data" Images

The baseline TIFF spec standardizes displaying and formatting for a "baseline" set of images, however TIFF image rasters (the array of pixels) can also be used to carry through "data" in the more traditional sense.

A good example is GeoTIFF where image data is often 32-bit floating-point elevation data. Built-in to the library are a small number of DataImage types for handling these more generic rasters.

TiffFile file = TiffFileReader.withMaker(DataImage.maker())

Image image0 = file.image(0);

// Access to these is identical to baseline images, in this case were looking for an image 
// with 32-bit floating-point raster data with three samples/components per pixel
public Optional<Float3Image> asFloat(Image image) {
    if (image instanceof Image.Lazy l) {
        return asRgb(l);
    return image instanceof Float3Image f ? Optional.of(f) : Optional.empty();

// DataImage subclasses provided well-typed access to image data (rather than using boxed 
// objects like Number[])
Float3Image float0 = asFloat(image0);

Pixel.Float3 float0_0 = float0.valueAt(0, 0);
float f1 = float0_0.f1();
float f2 = float0_0.f2();
float f3 = float0_0.f3();


The GeoTIFF extension allows clients to embed a rich set of geospatial tags used to geo-reference image data within a TIFF file using a specialized tag called a GeoKey Directory (GKD).

Functionally this GKD is identical to encoding another Image File Directory (IFD) as a tag inside a TIFF IFD (we've gone meta). Access the GKD through normal tag syntax:

GeoKeyDirectory gkd = GeoKeyDirectory.getRequired(ifd);

// interact with the GKD like an IFD
int rasterType = RasterType.getRequired(gkd);
int modelType = ModelType.getRequired(gkd);

GeoKeys allow clients to geo-reference TIFF raster data, i.e. put pixels on a map.

Images are used to indicate land cover (e.g. Ice vs Open Water vs etc. in a Palette-Color image). Or may encode data such as elevations in the raster.

This library purposefully doesn't include a coordinate transform system so clients can pick one that suits their needs without dependency conflicts.


  1. This repo is published to maven central as io.github.stellarsunset:tiff, see releases for versions
  2. This implementation relied primarily on TIFF6 documentation here
  3. Example .tiff images were taken from here and here
  4. Implementations are regression tested against the NGA TIFF library
  5. Example GeoTIFF files published by USGS


  1. Modified Huffman compression for BiLevel images
  2. Write files?