TeamUp app is built as a part of our university project that helps students collaborate at university. Students uses TeamUp to create groups which allows them to upload files and have a group chat. To get started, users have to register for an account which will sent an acitvation link to their email address. This was done as a group project in an agile scrum environment on Spring 2017. This project was initially commited to bitbucket but now I have moved this to GitHub as well
- ReactJS, Redux, Express, Passport, Firebase.
- Initially forked opensource reactGo boilerplate and modified accordingly for our project
- ensure Node.js is installed
- clone/download the repo
- on cmd, run,
npm install
- then, run,
npm start
This project was built in a group of 6 as a part of university subject at University of Technology Sydney for 48440 - Software Engineering Practice subject. Scrum methodologies have been used to plan, design, develop,implement and test.