This project is unfinished and not complete yet!
Hydrazine is a command-line based, modular program that uses MCProtocolLib by Steveice10 (link) to interact with a minecraft server. Its purpose is to check if the target is able to withstand a bot-based denial of service attack. Currently, the program supports Minecraft 1.8 and 1.12.1.
- Cracked and Premium Server support
- Authentication proxy support
- Client proxy support (socks only)
- Ability to load cracked usernames and account credentials from file
- Delay between client connections (throttle delay)
- Module support
- Default modules
- Custom / third party modules
Modules are essential for Hydrazine to work. They add all of the functionality to the program and without them, Hydrazine would not be able to do anything.
Hydrazine has some built-in modules that you can execute right from the beginning. To see a list of available modules, start Hydrazine with the '-l' switch. If you want to run a module from that list, you have to start Hydrazine with the '-h' and '-m' switch. '-h' needs to be followed by the target hostname or ip address and '-m' needs to be followed by the module name.
Example: java -jar Hydrazine.jar -h -m info
Hydrazine has the capability to execute external modules by simply running the program with the '-m' switch but this time it is followed by the absolute file path of the module.
Example: java -jar Hydrazine.jar -h localhost -m /home/user/Desktop/module.jar
If you have a folder that contains some external modules, you can set up an environment variable called "HYDRAZINE" (has to be uppercase, without quotation marks) with the value being the file path to that folder (e.g. /home/user/modules/) in order to simplify the process of starting external modules. Now, if you'd like to start a module from that folder, you can simply type it's name instead of the full file path to start it.
java -jar Hydrazine.jar -h -m /home/user/modules/module.jar
Becomes this:
java -jar Hydrazine.jar -h -m module
// todo
- Steveice10 for his awesome library MCProtocolLib
- Apache Commons CLI