[reifyhealth/specmonstah "2.0.0-alpha-1"]
Specmonstah (Boston for "Specmonster") lets you generate and manipulate deeply-nested, hierarchical graphs of business data (what you typically store in a relational database) using a concise DSL. It's great for dramatically reducing the amount of boilerplate code you have to write for tests. It's similar in purpose to Ruby's factory_bot.
For example, say you need to test a function that inserts a Todo in a database: your foreign key constraints would require you to first insert the TodoList that the Todo belongs to, and the User that the TodoList and Todo belong to. Instead of having to write something like this:
(let [user (create-user! {:username "bob" :email "[email protected]"})
todo-list (create-todo-list! {:title "Bob convention todos"
:created-by-id (:id user)})]
(create-todo! {:description "Book flight"
:todo-list-id (:id todo-list)
:created-by-id (:id user)}))
Specmonstah lets you write something like this:
(create! {:todo [[1 {:spec-gen {:description "Book flight"}}]]})
Specmonstah (SM) creates the User and TodoList, and ensures that the TodoList correctly references the User and the Todo correctly references the TodoList and user. Call me crazy, but I think the second snippet is preferable to the first.
SM is a specialized tool that introduces new concepts and vocabulary. It will take an hour or two to get comfortable with it, but once you do, that investment will pay huge dividends over time as you use it to write code that is more clear, concise, and easy to maintain. This guide has four parts to get you there:
- The Infomercial is a quick tour of the cool stuff you can do with Specmonstah, showing you why it's worth the investment
- A detailed Tutorial walks you through the library. It's written so the first sections get you productive with the core concepts quickly, and later sections fill in more esoteric details.
- The Usage Reference contains at-a-glance code snippets demonstrating the facets of Specmonstah usage
- Because Specmonstah introduces new terms, we provide a Glossary
In the time-honored tradition of infomercials everywhere, these snippets gloss over a lot of details to reveal the truest, purest essence of a product. If you want to go all FDA on me and validate the claims, check out the full source.
The code below will shout at show you how you can generate and
insert data for a forum's database. Here's an entity relationship
diagram for the database:
One thing the diagram doesn't capture is that, for the like
there's a uniqueness constraint on post-id
. Also, every instance of created-by-id
refers to a user, but including that in the diagram
would just clutter it.
Posts have a foreign key referencing a Topic, Topics reference a Topic Category, and all of these reference a User. The snippet below shows that you can specify that you want one Post created, and Specmonstah will ensure that the other entities are created and inserted in dependency order:
(insert {:post [[1]]})
; =>
[[:user {:id 1 :username "K7X5r6UVs9Mm2Eks"}]
[:topic-category {:id 2 :created-by-id 1 :updated-by-id 1}]
[:topic {:id 5
:topic-category-id 2
:title "ejJ2B88UZo2NK2sMuU4"
:created-by-id 1
:updated-by-id 1}]
[:post {:id 9 :topic-id 5 :created-by-id 1 :updated-by-id 1}]]
The insert
function simulates inserting records in a db by conjing
entities on the ent-db
atom. The maps were generated using
. Notice that all the foreign keys line up.
In the previous example, all entities referenced the same User. In
this one, the Topic's created-by-id
will reference a new user:
(insert {:topic [[:t0 {:refs {:created-by-id :custom-user}}]]
:post [[1]]})
; =>
[[:user {:id 1 :username "gMKGTwBnOvB0xt"}]
[:topic-category {:id 2 :created-by-id 1 :updated-by-id 1}]
[:user {:id 5 :username "2jK0TXCU2UcBM89"}]
[:topic {:id 6
:topic-category-id 2
:title "cmo2Vg8DQByz302c"
:created-by-id 5
:updated-by-id 1}]
[:post {:id 10 :topic-id 6 :created-by-id 1 :updated-by-id 1}]]
Two users, one with :id 1
and another with :id 5
. The topic's
attribute is 5, and all other User references are
What if you want to insert 2 or 3 or more posts?
(insert {:post [[3]]})
; =>
[[:user {:id 1 :username "yB96fd"}]
[:topic-category {:id 2 :created-by-id 1 :updated-by-id 1}]
[:topic {:id 5
:topic-category-id 2
:title "KEh29Ru7aVVg2"
:created-by-id 1
:updated-by-id 1}]
[:post {:id 9 :topic-id 5 :created-by-id 1 :updated-by-id 1}]
[:post {:id 13 :topic-id 5 :created-by-id 1 :updated-by-id 1}]
[:post {:id 17 :topic-id 5 :created-by-id 1 :updated-by-id 1}]]
Just say "I want 3 posts" and Specmonstah delivers.
You can't have two Likes that reference the same Post and User; in other words, a User can't Like the same Post twice. Specmonstah will automatically generate unique Users if you specify multiple Likes:
(insert {:like [[3]]})
; =>
[[:user {:id 1 :username "T2TD3pAB79X5"}]
[:user {:id 2 :username "ziJ9GnvNMOHcaUz"}]
[:topic-category {:id 3 :created-by-id 2 :updated-by-id 2}]
[:topic {:id 6
:topic-category-id 3
:title "4juV71q9Ih9eE1"
:created-by-id 2
:updated-by-id 2}]
[:post {:id 10 :topic-id 6 :created-by-id 2 :updated-by-id 2}]
[:like {:id 14 :post-id 10 :created-by-id 1}]
[:like {:id 17 :post-id 10 :created-by-id 2}]
[:user {:id 20 :username "b73Ts5BoO"}]
[:like {:id 21 :post-id 10 :created-by-id 20}]]
Three Likes, Three different Users, and we're not violating the uniqueness constraint. With just one line of code. I think this feature's particularly cool.
