Intelligence for Kubernetes. World's most promising Kubernetes Visualization Tool for Developer and Platform Engineering teams.
Correlates serviceaccounts and pods to the permissions granted to them via rolebindings and clusterrolesbindings.
Monitor linux processes without root permissions
Apple Store iPhone 15 Pro 预约助手
lancetw / ebook-1
Forked from jyfc/ebookA collection of classic computer science books from Internet
awesome cloud security 收集一些国内外不错的云安全资源,该项目主要面向国内的安全人员
Linux/Windows post-exploitation framework made by linux user
Laf is a vibrant cloud development platform that provides essential tools like cloud functions, databases, and storage solutions. It enables developers to quickly unleash their creativity and bring…
文件快递柜-匿名口令分享文本,文件,像拿快递一样取文件(FileCodeBox - File Express Cabinet - Anonymous Passcode Sharing Text, Files, Like Taking Express Delivery for Files)
A toy compiler that can convert Python scripts 🐍 to pickle bytecode 🥒
GTFOBins is a curated list of Unix binaries that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems
MxsDoc is a web based document storage and management system
jas502n / pkexec-CVE-2021-4034
Forked from berdav/CVE-2021-4034CVE-2021-4034 1day
MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license.
GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang
Nuclei is a fast, customizable vulnerability scanner powered by the global security community and built on a simple YAML-based DSL, enabling collaboration to tackle trending vulnerabilities on the …
[WIP] 整理过去的分享,从零开始的Kubernetes攻防 🧐
小宇宙 App 广场组件,带惯性运动的二维矩阵卡片列表 UI,自定义 LayoutManager + SnapHelper