Queries a MySQL database and sends the results to a Google Spreadsheet
PHP 5.6
MySQL 5.5
Run Composer on the project folder to download the Google API libs
composer install
Change the config.ini.php file to suit your environment
Add an SQL query to the script.sql file
Download the JSON file from Google API console containing the authentication information for a service account
Run the index.php file
/path/to/php /path/to/index.php
Either run the /path/to/php /path/to/index.php manually and check the console output or send the output to a log file: /path/to/php /path/to/index.php > /path/to/log.txt
Go to https://console.developers.google.com
Create a project
Enable the Google Sheets API at the Dashboard
Go to Credentials
Click Create credentials -> Service account key
Define an account name and select JSON as the key type
Define the role as Project->Service Account Actor
After you finish the JSON file is downloaded automatically
Remember to move the JSON file to the project folder and share the sheet with read/write permissions to the service account you just created