Whereas foreign keys in RDBMSs must reference records in a specific table, some databases like Datomic have reference types attributes that can reference any entity at all. You might want to use this in your forum so that users can like either Topics or Posts. Specmonstah handles this use case.
There are two snippets below. In the first, you say you want to create
three :polymorphic-like
s with {:ref-types {:liked-id :post}}
. Specmonstah generates 3 likes that refer to a post. The
second snippet includes {:ref-types {:liked-id :topic}}
, so the
likes refer to a topic. Polymorphic references compose with uniqueness
contraints, so three users are created, just like in the previous snippet.
(insert {:polymorphic-like [[3 {:ref-types {:liked-id :post}}]]})
[[:user {:id 1 :username "gI3q3Y6HR1uwc"}]
[:user {:id 2 :username "klKs7"}]
[:topic-category {:id 3 :created-by-id 2 :updated-by-id 2}]
[:topic {:id 6
:topic-category-id 3
:title "RF6g"
:created-by-id 2
:updated-by-id 2}]
[:post {:id 10 :topic-id 6 :created-by-id 2 :updated-by-id 2}]
[:polymorphic-like {:id 14 :liked-id 10 :created-by-id 1}]
[:polymorphic-like {:id 17 :liked-id 10 :created-by-id 2}]
[:user {:id 20 :username "Gcf"}]
[:polymorphic-like {:id 21 :liked-id 10 :created-by-id 20}]]
(insert {:polymorphic-like [[3 {:ref-types {:liked-id :topic}}]]})
[[:user {:id 1 :username "5Z382YCNrJB"}]
[:topic-category {:id 2 :created-by-id 1 :updated-by-id 1}]
[:topic {:id 5
:topic-category-id 2
:title "i3"
:created-by-id 1
:updated-by-id 1}]
[:user {:id 9 :username "dJtC"}]
[:polymorphic-like {:id 10 :liked-id 5 :created-by-id 9}]
[:polymorphic-like {:id 13 :liked-id 5 :created-by-id 1}]
[:user {:id 16 :username "8ZS"}]
[:polymorphic-like {:id 17 :liked-id 5 :created-by-id 16}]]
Sometimes you want to inspect aall the work that Specmonstah is doing for you. One way to do that is to produce an image of the entities Specmonstah produces, and their relationships:
(lio/view (:data (sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:like [[2]]})))
This shows that that two Likes were generated (l0
and l1
). The
Likes are applied to a Post (p0
), and so forth.
And that brings the infomercial to a close. If you're ready to learn how you, too, can accomplish these amazing feats, read on!
Specmonstah was born out of a need to replace brittle, repetitive code for creating deeply-nested hierarchies of data in unit tests. This tutorial will show you how to use Specmonstah specifically for this use case. Along the way you'll learn how to make the most of Specmonstah by understanding how it's not implemented to support writing unit tests per se, but to support the more fundamental operations of generating and manipulating entity graphs.
In learning any new tool, I think it's useful to begin by learning the tool's purpose, then getting a high-level overview of the architecture and how it achieves the tool's purpose. With those concepts in place, concrete examples and exercises will help you understand how to use the tool. If you think that approach is bazonkers because you're a hands-on type purpose, you can skip to 01: schema, query, ent-db.
Specmonstah was built to aid testing by generating and inserting records in a database in dependency order. For example, if you want to test the insertion of a Todo, but that Todo depends on the existence of a TodoList, and the TodoList depends on a User, then Specmonstah will generate User and TodoList records and insert them without your having to clutter your test with code related to Users and TodoLists.
Specmonstah accomplishes this work in three phases. The phases are summarized here, with detailed explanations below.
- Graph generation. SM uses the loom graph library to create a graph that represents the entities (ents) to insert.
- Ent visitation. Once the graph is generated, you perform functions on each node. One function will use clojure.spec to generate a map of data to be inserted, and another function will perform the insertation.
- Viewing. SM generates a lot of data, so much so that it can be difficult to visually parse in a REPL. SM provides functions that get subsets of the data for writing tests and developing in the REPL.
It generates a graph whose nodes correspond to entity types (or ent types) and entities (or just ents):
In the graph above, the :todo
, :todo-list
, and :user
correspond to ent types, and the rest correspond to ents.
We're going to be using the terms ent and ent type a lot, and you'll see them all throughout the source code, so let's define them:
Ent type. An ent type analogous to a relation in a relational
database, or a class in object-oriented programming. It differs in
that relations and classes define all the attributes of their
instances, whereas ent types don't. Ent types define how instances are
related to each other. For example, a Todo schema might include a
attribute, but the :todo
ent type doesn't. The
ent type does specify that a :todo
instances reference
instances. In the next section you'll learn how to define
ent types.
Ent types are represented as nodes in the Specmonstah graph (let's abbreviate that with SG). Ent types have directed edges to their instances. It's rare that you'll interact with ent types directly.
Ent. An ent is an instance of an ent type. They have a name (:t0, :u0
, etc), and reference other ents. They're represented as nodes in
the SG, with directed edges going from ents to the ents they
reference; there's a directed edge from :tl0
to :u0
because :tl0
references :u0
Ents can be associated with additional data - for example, a user ent can be associated with a map of user data generated by clojure.spec. An ent can also be associated with a value indicating whether or not its spec data has been inserted in a database.
