This is the repo of the little "theJournalino" bot that unfortunately cannot be verified by discord because of "trust and safety" concerns bounded to the articles being scraped from google and sent straight to the server. This means that (hypothetically speaking) the bot could send gore/porn images into the server without being able to check it.
This is just my assumption as discord, for obvious "safety reasons", cannot share the real reason with me.
For the reason above, TheJournalino is doomed to never be able to join more than 100 guilds (servers).
I'll keep the bot up and running for as long as I can.
Thanks for your understanding. <3
discord_token=1234512345123451234512345123451234512345 news_api_apikey=fsdjkdfssdfsdffnw980sdfa9u8kjrerer9jnw980seredfrdfa9u8kj9jnw980ergggsdfu8kj
#db db_guilds_conn_string="mongodb+srv://thejournalino:[email protected]/?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
db_guilds_name=news discord_application_id=1234567891234567891 discord_admin_guild=1234567891234567891 discord_log_channel_id=1234567891234567891 discord_log_suggestion_channel_id=1234567891234567891 discord_log_promo_channel_id=1234567891234567891