- Thanks to @morganchen12 and @jwfriese, Quick now displays more informative
error messages when the describe/context/it language is used incorrectly.
For example, `it("foo") { afterEach {} }` will now raise an exception with
the message: "'afterEach' cannot be used inside 'it', 'afterEach' may only be
used inside 'context' or 'describe'."
- Thanks to @paulyoung and @briancroom, Quick may now be installed via the
Swift package manager. See the
[`Package.swift` file](https://github.com/Quick/Quick/blob/master/Package.swift)
file for an example of how to specify a dependency.
- A nasty issue would cause Quick to fail to execute certain tests after the
user ran a specific test via the Xcode test navigator (see
https://github.com/Quick/Quick/issues/373 and
https://github.com/Quick/Quick/issues/439) for details. Thanks to @sharplet,
this issue has been fixed.