It's important to stress that ents themselves aren't db records, but ents can be (and are) associated with data that ends up getting inserted in a database. This is why we represent ents as nodes: nodes capture the relationships among ents and serve as a flexible base layer that we can add data to.
For example, here's the graph that's returned when you generate a single user:
{:nodeset #{:u0 :user}
:adj {:user #{:u0}}
:in {:u0 #{:user}}
:attrs {:user {:type :ent-type}
:u0 {:type :ent :index 0 :ent-type :user :query-term [1]}}}
Conspicuously absent are the business :user
attributes you'd expect,
like :username
or :email
How does Specmonstah generate this graph? You'll be learning about that in the upcoming sections.
Specmonstah provides functions for visiting the ent nodes in the
graph it generates. Visiting ent nodes is kind of like mapping: when
you call map
on a seq, you apply a mapping function to each element,
creating a new seq from the mapping function's return values. When you
visit ents, you apply a visiting function to each ent. The visiting
function's return value is stored as an attribute on the ent (remember
that ents are implemented as graph nodes, and nodes can have
For example, there's a spec-gen
visiting function that takes each
ent as input and uses clojure.spec to return a value. For the :u0
ent, whose ent type is :user
, spec-gen
would use clojure.spec to
return a new :user
map, complete with name, email address, favorite
flower, whatever. That map would get assigned to the :spec-gen
attribute of :u0
In your own application, you could implement an insert
function that looks up the values produced by the spec-gen
function and uses those to insert records in a database.
Below is an example graph that's been visited with the spec-gen
{:nodeset #{:u0 :user}
:adj {:user #{:u0}}
:in {:u0 #{:user}}
:attrs {:user {:type :ent-type}
:u0 {:type :ent :index 0 :ent-type :user :query-term [1]
:spec-gen {:id 2 :user-name "Luigi"}}}}
The last line, :spec-gen {:id 2 :user-name "Luigi"}
, shows that the
ent has a new attribute, :spec-gen
, which points to a map
generated by clojure.spec.
When you're writing a test, it's important to be able to a) concisely express the values you're testing and b) easily figure out why a test is failing.
At odds with these requirements is the fact that Specmonstah returns
rich data structures under the philosophy that it's better to have
information and not need it than need it and not have it. This can be
overwhelming; picture two or three screens of output when you try to
view a raw Specmonstah value in the REPL. But fear not: Specmonstah
comes equipped with several useful view functions that narrow down
its return values so that you can focus on only the information you
care about. For example, you could use the attr-map
function to
return a map of entities and their spec-generated data. If you called
it on the data shown in the previous snippet, you'd get:
{:u0 {:id 2 :user-name "Luigi"}}
So that's a bird's-eye view of Specmonstah: it's built to generate, insert, and inspect test data. Architecturally this corresponds to tools for generating an ent graph, visiting ents, and viewing the slices of the result that you care about.
Now that you have the broad picture of how Specmonstah works, let's start exploring the details with source code. The rest of the tutorial consists of sections with corresponding clojure files under the directory, each introducing new concepts. You'll have the best experience if you follow along in a REPL.
In this section you're going to learn about the ent db. Open reifyhealth.specmonstah-tutorial.01:
(ns reifyhealth.specmonstah-tutorial.01
(:require [reifyhealth.specmonstah.core :as sm]
[loom.io :as lio]))
(def schema
{:user {:prefix :u}})
(defn ex-01
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:user [[3]]}))
Throughout the tutorial, I'll use functions named ex-01
, ex-02
etc, to illustrate some concept. When you call (ex-01)
, it returns:
(ex-01) ;=>
{:schema {:user {:prefix :u}}
:data {:nodeset #{:u1 :u0 :u2 :user}
:adj {:user #{:u1 :u0 :u2}}
:in {:u0 #{:user} :u1 #{:user} :u2 #{:user}}
:attrs {:user {:type :ent-type}
:u0 {:type :ent, :index 0, :ent-type :user, :query-term [3]}
:u1 {:type :ent, :index 1, :ent-type :user, :query-term [3]}
:u2 {:type :ent, :index 2, :ent-type :user, :query-term [3]}}}
:queries ({:user [[3]]})
:relation-graph {:nodeset #{:user} :adj {} :in {}}
:types #{:user}
:ref-ents []}
invokes the function call (sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:user [[3]]})
. You'll always call sm/build-ent-db
first whenever
you use Specmonstah. It takes two arguments, a schema and a query, and
returns an ent db.
ent db's are at the core of Specmonstah; most functions take an ent db
as their first argument and return an ent db. The ent db is
conceptually similar to the databases you're familiar with. Its
key refers to an entity schema, just as an RDBMS includes
schema information. In this case, the schema is {:user {:prefix :u}}
, which is as simple a schema as possible. In later sections,
you'll learn more about schemas and how they're used to define
relationships and constraints among ents.
The ent db's :data
key refers to a
representing ents, their relationships, and their ent attributes (as
opposed to business attributes). In this ent db there are three users,
, :u1
, and :u2
. There aren't any ent relationships because
our schema didn't specify any, but each ent does have attributes:
, :index
, :ent-type
, and :query-term
. I know I've said it
multiple times already, but these are ent attributes, which are
distinct from business attributes. The latter are the attributes
related to whatever domain you're modeling; for users, these might
include name, username, email address, and so forth. As you go through
the tutorial, you'll see how a lot of Specmonstah functions involve
reading and updating ents' attributes.
