A demultiplexer for SysFate Illumina spatial transcriptomic.
require arguments:
--f1 file1
The fastq file 1 you want analyse. (It can be compress with extension .gz)
--f2 file2
The fastq file 2 you want analyse. (It can be compress with extension .gz)
--coor coordinate
TSV file who contain coordinates code with nucleique barcode
--pos position
TSV file who contain coordinates code with their position in the grid
-g genome, --genome genome
Aligner genome index path
--gtf gtf
GTF file to use with feature count
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--version Show program's version number and exit
-n name, --name name You can give a name for your analyse. By default the software use the begin date.
-o outdir, --out outdir Folder where send files (default: .)
--tmp tmp Folder who contain temporary files (default: /tmp)
--guibson guibson Sequences guibson (default: ACATTGAAGAACCTGTAGATAACTCGCTGT)
-G guibsonE, --guibsonE guibsonE
Guibson error accepted (default: 1)
-B barcodeE, --barcodeE barcodeE
Barcode error accepted (default: 1)
--polyTE polyTE PolyT error accepted (default: 1)
-c core, --core core Number of core the software can use (default: 1)
--polyTSizeMin polyTSizeMin
Size min for a polyT (default: 12)
--nopolytsearch If you don't want validate the research with polyT (default: False)
--trimSequence trimSequence
After the UMI, what do you want trim ? A fix number of base or a specific sequence. By default, trim the polyT as you config before (default: )
--noUMIsearch If you don't want research UMI (default: False)
-a aligner, --aligner aligner
This is the aligner command. You can write what you want if the __file1__, __file2__, __genome__ is provide and the output is configured to send the results in __outputSam__. (default: bowtie2 --reorder --very-sensitive -p __core__ -x __genome__ -1 __file1__ -2 __file2__ -S __outputSam__)
-q quantifier, --quantifier quantifier
This is the read quantifier command. You can write what you want if the __GTF__, __feature__ is provide and the output is configured to send the results in __out__. (default: featureCounts -T __core__ -F GTF -t __feature__ -s 0 -a __GTF__ -o __out__)
--feature feature Feature use during the read quantifier in your file separate by a comma (default: exon,transcript)
--decompress decompress
Command use to decompress fastq files (default: pigz -dc)
--dev Keep all temporar datas (default: False)
Author | STUDER Francois (Github) |
Author | MOEHLIN Julien (Github, Gitlab) |
Author | MENDOZA PARRA Marco (Github) |
Team | SysFate |
[email protected] |
For each sequence of all two files:
- SysISTD searches for gibson sequences with a regex query. This library allows to define the number of errors to be accepted within the regexpression.
- Search the two barcode before and after the guibson and verify them good orientation
- After the validation of the sequence, it align all positions
- Launch the quantification of each gene with feature count and create a coordinate matrix with all genes