Standalone minimal XLSX editing library in erlang.
Xlerl allows to quickly edit any XLSX file. Data is unpacked with zip and internal XML files are parsed and written with xmerl.
This library was built with the simple requirement of editing existing xlsx templates by reading and writing in arbitrary cells on arbitrary sheets.
- Open the xlsx zip file parsing ALL xml elements with xmerl.
- Read single cells
- Write single cells
- Export the edited XML back into a zip file
Parse, read, write and then export.
Filename = "spreadsheets.xlsx",
{ok, Binary} = file:read_file(Filename),
% Parse
{ok, Xlsx} = xlerl:parse({Filename, Binary}),
% You get a map of the whole zip, like:
% #{InternalFilenamePath := XmerlParsedContent} = Xlsx,
% Read
V = case xlerl:read("MySheet", "A", "1", Xlsx) of
empty -> 0.0;
{error,E} -> error(E);
V -> V
% Write
NewXlsx = xlerl:write("MySheet", "A", "1", V + 1.0, Xlsx),
% Export and recreate the zip
{ok, {Filename, NewBinary}} = xlerl:render(Filename, NewXlsx),
file:write_file(Filename, NewBinary),