The graph also includes nodes for ent types; you can see :user
, and
ent-type, under the :nodeset
key of the graph. This is used
It happens that the graph is produced by loom, a sweet little library for working with graphs. Specmonstah doesn't try to hide this implementation detail from you: it's entirely possible you'll want to use one of loom's many useful graph functions to interact with the ent db's data. You might, for instance, want to render the graph as an image. Try this in your REPL:
(lio/view (:data (ex-01)))
The rest of the keys (:queries
, :relation-graph
, :types
) are used internally to generate the ent db, and can
safely be ignored.
Building an ent db is the first step whenever you're using Specmonstah. The two main ingredients for building an ent db are the query and schema. In the next section, we'll explain how schemas work, and section 3 will explain queries.
Here's the source for this chapter:
(ns reifyhealth.specmonstah-tutorial.02
(:require [reifyhealth.specmonstah.core :as sm]
[loom.io :as lio]))
(def schema
{:user {:prefix :u}
:todo-list {:prefix :tl
:relations {:owner-id [:user :id]}}})
(defn ex-01
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[2]]}))
The ent db's schema defines ent types. It's implemented as a map where
keys are the ent types' names and values are their definitions. In the
code above, schema
defines two ent types, :user
. The ent type definitions include two keys, :prefix
is used by build-ent-db
to name the ents it creates. For
example, in ex-01
, we produce an ent db that has two todo-lists and
a user:
(defn ex-01
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[2]]}))
(lio/view (:data (ex-01)))
The todo-lists are named :tl0
and :tl1
, and the user is
. There's a pattern here: every generated ent is named
The schema's :relations
key is used to specify how ents are related
to each other. The :todo-list
definition includes :relations {:owner-id [:user :id]}
, specifying that a :todo-list
reference a :user
. The relation also specifies that the
's :owner-id
should be set to the :user
's :id
information that will be used when we use spec-gen to generate records
for these ents.
It's because of this relation that the query {:todo-list [[2]]}
results in the :user
being created even though the query
doesn't explicitly mention :user
, and that the :todo-list
and :tl1
reference :u0
Section 3's source file begins:
(ns reifyhealth.specmonstah-tutorial.03
(:require [reifyhealth.specmonstah.core :as sm]
[loom.io :as lio]))
(def schema
{:user {:prefix :u}
:todo-list {:prefix :tl
:relations {:owner-id [:user :id]}}})
(defn ex-01
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[2]]}))
Queries are used to specify what ents should get generated. The term query might throw you off because usually it's used to refer to the language for retrieving records from a database. In Specmonstah, I think of queries as allowing you to express, generate the minimal ent-db necessary for me to retrieve the ents I've specified. I
In ex-01
, the query passed to sm/build-ent-db
is {:todo-list [[2]]}
. This is like saying, I want two :todo-list
s. Create an
ent-db with the minimum ents needed so that I can retrieve them.
Because :todo-list
ents must refer to a :user
, Specmonstah
generates the :user
ent :u0
. Specmonstah only generates one
, not two, because that's the mininum needed to satisfy the
Queries are maps, where each key is the name of an ent type, and each
value is a vector of query terms. In the query {:todo-list [[2]]}
is an ent type and [2]
is a query term.
Each query term is a vector where the first element is either a number
or an ent name. When you provide a number, as in [2]
, you're
instructing SM to generate that many ents of the given ent type, and
to name them according to its default naming system. As we saw in the
last section, SM names ents by appending an index to the ent type's
. The :prefix
for :todo-list
is :tl
, so the
ents are named :tl0
and :tl1
. Figuring out what to
name your test data is one of the tedious aspects of testing that SM
handles for you.
On the other hand, if you do want to name an ent, you can provide a
keyword as the first element in the query term, as in ex-02
(defn ex-02
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[:my-todo-list]
(lio/view (:data (ex-02)))
Here, you're naming your :todo-list
ents :my-todo-list
and, in a
fit of whimsy, :my-todoodle-do-list
You can add as many query terms to an ent type as you want, mixing numbers and ent names as you please:
(defn ex-03
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[1]
Query terms take a second argument, an options map map, which is used to further tune the creation of the ent. The next section will show you how to use the options map to generate unique references.
In all the examples so far, all the todo lists have referred to the
same user, :u0
. What if you want to create two todo lists, but you
want them to belong to different users? Here's how you could do that:
(ns reifyhealth.specmonstah-tutorial.04
(:require [reifyhealth.specmonstah.core :as sm]
[loom.io :as lio]))
(def schema
{:user {:prefix :u}
:todo-list {:prefix :tl
:relations {:owner-id [:user :id]}}
:todo {:prefix :t
:relations {:todo-list-id [:todo-list :id]}}})
(defn ex-01
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[2 {:refs {:owner-id :my-own-sweet-user}}]
(lio/view (:data (ex-01)))
What's new in this example is the map {:refs {:owner-id :my-own-sweet-user}}
. It resulted in two todo lists, :tl0
, referring to a :user
ent named :my-own-sweet-user
of :u0
. Let's break this down.
In the schema
, :todo-list
includes this relations definition:
:relations {:owner-id [:user :id]}
This means, :todo-list
s refer to a user via the :owner-id
attribute. Remember that queries are essentially telling Specmonstah,
generate the minimal ent-db necessary for me to retrieve the ents
I've specified, so when you call the build-ent-db
function and
instruct SM to generate a :todo-list
, SM's default behavior is to
satisfy this schema definition by creating a :user
and naming it
according to its default naming system. Internally, the ent db tracks
that the :todo-list
refers to the :user
via the :owner-id
However, when your query includes the option {:refs {:owner-id :my-own-sweet-user}}
, you're saying, I want the user that
refers to to be named :my-own-sweet-user
. One way you
might use this would be to write a test ensuring that users can't
modify each others' todo lists.
