Developer: @straight-tamago
- App Launcher
- EdgeLight
- Fake Dynamic Island
- ShortcutsMenu
- SnowFall
- Notification History (Comming Soon)
- MultiTask (Testing)
Some more features will be added. Please look forward to it ❤️
Note that the final product will be free.
Please send any bug reports or requests to my DM!
You can receive updates here. Updated very frequently Please check regularly
Cannot be redistributed. If you did it would only make me sad.
- Added Fake Dynamic Island
- BugFix
- The Menu button will now only be visible when you open AppLauncher.
- nowFall is here! (Snow falls on the home screen)
- Added an option to adjust EdgeLight thickness (To enter the EdgeLight settings screen, press and hold EdgeLight in the menu.)
@straight-tamago Please use the tool responsibly and ensure you follow all precautions to avoid any issues!
- @khanhduytran0
- @tyler10290 - icon