This is a repository of various small projects that I've found interesting.
- fluids/ - Experiments with a fluid simulation method known as Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Includes a complete description of the simulation method, starting from fundamental fluid mechanics to derive the Navier-Stokes equations, followed by a derivation of the simulation steps from the Navier-Stokes equations. Also includes a very quick and dirty Java implementation of the simulation method. Also available as a pair of blog posts for more detail.
- morph/ - Experiments with simple image interpolation / morphing. Take a look at the blog post for more detail.
- neural-network/ - An implementation of a feed-forward neural network in MATLAB for handwritten digit recognition. For information on neural networks, take a look at the following explanation.
- cpu/ - A toy CPU created in Verilog for use with a Cyclone II Altera Starter Kit FPGA board. The CPU executes (compiled versions of) a custom MIPS-like assembly language; the compiler for this language and the description are in simple/.
- simple/ - A toy C-like language called "Simple", which compiles to a custom MIPS-like assembly, which can execute on a custom CPU for a Cyclone II FPGA board.
- quadcopter/ - A detailed description of quadcopter motion dynamics and the control used for quadcopter stabilization. Includes a simulation and movie.