- Symfony4 application - API
To be able to run project in docker container you will need to have following libraries installed:
- docker
- docker-compose
- makefile - If you do not have makefile installed on your system you will need to install it or to run setup manually by following Installation instuctions (dev)
Run make install
or follow Installation instuctions (dev)
- Class naming concise and intuitive. Duplicate names are ok. Differentiation is done by namespaces.
- Slim Classes - One public method per class. Private methods are ok.
- For the new API endpoints, use actions instead of controllers. Examples of AbstractAction.
- Code is structured in folders that mimic GUI sections that uses them.
- Use Repository Interface instead of injecting Doctrine implementations.
- Repositories should contain only basic methods (findById, findBy, save). For more complex queries use QueryObjects.
- More about used code architecture.