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Deltamodels (The Deltaflow models) provides infrastructure for bridging Deltasimulator with simulated hardware.


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A library of building blocks for your simulation/emulation environemnt. The deltamodels components let you build a simulator with the right combination of speed and internal visibility.

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deltamodels leverages Docker to be cross-platform. Follow docker instructions to set it up for your system.


deltamodels will create a local Docker image the first time you will run a command. Recommended command:

river@lane:~$ make shell

Using deltamodels

You can a peek-around the various blocks (Section What's inside for more details) and run the test-suite via:

river@lane:~$ make tests

What's inside


Logging components. Mainly used for extracting traces and live reports. We strongly rely on spdlog. Please refer to the logging/spdlog/LICENSE for more information on spdlog licensing.


Contains general SystemC models (no-TLM) with (Semi) Accurate Timing representation. Currently we have models for:


General FPGA building blocks:


Blocks for clock generation, buffering etc:

  • clockgen, a SystemC clock generator (divider/multiplier)


Memory blocks (hardware models):

  • flash-N25QX. A quad-spi flash model. Memory is represented as a map to allow data sparsity. Content can be configured via configure_region.

  • generic_sdram. A simple sdram model with additional backdoor interface. The backdoor allows for copy and movement of data intra-memory. Content can be preloaded via configure_region.


Various blocks related to GMII interfacing:


Models of wishbone components:

  • network_helpers. The model of an internal FPGA memory block (BRAM).

  • ork1_instruction_tracer. A SystemC component that converts raw instruction bus accesses (wishbone) back into or1k instructions.

  • ork1_data_tracer. A SystemC component that traces raw (wishbone) data transactions.


Transaction Level Models (TLMs) are in general time-agnostic. Some of them support backpressure to bridge from Timing Accurate to Timing Agnostic approach.


Logic that bridges tlm to other buses and vice-versa:


Contains common reusable blocks, like initiators and glue logic



Contains memories that support the tlm protocol:

  • tlm_rom: implements a read-only memory


Contains routing logic for tlm messages:

  • tlm_router: a router with configurable number of initiators and targets. Address mapping can be configured during initialization.


Contains examples of mixed environment (verilated+systemc) for testing and analysis.

Contributing to deltamodels

To contribute to artiq emulator, follow these steps (and please respect our Code of Conduct:

  • Fork this repository.

  • Create a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>.

  • Have a look at the Code-quality policies and How to add tests sections for information on how we develop

  • Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>'

  • Push to the original branch: git push origin <project_name>/

  • Create the pull request. If in doubt, please do write to [email protected]

How to add tests

In the CMake definitions add an executable via add_executable(name files...) and a optionally link libraries target_link_libraries(name lib1 lib2).

Note: you might have to add include_directories(...) for the #include ... to work.

To add a ctest simply add_test(name executable). The file just need to implement a main call with a return value of 0/not zero and or exceptions.

Code-quality policies

The blocks are tested in a docker container to minimize interface with the user environment. cmake is used to run tests and extract coverage. All the tests (and flags) are defined in the CMakeLists file. If you modify/expand the library, you can check that the tests are passing:

river@lane:~$ make clean
river@lane:~$ make tests
Create new tag: 20200927-1331 - Experimental
Test project /workdir/build
    Start 1: test_wishbone_adapter
1/8 Test #1: test_wishbone_adapter ............   Passed    0.02 sec
    Start 2: test_router_basic
2/8 Test #2: test_router_basic ................   Passed    0.06 sec
    Start 3: test_router_advanced

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 8

That you have sufficient coverage on your block:

river@lane:~$ make clean
river@lane:~$ make coverage
docker exec -w /workdir/build 0b46c45246f2d70ff2f7e4ffbe76d7cc24a199faffcede42c23d7156d6c8581d gcovr -r /workdir  
                           GCC Code Coverage Report
Directory: /workdir
File                                       Lines    Exec  Cover   Missing
                                              81      81   100%   
                                              82      82   100%   
models/clocking/clockgen.hpp                  26      26   100%   
models/clocking/tests/test_clockgen.cpp       32      32   100%   
models/memories/flash/N25QX.hpp               75      75   100%   

TOTAL                                       1636    1297    79%

That you have not introduced memory leaks:

river@lane:~$ make clean
river@lane:~$ make memcheck
docker exec -w /workdir/build 0b46c45246f2d70ff2f7e4ffbe76d7cc24a199faffcede42c23d7156d6c8581d sudo ctest -D ExperimentalMemCheck
   Site: ad94d8080d0f
   Build name: Linux-c++
Create new tag: 20201001-1104 - Experimental
Memory check project /workdir/build
    Start 1: test_wishbone_adapter
1/9 MemCheck #1: test_wishbone_adapter ............   Passed    1.53 sec
    Start 2: test_router_basic
2/9 MemCheck #2: test_router_basic ................   Passed    1.83 sec
    Start 3: test_router_advanced
3/9 MemCheck #3: test_router_advanced .............   Passed    1.85 sec
100% tests passed, 9 tests failed out of 9

Total Test time (real) =  17.13 sec


Please refer to our License for more information


Deltamodels (The Deltaflow models) provides infrastructure for bridging Deltasimulator with simulated hardware.



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