If you look back at the schema for this section, you'll notice it
introduced a new ent type, :todo
, and :todo
s reference
s. What if you wanted to create two todo lists, each with
one todo and each belonging to a different user? Here's how you could
do that:
(defn ex-02
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[1]
[1 {:refs {:owner-id :hamburglar}}]]
:todo [[1]
[1 {:refs {:todo-list-id :tl1}}]]}))
(lio/view (:data (ex-02)))
Before reading the explanation of how this works, indulge the educator in me and take a moment to write or say your own explanation. Quizzing yourself like this is an effective way to clarify and retain your understanding. There's all kinds of studies that show it; it's called "the testing effect" and it's one of the best ways to learn.
Let's break this query down term by term:
{:todo-list [[1]
[1 {:refs {:owner-id :hamburglar}}]]
:todo [[1]
[1 {:refs {:todo-list-id :tl1}}]]}
Under :todo-list
, [1]
tells Specmonstah to create a
. It's given the default name :tl0
. Since you didn't
specify any refs, it refers to the default user, :u0
The next query term, [1 {:refs {:owner-id :hamburglar}}]
, instructs
SM to create a :todo-list
that refers to a user named, of all
things, :hamburglar
. This :todo-list
is given the default name of
Under :todo
, [1]
tells Specmonstah to create a :todo
with a
default name and default refs. Therefore, :t0
refers to :tl0
The next term, [1 {:refs {:todo-list-id :tl1}}]
, tells SM that the
next :todo
should refer to the :todo-list
named :tl1
. We
specified the :tl1
here because we know that Specmonstah's simple,
consistent naming system will produce that name for the second
specified in the query.
The point of all this is that you can rely on Specmonstah's naming system to reliably and concisely establish the properties and relations of the ent db you want to generate. If you don't want to keep track of Specmonstah's implicit names, you can name things explicitly:
(defn ex-03
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[:tl0]
[:tl1 {:refs {:owner-id :hamburglar}}]]
:todo [[1 {:refs {:todo-list-id :tl0}}]
[1 {:refs {:todo-list-id :tl1}}]]}))
At the beginning of this tutorial, I told you that build-ent-db
takes a
schema as an argument:
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo [[1]]})
You may have wondered why the map {:schema schema}
is used, rather
than just directly passing in schema
; why don't we just write this?
(sm/build-ent-db schema {:todo [[1]]})
The reason is that build-ent-db
actually takes an ent db as its
first argument. When you pass in {:schema schema}
, you're passing in
an ent db with no data. However, you can take the return value of
and pass it in as the first argument to further calls
to build-ent-db
(ns reifyhealth.specmonstah-tutorial.05
(:require [reifyhealth.specmonstah.core :as sm]
[loom.io :as lio]))
(def schema
{:user {:prefix :u}
:todo-list {:prefix :tl
:relations {:owner-id [:user :id]}}
:todo {:prefix :t
:relations {:todo-list-id [:todo-list :id]}}})
(defn ex-01
(let [ent-db-1 (sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[1]]})
ent-db-2 (sm/build-ent-db ent-db-1 {:todo-list [[1] [1 {:refs {:owner-id :hamburglar}}]]})]
(lio/view (:data ent-db-1))
(lio/view (:data ent-db-2))))
Additional calls to build-ent-db
are additive; they will never alter
existing ents, and will only add new ents. The first call,
(sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[1]]})
, produces a
named :tl0
referencing a :user
named :u0
That ent db is passed to the next call, (sm/build-ent-db ent-db-1 {:todo-list [[1] [1 {:refs {:owner-id :hamburglar}}]]})
. This creates
two more todo lists:
The default naming system picks up where it left off, giving the todo
lists the names :tl1
and :tl2
. :tl1
references the existing
user, :u0
, and :tl2
references a new user from the :refs
. When progressively generating an ent-db, you can expect
Specmonstah to behave as if all queries were passed as a single query
to a single call of build-ent-db
Everything you've learned up to this point has focused on generating
an ent db: you've learned a bit about how to use schemas and queries
together to concisely specify what ents to create. You've also learned
how to customize the relationships with the :refs
query option.
In the next couple sections, you'll learn about how Specmonstah uses visitation to generate and insert business data.
If you're not familiar with clojure.spec, check out the spec guide on clojure.org. It's very well-written.
Our code:
(ns reifyhealth.specmonstah-tutorial.06
(:require [reifyhealth.specmonstah.core :as sm]
[loom.io :as lio]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]
[reifyhealth.specmonstah.spec-gen :as sg]))
(s/def ::id (s/and pos-int? #(< % 100)))
(s/def ::not-empty-string (s/and string? not-empty #(< (count %) 20)))
(s/def ::username ::not-empty-string)
(s/def ::user (s/keys :req-un [::id ::username]))
(s/def ::name ::not-empty-string)
(s/def ::owner-id ::id)
(s/def ::todo-list (s/keys :req-un [::id ::name ::owner-id]))
(s/def ::details ::not-empty-string)
(s/def ::todo-list-id ::id)
(s/def ::todo (s/keys :req-un [::id ::details ::todo-list-id]))
(def schema
{:user {:prefix :u
:spec ::user}
:todo-list {:prefix :tl
:spec ::todo-list
:relations {:owner-id [:user :id]}}
:todo {:prefix :t
:spec ::todo
:relations {:todo-list-id [:todo-list :id]}}})
(defn ex-01
{:user (gen/generate (s/gen ::user))
:todo-list (gen/generate (s/gen ::todo-list))
:todo (gen/generate (s/gen ::todo))})
We define some simple specs to generate a little dummy data. Here's what the raw generated data looks like:
(ex-01) ;=>
{:user {:id 2, :username "qI0iNgiy"}
:todo-list {:id 4, :name "etIZ3l6jDO7m9UR5P", :owner-id 11}
:todo {:id 1, :details "1K85jiEU3L366NTx1", :todo-list-id 2}}
That's useful, but we can't insert that into a test database because
the foreign keys wouldn't match the values they reference. The
's :user-id
, for example, is 11
, where the :user
is 2.
