This calculator implements the finest of functions known to human-kind.
Functions implemented:
Mean Absolute Deviation
Standard Deviation
Currently, a CLI is being primarily used for user interaction. However, we have a working prototype GUI.
Running with CLI (allows the interface to be cleared with each interaction, only supported on Windows for now):
- Run "py" in the COMP354-Team-E folder
The recommended IDE is PyCharm as it enables the user to set the root source file directory.
- Clone the repository using
- Open PyCharm
- Click Open in the "Welcome to Pycharm" window or click "File"->"Open"
- Navigate and select the "COMP354-Team-E" folder that was created in step 1
- Click Ok
- Right click the COMP354-Team-E folder in the PyCharm project explorer, "Mark Directory As"->"Sources Root"
- Right click the Functions folder (under the COMP354-Team-E folder) in the PyCharm project explorer, "Mark Directory As"->"Sources Root"
- Click "Run"->"Run...", setup your Python configuration, and choose the to run the project
In order to run unit tests, you must have the following packages available
- pandas
In order to launch the tests,
- Open a terminal and cd to the root of the project
- Run "py"