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Tags: streamich/json-joy



Toggle v17.30.0's commit message
chore(release): 17.30.0 [skip ci]

# [17.30.0](v17.29.1...v17.30.0) (2025-03-08)

### Bug Fixes

* 🐛 correctsion for generics in Block and Fragment ([76e28d8](76e28d8))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🐛 correctly strip first split marker ([2259621](2259621))

### Features

* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 add generics to Fragment and Block classes ([95ae714](95ae714))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 add initial PeritextDataTransfer implementation ([88a2460](88a2460))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 cleanly merge blocks on paste ([44afc93](44afc93))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 ignore empty inline tags ([7a14aff](7a14aff))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 implement data transfer HTML import functionality ([a9d6bd0](a9d6bd0))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 improve html parsing to Peritext format ([1246cd6](1246cd6))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 report import string length ([bb6eb54](bb6eb54))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 treat "_" character as letter in word selection ([0d47b44](0d47b44))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 add cleanup section to selection floating menu ([0c04d08](0c04d08))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 add clipboard buffer events interfaces ([f13c506](f13c506))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 add event emitters for all clipboard events ([13b6828](13b6828))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 cleanup rich text clipboard implementation ([38dd466](38dd466))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 correct rich-text copy implementation ([0d08117](0d08117))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 create modify menu and add clipboard menu ([609e37d](609e37d))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 disable inline toolbar on blur ([7771770](7771770))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 expose many export formats ([7d4f70f](7d4f70f))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 expose state through prop ([fd03c88](fd03c88))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 generalize "Copy as ..." and "Cut as ..." menu ([d4926d2](d4926d2))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 harden plain text clipboard write implementation ([465d7f7](465d7f7))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 implement basic copy-to-clipboard button ([147cf18](147cf18))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 implement clipboard facade ([6085fa3](6085fa3))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 implement copy as HTML functionality ([c29823e](c29823e))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 implement DOM "copy" and "cut" events ([e58b3d0](e58b3d0))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 implement HTML export using data transfer class ([1cfd8ba](1cfd8ba))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 implement Markdown data transfer ([ee65e46](ee65e46))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 implement synchronous copyt-to-clipboard method ([dd34387](dd34387))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 implement text-only copy event ([5e5efc1](5e5efc1))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 implement text-only paste ([dca97ea](dca97ea))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve "Copy as ..." context menu ([54d4f36](54d4f36))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve clipboard export types ([9810c0b](9810c0b))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve clipboard interface ([372a1d7](372a1d7))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve HTML export and import ([a66038c](a66038c))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve paste context menu ([6e717e8](6e717e8))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve paste event handling ([19cd530](19cd530))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 move cursor after "paste" event ([0c0f7ad](0c0f7ad))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 setup "cut" event ([82258bf](82258bf))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 setup clipboard event implementation ([b2f895c](b2f895c))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 setup codebase for paste events ([570baa8](570baa8))


Toggle v17.29.1's commit message
chore(release): 17.29.1 [skip ci]

## [17.29.1](v17.29.0...v17.29.1) (2025-02-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **json-crdt:** 🐛 return specific type from getSnapshot() ([17aaefe](17aaefe))


Toggle v17.29.0's commit message
chore(release): 17.29.0 [skip ci]

# [17.29.0](v17.28.0...v17.29.0) (2025-02-15)

### Features

* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 add math block annotation ([437b16a](437b16a))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 add methods for inline attributes ([f1edc12](f1edc12))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 add overline inline formatting support ([f3070a5](f3070a5))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 enable actions in floating menu ([e8a5298](e8a5298))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve <del> inline formatting styling ([973ec8e](973ec8e))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve <spoiler> inline tag rendering ([3dccf69](3dccf69))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve caret visibility on dark background ([b9a2154](b9a2154))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve styling of <ins> formatting ([bf0388b](bf0388b))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 make highlight selection visible ([26d5b47](26d5b47))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 make inline <code> background color dynamic ([1098198](1098198))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 render <kbd> inline annotation ([97f9f3a](97f9f3a))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 use inline element positions to correctly render <code> ([1f86092](1f86092))


Toggle v17.28.0's commit message
chore(release): 17.28.0 [skip ci]