We can use reifyhealth.specmonstah.spec-gen/ent-db-spec-gen
generate data and then assign the foreign keys:
(defn ex-02
(:data (sg/ent-db-spec-gen {:schema schema} {:todo [[1]]})))
; =>
{:nodeset #{:todo-list :tl0 :t0 :u0 :todo :user},
:adj {:todo #{:t0},
:t0 #{:tl0},
:todo-list #{:tl0},
:tl0 #{:u0},
:user #{:u0}},
:in {:t0 #{:todo}, :tl0 #{:todo-list :t0}, :u0 #{:tl0 :user}},
:attrs {:todo {:type :ent-type},
:t0 {:type :ent,
:index 0,
:ent-type :todo,
:query-term [1],
:loom.attr/edge-attrs {:tl0 {:relation-attrs #{:todo-list-id}}},
:spec-gen {:id 1, :details "uhr5LSa", :todo-list-id 8}},
:todo-list {:type :ent-type},
:tl0 {:type :ent,
:index 0,
:ent-type :todo-list,
:query-term [:_],
:loom.attr/edge-attrs {:u0 {:relation-attrs #{:owner-id}}},
:spec-gen {:id 8, :name "xbamqBULZ", :owner-id 42}},
:user {:type :ent-type},
:u0 {:type :ent,
:index 0,
:ent-type :user,
:query-term [:_],
:spec-gen {:id 42, :username "abrfR4s1I15"}}}}
Oh wow, OK. That's a lot to look at. Let's step through it.
We're looking at the value for the ent db's :data
key. This is the
loom graph that we've looked at in earlier sections, the graph
returned by build-ent-db
that captures ents and their
relationships. Under the :attrs
key, you can see that each ent
, :tl0
, and :u0
) now has the attribute :spec-gen
. Under
is a map that's been generated using clojure.spec, except
that the foreign keys have been updated to be correct.
Sometimes you want to view the data that clojure.spec has
generated. To make that easier, Specmonstah has the
(defn ex-03
(-> (sg/ent-db-spec-gen {:schema schema} {:todo [[1]]})
(sm/attr-map :spec-gen)))
;; =>
{:tl0 {:id 21, :name "0N2xKMNwM8uO", :owner-id 19}
:t0 {:id 4, :details "PGf92", :todo-list-id 21}
:u0 {:id 19, :username "fz774"}}
returns a map where the keys are ent names and the values
are the value of the given node attribute (:spec-gen
here) for each
ent. There's a convenience function that combines sg/ent-db-spec-gen
and sm/attr-map
, sg/ent-db-spec-gen-attr
(defn ex-04
(sg/ent-db-spec-gen-attr {:schema schema} {:todo [[1]]}))
;; =>
{:tl0 {:id 51, :name "VO1161Id66DJRftxq", :owner-id 90}
:t0 {:id 91, :details "qaQ0e5Bfa6B", :todo-list-id 51}
:u0 {:id 90, :username "82d71j551NVMFj4"}}
You can override the values produces by ent-db-spec-gen
in the
(ns reifyhealth.specmonstah-tutorial.07
(:require [reifyhealth.specmonstah.core :as sm]
[loom.io :as lio]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]
[reifyhealth.specmonstah.spec-gen :as sg]))
(s/def ::id (s/and pos-int? #(< % 100)))
(s/def ::not-empty-string (s/and string? not-empty #(< (count %) 20)))
(s/def ::username ::not-empty-string)
(s/def ::user (s/keys :req-un [::id ::username]))
(s/def ::name ::not-empty-string)
(s/def ::owner-id ::id)
(s/def ::todo-list (s/keys :req-un [::id ::name ::owner-id]))
(s/def ::details ::not-empty-string)
(s/def ::todo-list-id ::id)
(s/def ::todo (s/keys :req-un [::id ::details ::todo-list-id]))
(def schema
{:user {:prefix :u
:spec ::user}
:todo-list {:prefix :tl
:spec ::todo-list
:relations {:owner-id [:user :id]}}
:todo {:prefix :t
:spec ::todo
:relations {:todo-list-id [:todo-list :id]}}})
(defn ex-01
(sg/ent-db-spec-gen-attr {:schema schema}
{:user [[1 {:spec-gen {:username "bob"}}]]
:todo [[1 {:spec-gen {:details "get groceries"}}]]}))
;; =>
{:tl0 {:id 48, :name "C8Cj51DSbZIb69Z", :owner-id 2}
:t0 {:id 21, :details "get groceries", :todo-list-id 48}
:u0 {:id 2, :username "bob"}}
You can also specify that you don't want an ent to reference one of
the ents defined in its schema. For example, if a :todo-list
is optional and you don't want it to be present, you could
do this:
(defn ex-02
(sg/ent-db-spec-gen-attr {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[1 {:refs {:owner-id ::sm/omit}}]]}))
;; =>
{:tl0 {:id 2, :name "v"}}
prevents the referenced ent from even being created in the
ent db. spec generation respects this and omits :owner-id
from the
map it generates. If you want :owner-id
to be nil
, you'd have to
specify that like this:
(defn ex-03
(sg/ent-db-spec-gen-attr {:schema schema} {:todo-list [[1 {:refs {:owner-id ::sm/omit}
:spec-gen {:owner-id nil}}]]}))
;; =>
{:tl0 {:id 2, :name "pijm" :owner-id nil}}
You now have most of the pieces you need to generate and insert fixture data into a test database. Now you just need to... actually insert the data! To insert data you must visit each ent in the ent db with a visiting function, and that's what you'll learn to do in this section and the next.
