An app showing GitHub user list and user detail.
Display Github user list by table view, showing avatar, login name and STAFF badge.
Enable pagination by parsing next link in response header, and trigger load more in
method. -
Display detailed user page by navigation controller.
Custom UI component for STAFF badge.
MVVM + RxSwift
defines default implementation for sending a network request. -
is responsible for fetching user data from the GitHub API, and return Observable type for ViewModel. -
use enum and its associate type to construct HTTP method, URL path, headers and parameters for each API case.
represents a GitHub user in List users API. -
represents a detailed user information in Get a user API.
use UITableView to display user list. -
consists of UILabel, UIImageView, UIStackView, displaying detailed information of user. -
is a custom UI component written in programming UI. Seperating this view from UITableViewCell or UIViewController enhances reusability. -
Use auto layout and XIB files to set UI constraints, which is beneficial for understanding the layout of the interface.
Other UI settings, like font and text color, are written in code, providing a better way to rebranding or debug.
Each view model has Inputs and Outputs type.
protocol ListUserViewModelType { var inputs: ListUserViewModelInputs { get } var outputs: ListUserViewModelOutputs { get } }
View model is responsible for translate inputs from view controller into outputs as observable.
/// Inputs for the `ListUserViewModel`. protocol ListUserViewModelInputs { /// Called when the view controller is loaded. func viewDidLoad() /// Called when more users need to be loaded. func loadMore() }
/// Outputs for the `ListUserViewModel`. protocol ListUserViewModelOutputs { /// A relay for the list of GitHub users. var userListRelay: BehaviorRelay<[GitHubUser]> { get } /// A relay for errorMessage. var errorRelay: PublishRelay<String> { get } }
Each view model has interactor(s) to perform HTTP request. The interactor defined by protocol is injected when initiation. In this way, we can use mock interactor in unit test.
init(interactor: UserInteractorProtocol) { self.interactor = interactor }
Client (Mobile) → view → view model inputs → trigger interactor method → call GitHub REST API → response parsed to custom model → view model outputs → update UI
These tests cover various aspects of the application, including extensions and view model functionality.
validates ListViewModel's behavior when fetching user list and loading more users from the GitHub API. It also tests the extraction of next link from API response headers. -
validates DetailViewModel's behavior when retrieving and handling user details from the GitHub API. -
verifies the functionality of the String extension used to extract the next link from a GitHub API link header. -
verifies that the endpoint paths and parameters for fetching user lists and user details are correctly set.
RxSwfit for data flow and data binding.
RxDataSources as table view data source.
RxAlamofire as HTTP networking library.
Kingfisher for downloading and caching images from the web.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
See the LICENSE file for more info.