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Tags: stratosphereips/Manati



Toggle v0.12.2a's commit message

* Fix all hotkeys


Toggle v0.12.1a's commit message


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Merge pull request #24 from Piuliss/master



Toggle v0.12.0a's commit message

* IoCs DB: now every time that the user uploads/edits a analysis session
 (weblog/netflow/ another logs),
the system will update automatically the verdicts of the rows (IoC).
First it gets all the IoC of the session,
compares with its IoC DB and update the rows' verdict. This functionality also works for non-save
* every time that the user places a verdict, the domain IoC (for now) of given row is updated.
A history register is created too.


Toggle v0.11.1a's commit message

fixing 2 bugs #17 #16:
  * Saving user profile details redirects to non existent page
  * Filters not working


Toggle v0.11.0a's commit message

* general JS refactoring, now it uses JS-ES6
* adding netflows viewer
* minor bugs fixed
* adding links for IP Profile logic.


Toggle list's commit message
Merge branch 'feature/netflows_viewer' into develop


Toggle v0.10.0a's commit message

* Adding settings for heroku deployment
* Minor change in config/ Removing urls that we are not using and adding a routing http://localhost:8000/ or https://<YOUR-DOMAIN>/
* Fixing bug with the user logout the page, it was wrong redirected. Now it is going to the login page.
* Fixing bugs related with the new structured files
* Adding library **bat** for processing BRO files. For now it is in the requirements/test.txt, for testing env. We will see if we will need it
in another place of the system.
* Adding testing settings and one unitest for the AnalysisSession model. Now, there are two method,
one for testing the creation process of one analysis session with cisco type files and another one for  BRO http.log file case.
For running the test is just necessary to use the console and execute **pytest**. The pytest.ini is already configured
* Adding example (docs/example_weblogs) of BRO file and Apache file
* Adding badges in README file


Toggle v0.9.2a's commit message

* Adding function when the users wants to remove an analysis session, the action will be enqueued, sometimes the
analysis session is huge and it takes time to be removed.
* Adding permission to user when it creates an analysis session
* Check permission to remove a analysis session
* adding support for Apache weblogs files. In essence ManaTI can support any kind of structured file


Toggle v0.9.0a's commit message

* NEW FILES STRUCTURE - it is based in the book ([Cookiecutter Django](
  and the book ([Two Scoops of Django 1.11]( 😍
* Production settings with the new structure were not tested yet. Maybe running ManaTI in production mode can fail 😐😐
* Fixing bug the labelled weblogs in the table were updated but sync was not working properly and the bulk labelling
  were not reflecting and the server was still receiving request to label the same weblog
* Fixing when a new user is created, it has not access to editing profile.
* README file was updated
* Minor change in docker-compose settings
* The directory **/example_weblogs**, which contains several weblog files examples, it was move into **/docs**
* Adding .env.example and .env-docker.example files
* Adding management command **createsuperuser2**. It is equal to **createsuperuser** but now you can add parameters
  instead of using console inputs


Toggle v0.8.2's commit message

* fixing bug reported by @garanews. When the user is using BRO splitted files ManaTI was not detecting correctly the
* Fixing a bug when the user is creating a new analysis session, it upload a weblog file and after that, upload
  another one, the table was not created properly and a popup was displayed showing some errors with the columns.
* minor changes