# [17.28.0](v17.27.0...v17.28.0) (2025-02-14)

### Features

* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 add bolding action ([fca722a](fca722a))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 add cooldown for disable status when floating menu appears ([9998a33](9998a33))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 add dependency list to timeout hook ([da73151](da73151))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 advance on facus selection floating toobar ([6c70a7e](6c70a7e))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 delay showing floating menus ([2fc72c5](2fc72c5))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 do not change cursor position when editor blurred ([736d8e8](736d8e8))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 do not emite change event if old value strictly same ([c221a77](c221a77))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 do not show focus floating menu when scrubbing ([50a5cfb](50a5cfb))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 do not show focus floating menu while mouse down ([8b1c7b1](8b1c7b1))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 hide floating menu when focus blurred ([621e4d2](621e4d2))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve caret toolbar event tracking ([26ccfab](26ccfab))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve on floating menus ([8b4afde](8b4afde))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve toolbar state management ([549253e](549253e))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 introduce Peritext rendering surface API abstraction ([ae4926d](ae4926d))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 make mouse down state reactive ([cf05b3a](cf05b3a))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 modularize the timeout component ([dfbfa9c](dfbfa9c))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 re-focus on item click ([d7b4fae](d7b4fae))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 setup selection above-focus rendering ([478ed93](478ed93))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 start focus floating menu implementation ([89b4956](89b4956))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 track state of caret visibility ([5f98238](5f98238))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 update nice-ui dependency ([8649c71](8649c71))


Toggle v17.27.0's commit message
chore(release): 17.27.0 [skip ci]

# [17.27.0](v17.26.1...v17.27.0) (2025-02-14)

### Features

* 🎸 bump sonic-forest dependency ([525a050](525a050))


Toggle v17.26.1's commit message
chore(release): 17.26.1 [skip ci]

## [17.26.1](v17.26.0...v17.26.1) (2025-02-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **json-patch-ot:** bug when transforming str_del with len ([9d4102b](9d4102b))
* **json-patch:** create deep copy of "replace" operation value ([e84449b](e84449b))


Toggle v17.26.0's commit message
chore(release): 17.26.0 [skip ci]

# [17.26.0](v17.25.0...v17.26.0) (2025-01-18)

### Features

* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 add more slice types ([ee4081b](ee4081b))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 create a class for storing peritext surface data ([f8255f5](f8255f5))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve event handling ([84ddd8a](84ddd8a))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 improve inline menu presentation logic ([ddb032b](ddb032b))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 make DOM controller optional ([b9d73b0](b9d73b0))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 position caret floating menu ([874bced](874bced))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 restructure dependencies to explicitly construct events ([54f0d22](54f0d22))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 start inline menu incorporation ([8a19a6f](8a19a6f))
* **json-crdt-peritext-ui:** 🎸 use the new surface context state value ([a14f2aa](a14f2aa))
* **json-crdt:** 🎸 issue demo ([d022015](d022015))


Toggle v17.25.0's commit message
chore(release): 17.25.0 [skip ci]

# [17.25.0](v17.24.0...v17.25.0) (2025-01-06)

### Bug Fixes

* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🐛 improve how block elements are imported ([9954c69](9954c69))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🐛 skip first empty virtual block ([b257f2e](b257f2e))

### Features

* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 harden HTML import ([594ed9a](594ed9a))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 import Markdown import ([f117025](f117025))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 improve HTML import ([b142e28](b142e28))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 improve HTML import ([a05b09b](a05b09b))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 improve slice registry typing ([acfe769](acfe769))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 improve slice type def types ([7248c8c](7248c8c))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 populate registry with inline slice types ([5196bd6](5196bd6))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 progress on type registry implementation ([d239803](d239803))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 use registry in HTML import ([4888ee5](4888ee5))


Toggle v17.24.0's commit message
chore(release): 17.24.0 [skip ci]

# [17.24.0](v17.23.0...v17.24.0) (2024-12-22)

### Bug Fixes

* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🐛 correctly compute annotations endpoints in import() ([35f6df2](35f6df2))

### Features

* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 at import do not include ABS start in annotation range ([b344e14](b344e14))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 export only saved slices ([86d051e](86d051e))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 implement block split import ([3d21330](3d21330))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 make sure annotation end point is never ABS end ([6bd882e](6bd882e))


Toggle v17.23.0's commit message
chore(release): 17.23.0 [skip ci]

# [17.23.0](v17.22.0...v17.23.0) (2024-12-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🐛 improve framment block and inline element trancation ([716589c](716589c))

### Features

* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 implement export to HTML ([ae57070](ae57070))
* **json-crdt-extensions:** 🎸 improve iteration over markers in the Overlay class ([2eaa85d](2eaa85d))