nnf is a neural network framework coded in C++ that allows for easy creation and training of neural networks. Supporting CSV it can be used to train most datasets. Although not being the best framework for machine learning, it is can be used for small neural networks and serves greately for educational purposes. There are a set of models that come with nnf in the models folder.
Example: (binary adder)
int main(){
Matrix D("datasets/adder.csv");
Dataset data(&D, 1.00f, 3);
Matrix Layers(1, 3);
Layers[0][0] = 3; Layers[0][1] = 3; Layers[0][2] = 2;
NN neuralnet(&Layers, &data, 0.051f);
neuralnet.train(1000000, 8);
Finish implementing XOR- CMAKE
Add forward function in matrix.hppStart working on nn classImplement Backprop algorithm in nn classImplement datasets, and a way to import datasets- Implement more loss functions
Implement MNIST- Implement softmax derivative properly
Implement softmax with entropy loss rule- Start working on convolutional nets
- Implement Tensors (Total Redo)
- Make way to share datasets and models
Add more optimisation techniques (Regularization)- Implements RNNs