Earlier I wrote,
Visiting ent nodes is kind of like mapping: when you call
on a seq, you apply a mapping function to each element, creating a new seq from the mapping function's return values. When you visit ents, you apply a visiting function to each ent. The visiting function's return value is stored as an attribute on the ent (remember that ents are implemented as graph nodes, and nodes can have attributes).
You've actually already seen a visiting function at work. In the last
couple sections you learned how to use spec to generate a value for
each ent. The generated value was stored under the :spec-gen
attribute; that's because the sg/ent-db-spec-gen
you called actually
applies a visiting function to the ent db it generates. Let's create
our own visiting function so you can see how this works:
(ns reifyhealth.specmonstah-tutorial.08
(:require [reifyhealth.specmonstah.core :as sm]))
(def schema
{:user {:prefix :u}
:todo-list {:prefix :tl
:relations {:owner-id [:user :id]}}
:todo {:prefix :t
:relations {:todo-list-id [:todo-list :id]}}})
(defn announce
[db ent-name visit-key]
(str "announcing... " ent-name "!"))
(defn ex-01
(-> (sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo [[1]]})
(sm/visit-ents :announce announce)
(get-in [:data :attrs])))
;; =>
{:todo {:type :ent-type},
{:type :ent,
:index 0,
:ent-type :todo,
:query-term [1],
:loom.attr/edge-attrs {:tl0 {:relation-attrs #{:todo-list-id}}},
:announce "announcing... :t0!"},
:todo-list {:type :ent-type},
{:type :ent,
:index 0,
:ent-type :todo-list,
:query-term [:_],
:loom.attr/edge-attrs {:u0 {:relation-attrs #{:owner-id}}},
:announce "announcing... :tl0!"},
:user {:type :ent-type},
{:type :ent,
:index 0,
:ent-type :user,
:query-term [:_],
:announce "announcing... :u0!"}}
creates an ent db, applies a visiting function, and then
looks up the :attrs
key in the graph associated with the ent db's
key. The :attrs
key is where loom stores each node's
attributes. We can see that each ent (:u0
, :t0
, :tl0
) has an
attribute with the key :announce
and the value of
"announcing... :ent-name!"
. Let's walk through this. You call the
function ex-01
, whose body is:
(-> (sm/build-ent-db {:schema schema} {:todo [[1]]})
(sm/visit-ents :announce announce)
(get-in [:data :attrs]))
builds the ent db and passes it to sm/visit-ents
takes three arguments: the ent db, a visit key, and
a visiting function. Then, internally, sm/visits-ents
iterates overs
each ent in the ent db, passing the ent's name to the visiting
function along with the db and visit key, using the return value to
assign an attribute to the ent.
So in the above example, the ents are :u0
, :tl0
, and :t0
, and
iterates over them in that order. For :u0
, it passes
the following arguments to the visiting function announce
- the ent db
- the ent name,
- the visit key,
The return value of announce
is "announcing... :u0!"
, and that
gets associated with the :announce
key under the ent's attributes.
I'm concerned that this part of the tutorial isn't clear enough, and I
hope to be able to improve it. In the mean time, if you're still
struggling with visiting functions, try guessing what would happen if
you changed the arguments to sm/visit-ents
, then actually change the
arguments and see if your guess was correct.
In this section you'll look at how you could insert the data Specmonstah has generated into a database. We'll be addimg the data to an atom, but you can apply idea to your own database. The code:
(ns reifyhealth.specmonstah-tutorial.09
(:require [reifyhealth.specmonstah.core :as sm]
[reifyhealth.specmonstah.spec-gen :as sg]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(s/def ::id (s/and pos-int? #(< % 100)))
(s/def ::not-empty-string (s/and string? not-empty #(< (count %) 20)))
(s/def ::username ::not-empty-string)
(s/def ::user (s/keys :req-un [::id ::username]))
(s/def ::name ::not-empty-string)
(s/def ::owner-id ::id)
(s/def ::todo-list (s/keys :req-un [::id ::name ::owner-id]))
(s/def ::details ::not-empty-string)
(s/def ::todo-list-id ::id)
(s/def ::todo (s/keys :req-un [::id ::details ::todo-list-id]))
(def schema
{:user {:prefix :u
:spec ::user}
:todo-list {:prefix :tl
:spec ::todo-list
:relations {:owner-id [:user :id]}}
:todo {:prefix :t
:spec ::todo
:relations {:todo-list-id [:todo-list :id]}}})
(def database (atom []))
(defn insert
[db ent-name visit-key]
(let [{:keys [spec-gen ent-type] :as attrs} (sm/ent-attrs db ent-name)]
(when-not (visit-key attrs)
(swap! database conj [ent-type spec-gen])
(defn ex-01
(reset! database [])
(-> (sg/ent-db-spec-gen {:schema schema} {:todo [[1]]})
(sm/visit-ents :insert insert))
;; =>
[[:user {:id 6, :username "Ov0zaH57lTk86bAh"}]
[:todo-list {:id 23, :name "9", :owner-id 6}]
[:todo {:id 2, :details "hf", :todo-list-id 23}]]
The specs and schema should be familiar by now. Looking at the ex-01
function, we see that it calls sg/ent-db-spec-gen
. As you saw
earlier, this creates the ent db and uses clojure.spec to generate a
map for each ent, storing the map under the ent's :spec-gen
attribute. The resulting ent db is passed to sm/visit-ents
with the
visit key :insert
and visiting function insert
works by:
- Checking whether this ent has already been inserted
- If not, updating the
atom by conjing a vector of the ent's type and the value generated byspec-gen
Let's go through insert
line by line:
(defn insert
[db ent-name visit-key]
(let [{:keys [spec-gen ent-type] :as attrs} (sm/ent-attrs db ent-name)]
(when-not (visit-key attrs)
(swap! database conj [ent-type spec-gen])
In the let
binding you get the ent's attributes with
. The next line, (when-not (visit-key attrs) ...)
