- San Diego, CA
- https://www.scotttorborg.com
- @storborg
- @[email protected]
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Cubesat Space Protocol - A small network-layer delivery protocol designed for Cubesats
Credit card-sized, USB-powered 4 quadrant source-measure unit hardware and firmware
Spectrum analyzer for multiple SDR platforms (PyQtGraph based GUI for soapy_power, hackrf_sweep, rtl_power, rx_power and other backends)
Wireshark-compatible all-channel BLE sniffer for bladeRF, with wideband Bluetooth sniffing for HackRF and USRP
Glaucus is a PyTorch complex-valued ML autoencoder & RF estimation python module.
DeepSqueak v3: Using Machine Vision to Accelerate Bioacoustics Research
Android application powering the mirror in my house
Flakes is an Admin Template Framework. A combination of CSS Libraries, JavaScript Libraries and Design files that help you build business tools very quickly.
A cross-platform, linkable library implementation of Git that you can use in your application.
[DEPRECATED] A general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers.
Tutorial on how to structure Python packages
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Safely pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back.
Python import tracking/logging for profiling. Doesn't actually work.
HandlerSocket is a NoSQL plugin for MySQL, working as a daemon inside the mysqld process, to accept tcp connections, and execute requests from clients. HandlerSocket does not support SQL queries; i…