Bazzite-Arch is a ready-to-game Arch Linux based OCI designed for use exclusively in distrobox. It is part of the Bazzite project and is used for running Steam, Lutris, and Protontricks in the desktop images. It may also be used on any Linux distributon by following the usage section below.
For AMD/Intel GPU systems:
distrobox create -i -n bazzite-arch
For Nvidia GPU systems:
distrobox create -i -n bazzite-arch --nvidia
Once the image has been created, you may optionally export the pre-installed applications to your host operating system using the following:
distrobox-enter -n bazzite-arch -- ' distrobox-export --app steam'
distrobox-enter -n bazzite-arch -- ' distrobox-export --app lutris'
distrobox-enter -n bazzite-arch -- ' distrobox-export --app protontricks'
mkdir -p ~/.steam
distrobox-enter -n bazzite-arch -- ' distrobox-export --bin /usr/bin/steamcmd --export-path ~/.steam'
mv ~/.steam/steamcmd ~/.steam/
For desktop environments other than KDE, you may want to change the xdg-desktop-portal package. The command below will switch Bazzite-Arch to xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
distrobox-enter -n bazzite-arch -- ' sudo pacman -Rnsdd xdg-desktop-portal-kde --noconfirm && sudo pacman -S xdg-desktop-portal-gnome --noconfirm'
On AMD systems you can add ROCm GPU Compute with the following:
distrobox-enter -n bazzite-arch -- ' sudo pacman -S rocm-opencl-runtime rocm-hip-runtime --noconfirm'
Bazzite-Arch ships with paru pre-installed, and comes with a modified xdg-utils that allows the container to open your host operating system's web browsers and file explorer.
These images are signed with sisgstore's cosign. You can verify the signature by downloading the
key from this repo and running the following command:
cosign verify --key