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Social Network

A sample schema to be used as a base for a PostgREST tutorial on RLS. Inspired by this comment.



Create and enter the db:

createdb socnet

PGOPTIONS='--search_path=core,public' \
psql socnet

In psql, create the schema and sample data with:

\i init.sql

Run the tests

For running tests do:

\i tests.sql

You can also run the tests with pg_prove which provides a more descriptive output that's more suitable for a CI.

pg_prove -v -d socnet tests/*
sample pg_prove output
tests/anons.sql ..........
ok 1 - anon can see all users
ok 2 - anon can only see users public details
ok 3 - anon cannot see any users_details_access
ok 4 - anon can see the comments of a public post
when audience=friends
ok 5 - anon cannot see the post
when audience=friends of friends
ok 6 - anon cannot see the post
when audience=public
ok 7 - anon can see the user post
when audience=whitelist
ok 8 - anon cannot see the user post
when audience=blacklist
ok 9 - anon cannot see the user post
when audience=personal
ok 10 - anon cannot see the user post
ok 11 - anon cannot see any posts_access
ok 12 - anon cannot see any friendships
tests/comments.sql .......
comments RLS
ok 1 - an user cannot see the comments of a post he cannot see
ok 2 - an user can insert comment from himself
ok 3 - an user cannot insert a comment for other user
ok 4 - an user can update a comment he owns
ok 5 - an user cannot update other user comment
ok 6 - an user can delete his own comment
ok 7 - an user cannot delete other user comment
tests/friendships.sql ....
friendships constraints
ok 1 - An user cannot send a friend request to himself
ok 2 - There can only be a friendship between two users
ok 3 - There can only be a friendship between two users
ok 4 - Cannot block without adding a blockee_id
ok 5 - blockee_id can only be one of the users in the friendship
ok 6 - accepted status cannot go back to pending
ok 7 - blocked status cannot go back to pending
friendships rls
ok 8 - an user cannot create friendships for other users
ok 9 - an user can create friendships he is part of
ok 10 - an user can delete friendships he is part of
ok 11 - an user cannot delete friendships he is not a part of
tests/posts.sql ..........
posts_access constraints
ok 1 - There can only be one post whitelist entry for a friend
ok 2 - There can only be one post blacklist entry for a friend
posts_access rls
ok 3 - an user can only see posts_access which he is a part of
ok 4 - an user cannot include himself in the whitelist of a post he does not own
ok 5 - an user cannot include others on a whitelist of a post he does not own
ok 6 - post owner can include friends in the post whitelist
ok 7 - post owner cannot include non-friends in the post whitelist
ok 8 - blacklisted user cannot delete himself from the blacklist
posts RLS
ok 9 - An user cannot create a post in the name of another user
ok 10 - Post owner can create a post in its name successfully
ok 11 - user cannot delete posts that belong to other users
when audience=friends
ok 12 - the creator can see its post
ok 13 - friends can see the post
ok 14 - non-friends cannot see the post
when audience=friends of friends
ok 15 - friends of friends can see the post
ok 16 - friends can see the post
when audience=personal
ok 17 - only the creator can see its post
ok 18 - friends cannot see the user post
ok 19 - non-friends cannot see the user post
when audience=public
ok 20 - the creator can see its own post
ok 21 - friends can see the user post
ok 22 - non-friends can see the user post
when audience=whitelist
ok 23 - the creator can see its own post
ok 24 - some friends can see the user post
ok 25 - some friends cannot see the user post
ok 26 - non-friends cannot see the user post
when audience=blacklist
ok 27 - the creator can see its own post
ok 28 - non blacklisted friends can see the user post
ok 29 - blacklisted friends cannnot see the user post
ok 30 - non-friends cannot see the user post
tests/users_blocked.sql ..
users rls
ok 1 - blockee cannot see the users that blocked him
ok 2 - blocker can see blocked users
ok 3 - blocker can see blocked users
users_details_access rls
ok 4 - blockee cannot see users_details_access from a blocker
users_details rls
ok 5 - blocked user cannot see the public users_details of a blocker
ok 6 - friends of friends which are blocked cannot see the users details
posts rls
ok 7 - blocked friends of friends cannot see the post
ok 8 - blocked user cannot see the public post of a blocker
posts_access rls
ok 9 - blockee cannot see posts_access from a blocker
comments rls
ok 10 - a blockee cannot see the comments of a blocker, even if the post is public
ok 11 - a blocker can see the blockee comments
friendships rls
ok 12 - the blockee cannot see blocked friendships
ok 13 - the blockee cannot modify blocked friendships
ok 14 - the blockee cannot delete blocked friendships
ok 15 - the blocker can update blocked status
ok 16 - the blockee_id was set to null
tests/users.sql ..........
users_details_access rls
ok 1 - an user can only see users_details_access which he is a part of
ok 2 - an user cannot include himself in the whitelist of another user details
ok 3 - an user cannot include others on a whitelist of another user details
ok 4 - user details owner can include friends in the whitelist
ok 5 - a blacklisted user cannot remove himself from the blacklist
users_details constraints
ok 6 - Must insert a valid email
ok 7 - Must insert a valid phone
users_details rls
when audience=public
ok 8 - the user can see its own public details
ok 9 - friends can see the user public details
ok 10 - non-friends can see the user public details
when audience=friends
ok 11 - friends can see the users details
ok 12 - non-friends cannot see the users details
when audience=friends of friends
ok 13 - friends of friends can see the users details
ok 14 - friends of friends can see the users details
when audience=friends_whitelist
ok 15 - whitelisted friend can see the users details
ok 16 - whitelisted friend can see the users details
ok 17 - non-whitelisted friend cannot see the users details
when audience=friends_blacklist
ok 18 - blacklisted friend cannot see the users details
ok 19 - non-blacklisted friend can see the users details
when audience=personal
ok 20 - only the same user can see its details
ok 21 - other users cannot see the user details
All tests successful.
Files=6, Tests=97,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  0.01 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.04 CPU)
Result: PASS


A proper example of a VIEW with RLS is currently blocked because of a postgres bug. See this branch for a failing test.

A workaround for this is mentioned in PostgREST/postgrest-docs#81 (comment)


A social network schema with row-level security


Security policy





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