Build a consistent, themed UI in minutes.
This library is basically the same as @shopify/restyle, but now your props can be number/string/defined-in-theme or all of them, and with a lot of shortened attributes.
Add the package to your project using one of the following:
yarn add rn-restyle
npm install rn-restyle
import * as React from 'react';
import { darkTheme, theme } from './theme';
import { View, SafeAreaView as RNSafeAreaView, Switch } from 'react-native';
import { createText, createRestyleComponent, ThemeProvider } from 'rn-restyle';
const Text = createText(theme);
const Box = createRestyleComponent(theme, View);
const SafeAreaView = createRestyleComponent(theme, RNSafeAreaView);
export default function App() {
const [darkMode, setDarkMode] = React.useState(false);
const selectedTheme = darkMode ? darkTheme : theme;
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={selectedTheme}>
<Box bg="background" fill>
<SafeAreaView fill>
<Box fill px="m" g={8} mt={5}>
<Text variant="header">Welcome</Text>
<Box bg="cardPrimaryBackground" p={16} br={10}>
<Text variant="body">
This is a simple example displaying how to use Restyle
<Box bg="cardSecondaryBackground" p="m" br={10}>
<Text variant="body">
You can find the theme in theme.ts. Update the theme values to
see how it changes this screen
<Box bg="cardPrimaryBackground" row between align="center" p={16} br={10}>
<Text variant="body">Toggle dark mode</Text>
onValueChange={(value: boolean) => setDarkMode(value)}
rn-restyle is is heavily inspired by @shopify/restyle, but with an extra set of making everything a little bit easier and shorter.
For help on setting up the repo locally, building, testing, and contributing please see
All developers who wish to contribute through code or issues, take a look at the