checks whether insert
has already visited this ent. (I'll explain
why you want to perform this check soon.) If the ent hasn't been
visited, the database
gets updated by conjing a vector of the
and spec-gen
. The database
atom ends up with a value
like this:
[[:user {:id 6, :username "Ov0zaH57lTk86bAh"}]
[:todo-list {:id 23, :name "9", :owner-id 6}]
[:todo {:id 2, :details "hf", :todo-list-id 23}]]
Each ent is inserted in dependency order: :user
first, then
, then :todo
Now let's revisit (when-not (visit-key attrs) ...)
. You want to
perform this check because of Specmonstah's progressive construction
feature: as we covered in 05: Progressive
construction, it's possible to pass an
ent-db to successive calls to sm/build-ent-db
. If you added more
ents and wanted to insert, you wouldn't want to re-insert previous
ents. ex-02
demonstrates this:
(defn ex-02
(reset! database [])
(-> (sg/ent-db-spec-gen {:schema schema} {:todo [[1]]})
(sm/visit-ents :insert insert)
(sg/ent-db-spec-gen {:todo [[3]]})
(sm/visit-ents :insert insert))
;; =>
[[:user {:id 23, :username "0B1E5Iq4QWz4q"}]
[:todo-list {:id 16, :name "gt", :owner-id 23}]
[:todo {:id 17, :details "wN92", :todo-list-id 16}]
[:todo {:id 3, :details "cQOav9DBqI8M57", :todo-list-id 16}]
[:todo {:id 8, :details "Ek065tC78bD9wEJwLa", :todo-list-id 16}]
[:todo {:id 5, :details "9", :todo-list-id 16}]]
The :user
, :todo-list
, and :todo
ents from the first call to
are only inserted once, even though they are visited
by insert
multiple times.
In fact, recall that ent-db-spec-gen
internally calls
and then calls the sg/spec-gen
function. sg/spec-gen
is written with this same principle in mind:
it can visit the ent db multiple times, and won't overwrite any
existing values. The pattern is common enough that Specmonstah
provides the sm/visit-ents-once
which you can use instead of
(defn insert-once
[db ent-name visit-key]
(swap! database conj ((juxt :ent-type :spec-gen) (sm/ent-attrs db ent-name)))
(defn ex-03
(reset! database [])
(-> (sg/ent-db-spec-gen {:schema schema} {:todo [[1]]})
(sm/visit-ents-once :insert insert-once)
(sg/ent-db-spec-gen {:todo [[3]]})
(sm/visit-ents-once :insert insert-once))
;; =>
[[:user {:id 2, :username "S"}]
[:todo-list {:id 2, :name "58Zb3p0Y75BJZS1m", :owner-id 2}]
[:todo {:id 2, :details "OHqbuPz", :todo-list-id 2}]
[:todo {:id 13, :details "3v7rllHTps1r6gN3", :todo-list-id 2}]
[:todo {:id 27, :details "5nn24T029w7Z9KBUXE", :todo-list-id 2}]
[:todo {:id 2, :details "zV37csm519blvP3r", :todo-list-id 2}]]
With this coverage of visit-ents
and visit-ents-once
, you should
be able to handle most use cases. Specmonstah handles other corner
cases (like inserting records in the correct order when there are
cycles.) This guide is a work in progress, and those usages aren't
covered yet. However, every use case is covered in the test suite, so
if you're running into an issue, check the tests first.
- Uniqueness constraints
- binding
- polymorphism
- collection constraint
- handling cycles
- ent
- ent db
- ent attr
- schema
- visiting
- visit key
- visiting function
- constraints
- refs
- bind
I'm looking to exercise Specmonstah 2 against the following use cases:
- Generating data for unit tests. What to look for:
- Are there surprises?
- Can it handle deeply nested combinations of
relationships? - Does binding work as expected?
- Is it easy to retrieve the views of the specmonstah db needed for a test? For example, if you want to generate 2 Todos for insertion, but a TodoList and a User also get generated, can you access just the Todos with minimal code?
- Generating seed data.
- Can you easily and clearly specify an entire database? For example, can you express "I want to create a db with 3 todo lists belonging to 2 users, where one list has 5 items, one has 1, and one has 0".
- Can you easily tweak the above? For example if you want to create an additional todo list but leave everything else the same, or generate only empty todo lists.
- Progressively generating and mapping a database.
- Does anything unexpected happen if you create an entity database and map over it to perform inserts over multiple calls?